Dayton Contemporary Dance Company

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Dayton Contemporary Dance Company

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Dayton Contemporary Dance Company


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Biographical History

In 1949, Josephine Schwarz, founder of The Dayton Ballet, established classes at the Linden Community Center in response to a need for dance education among Dayton's urban youth. Jeraldyne Blunden, a nation Daytonian, was named to serve as the director of the community center dance school in 1960. Through years of training and community performances, a small group of exceptionally talented dancers emerged with the discipline and commitment needed to create a professional dance company. In 1968, Jeraldyne Blunden founded the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company.

Under Blunden's artistic direction, Dayton Contemporary Dance Company became a significant force in American modern dance. Having studied professionally with modern dance experts, such as Martha Graham, Jose Limon and James Truitte, and having performed with Dayton Theatre Dance Company (now The Dayton Ballet), Karumu Dancers (Cleveland, OH), Antioch Summer Theatre and the Connecticut Dance Theatre Workshop, Jeraldyne Blunden played an integral role in the dance field, contributing to the development and performance of contemporary dance on a regional, national and international scale. Her artistic vision and knowledge of dance served the dance world primarily through the mission and achievements of the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company.

As a modern dance company rooted in the African American experience, DCDC's mission is to deliver contemporary dance of the highest quality to the broadest possible audience. DCDC reaches the audience with local performances, through national and international touring, and through the company's education programs in the Miami Valley. Throughout its history, the company has continually worked to build its collection of dances by the most significant modern dance creators and holds the largest collection in the world of classic works by African American choreographers. Highlights of DCDC's history include:

The first African American dance company to gain membership as a Performing Company in the Northeast Regional Ballet Association. (1973)

One of four dance companies selected to take part in the American Dance Festival program, "Black Traditions in American Modern Dance." (1987)

Jeraldyne Blunden honored with "Genius" award from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. (1994)

One of six American companies (and the only one not based in New York) chosen to participate in the Biennial de la Danse in Lyon, France. (1994)

One of only nine organizations (and only Dance Company) selected to participate in the Ford Foundation's Working Capital Fund. The Working Capital Fund for Minority Cultural Institutions is a capacity-building initiative targeted to mid-sized, culturally specific arts organizations that have reached a critical juncture in their institutional development. (1996)

Sheri "Sparkle" Williams, principal dancer with DCDC, recipient of New York Dance and Performance "Bessie" Award. (1997) Jeraldyne Blunden (posthumous) recipient of Dance Magazine Award and Dance/USA Honors 2000 Award.

Chosen by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to participate in its "Capacity Building Program for Culturally Specific Arts Organizations." (2002)

Launched 27-city national tour of The Flight Project. (2003-2004)

Funding support for the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company is derived from a variety of sources, including individual membership contributions, local corporate support to partially underwrite series performances, local, state, and federal tax-supported grants, private donations and ArtsDayton, a united arts fund agency. A 23-member volunteer board of directors serves DCDC in an advisory capacity and is comprised of local business and community leaders.

From the guide to the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company Records, 1964-2002, (Wright State University, Special Collections and Archives)



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African American dancers

Choreography and dance

Choreography and dance studies


Dayton (Ohio)




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