Ryerss family

Name Entries



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Ryerss family

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Ryerss family


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Biographical History

"A descendant of Nicholas Waln, one of the original Pennsylvania settlers who came to Philadelphia with William Penn on the Welcome in 1682, Joseph Waln Ryerss built his opulent summer retreat, Burholme, on 85 acres in 1859. Like his Waln ancestors, Joseph continued the family penchant for acquiring exotic objects from the orient, with the newly constructed Burholme serving as a worthy setting. When Joseph died in 1868 he willed Burholme to his son Robert Waln Ryerss [1831-1896], a lawyer. Robert also loved to travel and collected more treasures to be displayed at Burholme. Eight months before he died at the age of 65, Robert shocked Philadelphia society by marrying his housekeeper of many years, Mary Ann Reed.

"Childless, Robert left Mary Ann a comfortable annuity and Burholme for her lifetime. Mary Ann traveled around the world and continued to collect objects for the museum. The will stipulated that upon Mary Ann's death the estate was to be turned over to the city of Philadelphia to be used as a park, library and museum "free to the public." Robert Ryerss also provided for the purchase of new books and maintenance of the house and grounds."

Mary Ann turned the property over to the administration of the City of Philadelphia Fairmount Park Commission in 1905, and the Ryerss Museum and Library opened to the public in 1910. Mary Ann remarried to Episcopal Reverend John G. Bawn, and the couple remained involved in preparing and developing the museum. They traveled extensively to collect new items for its displays, and it was on such a collecting mission in China that Mary Ann died in 1916.


Ryerss Museum and Library. "History." Accessed January 27, 2012. http://ryerssmuseum.org/history1.html

From the guide to the Ryerss family papers, 1758-1931, (Ryerss Museum and Library)



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Collectors and collecting




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Northeast Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pa.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Philadelphia (Pa.)

as recorded (not vetted)


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