1861 Born, Czechoslovakia1880Immigrated to the United States1886Naturalized as a citizen1888LL.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.18901891Practiced law, Omaha, Nebr.18901891Member, Nebraska Legislative House of Representatives1894Married Anna Vostroveský. One son, Thomas Capek18951910Practiced law, New York, N.Y.1906Published
The Slovaks of Hungary, Slavs and Panslavism. New
York: Knickerbocker Press1907Published
Památky Českých Emigrantů v Americe. Omaha:
Nakl. Narodni tiskarny19101912Vice president, Bank of Europe, New York, N.Y.19121932President, Bank of Europe, New York, N.Y.1915Published
Bohemia Under Hapsburg Misrule. New York, Chicago,
etc.: Fleming H. Revell Co.1918Published with Anna Vostroveský Capek
Bohemian (Czech) Bibliography. New York, Chicago,
etc.: Fleming H. Revell Co.1920Published
The Čechs (Bohemians) in America. Boston and New
York: Houghton Mifflin Co.Published with son, Thomas Capek,
The Czechs and Slovaks in American Banking. New
York, Chicago, etc.: Fleming H. Revell Co.1921Published
The Czech Community of New York. New York: The
Czechoslovak Section of America's Making, IncPublished
Jan Vratislav Čapek. New York1930Published
Augustine Herrman of Bohemia Manor. Praha: [State
printing office]1935Published
Moje Amerika. Praha: F. Borovy1939Published
Ancestry of Frederick Philipse, First Lord and Founder of
Philipse Manor at Yonkers, N.Y. New York: Paebar Co.Published
Czechs and Slovaks in the United States Census.
New York: Paebar Co.1940Published
American Czechs in Public Office. Omaha: Czech
Historical Society of NebraskaPublished
Návštěvnici z Cech a Moravy v Americe v Letch
1848-1939. Chicago: Tiskem Color Printing Co.1943Published
Slavs in the United States Census, 1850-1940, with Special
References to Czechoslovaks. Chicago: Czechoslovak National Council of
America 1950, Mar. 28Died, New York, N.Y.From the guide to the Thomas Capek Collection Relating to Czechoslovakia and Czech Americans, 1619-1953, (bulk 1851-1953), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)