Toward A Fair Michigan (Organization)

Name Entries



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Toward A Fair Michigan (Organization)

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Toward A Fair Michigan (Organization)


Exist Dates

Biographical History

Nonprofit organization formed in 2005 to open dialogue and increase citizen participation in the debate on Proposal 2, the ballot initiative that ended affirmative action in Michigan; dissolved in 2008.

From the description of Toward A Fair Michigan visual materials. 2005-2006. (University of Michigan). WorldCat record id: 316863099

Toward A Fair Michigan (TAFM) was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization formed in February 2005 in the midst of growing public debate around Proposal 2, a ballot initiative which sought to ban affirmative action and the use of preferences in decisions regarding public employment, education, and contracting. Based in East Lansing, TAFM was co-founded by Dr. William Barclay Allen, former Commissioner of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and Barbara Grutter, lead plaintiff in the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court case (Grutter v. Bollinger) which upheld the University of Michigan Law School's use of affirmative action in its admissions policy.

While both Grutter and Allen favored the enactment of Proposal 2, TAFM sought to rise above partisan politics and further the public's understanding of equal opportunity issues in Michigan by promoting a civil and open exchange of views on affirmative action. To this end, TAFM organized a series of public forums leading up to November 2006 in which proponents and opponents of Proposal 2 debated the important legal and social issues at stake in the election. Other TAFM activities included filing an amicus brief to support the ballot initiative process, publication of resource and reference materials related to affirmative action preferences, and production of the video documentary "Where Do You Stand?"

Following the passage of Proposal 2, TAFM adopted a new programmatic focus with the launch of ANCORE ("A New Conversation on Race and Ethnicity"). In this phase, TAFM also sought to publicize and promote steps taken to implement Proposal 2 and encourage state and local governments to adhere to the letter and spirit of the 2006 election decision. To accomplish these goals, the group conducted a survey of affirmative action-based discrimination in Michigan, monitored compliance with the new amendment, and unsuccessfully petitioned the U.S. District Court to block a constitutional challenge to Proposal 2. In an effort spearheaded by Carol Allen, TAFM also compiled and wrote Ending Racial Preferences: The Michigan Story (2008), an account of its genesis and the struggle against affirmative action preferences in Michigan and other states where similar initiatives have been passed. On October 22, 2008, the TAFM board voted to dissolve the corporation and transfer its financial assets to the Center for Individual Rights.

From the guide to the Toward A Fair Michigan records, 2005-2008, (Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan)



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Affirmative action programs

Affirmative action programs

Political campaigns

Constitutional amendments

Constitutional amendments






Legal Statuses



as recorded (not vetted)



as recorded (not vetted)


Convention Declarations

General Contexts

Structure or Genealogies


Identity Constellation Identifier(s)
