Born in Victoria, British Columbia in 1890 the daughter of Seymour and Harriet Jackson Going, Chase Going Woodhouse received a B.A. (1912) and M.A. (Economics, 1913) from McGill University . She studied for her Ph.D. at the University of Berlin (Germany, 1913-1914) and the University of Chicago (1915-1916) and was named a Fellow in Political Economy at the University of Chicago in 1917. Married that same year to Edward James Woodhouse, she accepted a position at Smith College, where she taught from 1917 until 1925. After three years as a Senior Economist of the Division of Economics of the Bureau of Home Economics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (1925-1928), Woodhouse returned to academia as the Director of Personnel, Woman's College, at the University of North Carolina (1928-1934). In 1934, she accepted the position of Professor economics at Connecticut College, a position she held for ten years. From 1941-1943 she also served as the Secretary of the State of Connecticut and published a book, The Big Store, in 1943. Woodhouse was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1945 and served two terms (1945-1947, 1949-1951). For much of the remainder of her career she served as the Director of the Auerbach Women's Service Bureau (1945-1981). Chase Going Woodhouse died in 1984 after a lifetime of dedicated public service.
1890Born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Daughter of Seymour and Harriet Jackson Going.19071908Student at Science Hill School, Shelbyville, Kentucky.1912B.A. McGill University, Canada.1913M.A. Economics, McGill University, Canada.19131914Doctoral student at University of Berlin, Germany.19151916Doctoral student at University of Chicago.1917Fellow in Political Economy at the University of Chicago. Married Edward James Woodhouse, Professor of Government.19171918Assistant Professor of Economics at Smith College.1918Associate Professor of Economics at Smith College.19201925Professor of Economics at Smith College.1921Son, Noel Robert Seymour Woodhouse, born.1925Daughter, Margaret Wark Woodhouse, born.19251928Senior Economist of the Division of Economics of the Bureau of Home Economics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.19281934Director of Personnel, Woman's College, University of North Carolina.19281944Established and directed the Institute of Women's Professional Relations.19341944Professor of Economics at Connecticut College.19411943Secretary of the State of Connecticut (Democrat)1943Resumed teaching at Connecticut College; published The Big Store.19451947Representative of the Second District (eastern) of Connecticut to the U.S. House of Representatives.19451981Director, Auerbach Women's Service Bureau.19461947Director, Women's Division, National Democratic Committee.19491951Second term as representative of the Second District of Connecticut to the U.S. House of Representatives.19591963Executive Committee, Connecticut Mental Health Association.1960Delegate to the U.S. Conference on Children and Youth.19601971Sprague (CT) Planning and Zoning Commission.19611966Executive Committee, National Council for Community Service to International Visitors; President (1965).1962Governor's Committee on LibrariesGovernor's Committee on a Branch of the University in Southeastern CT.19621965State Advisory Committee on Unemployment Compensation.19621969New England Governor's Research Committee.19631965Board of Directors, Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies. Steering Committee, Connecticut Mental Health Planning Project. Advisory Council to State Board of Mental Health.19631973Board of Directors, Southeastern Connecticut Regional Planning Agency.19641974Executive Committee, National Mental Health Association.1965Delegate, State Constitutional Convention.19651966Governor's Clean Water Task Force.19651971Chair, Sprague Planning and Zoning Commission.19661967Chair, Governor's Commission on the Status of Women.19681971Eastern Connecticut Resource, Conservation and Development Commission.19691970Connecticut Commission on Housing and New Communities. Connecticut Commission to Plan a Department of Human Services.19701971Steering Committee, Governor's Committee on Environmental Policy.1972Expectation Study Group, Comprehensive Health Planning, HEW.1973Winslow Award, Connecticut Public Health Association.19731980Permanent Commission on the Status of Women.1974Outstanding Leadership Award in the International Visitors Program, U.S. State Department. Public Service Award, Connecticut Bar Association.1975Connecticut Humanities Council.Chair, Commission on Connecticut's Future.Chair, Task Force on Housing.1981Distinguished Service Award, Connecticut Magazine.1982Ella T. Grasso Award for Outstanding Service to the State.1984New Canaan, CTNew CanaanDied in New Canaan, CTHonorary Degrees:Albertus Magnus CollegeAlfred UniversityAllegheny CollegeConnecticut CollegeSt. Joseph's CollegeUniversity of HartfordPublications:The Big StoreLegal Rights of ChildrenFrom the guide to the Chase Going Woodhouse Papers., undated, 1900-1984., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center .)