Inter Tribal Council of Arizona

Name Entries



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Inter Tribal Council of Arizona

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Name :

Inter Tribal Council of Arizona


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Biographical History

The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona was established in 1952 to provide a united voice for tribal governments located in the State of Arizona to address common issues and concerns. On July 9, 1975, the council established a private, non-profit corporation, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA), under the laws of the State of Arizona to promote Indian self-reliance through public policy development. ITCA provides an independent capacity to obtain, analyze, and disseminate information vital to Indian community self-development.

The members of ITCA are the highest elected tribal officials: tribal chairpersons, presidents, and governors. These representatives are in the best position to have a comprehensive view of the conditions and needs of the Indian communities they represent. As a group, the tribal leaders represent governments that have a shared historical experience. Consequently, the tribes have a common governmental status as well as similar relationships with federal and state governments. ITCA is governed by a Board of Directors composed of Presidents, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The work of ITCA staff and consultants is carried out under the direction and supervision of John R. Lewis, Executive Director and Alberta C. Tippeconnic, Assistant Director.

ITCA operates more than 20 projects and employs a staff of 50 to provide on-going technical assistance and training to tribal governments in program planning and development, research and data collection, resource development, management, and evaluation. In addition, the staff of ITCA organizes and conducts seminars, workshops, conferences, and public hearings to facilitate participation of tribal leaders in the formulation of public policy at all levels. The goal of ITCA and its commitment to the member tribes is to ensure the self-determination of Indian tribal governments through their participation in the development of the policies and programs that affect their lives.

Source: Website of Inter Tribal Council

From the guide to the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona Records, 1954-1987, (Arizona State University Libraries Labriola Center)



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Convention Declarations


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