Thorn, Alice E

Name Entries



Name Entries *

Thorn, Alice E

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Name :

Thorn, Alice E


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Biographical History

Biography / Administrative History

The United Campus Christian Ministry (UCCM) at San Jose State University cycled through periods of intense activity that were followed by periods of disinterest during its 29 year history.

Beginning as a Presbyterian effort in 1956, the organization was joined by the Episcopal, Lutheran, Congregational, and Disciples of Christ denominations during the following year. Soon the Baptists, United Church of Christ, and Methodists also joined the group. The UCCM incorporated the Campus Christian Center in 1961.

During the mid-sixties, the UCCM became part of the United Ministries in Higher Education (UMHE). This period is considered the Golden Era of Campus ministry with high student involvement, Civil Rights activity, debates over the Vietnam War, and other social justice issues. By the end of the decade the UCCM was at a low ebb due to changes in personnel and student interest.

Under the dynamic leadership of Pete Koopman and Natalie Shiras in 1970s and 1980s the participation grew once again at the UCCM through a number of programs and events including fundraisers, auctions, breakfasts, dinners, lectures, Hungerfest, and others. During the 1990s the ecumenical partnership that had been developed became frayed and denominations drew back from funding the campus ministry. With no money for the repair of the campus center and little support for the ongoing operation, the decision was made to sell it to the Catholic Diocese of San Jose in 1997. The UCCM struggled for a few more years and ceased operation in late 2000.

From the guide to the United Campus Christian Ministry, San Jose State University, 1953-2001, (bulk 1969-1998), (The Graduate Theological Union. Library.)



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Church work with students




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