Rhode Island. General Assembly

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Rhode Island. General Assembly

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Name :

Rhode Island. General Assembly

General Assembly, Rhode Island

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Name :

General Assembly, Rhode Island


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active 1738



active 1782


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Biographical History

Following each decennial Census of the United States, Rhode Island, like most states, must redraw existing congressional and state legislative districts based on the principal of one-person, one-vote. While the ultimate responsibility for the redrawing process lies with the Rhode Island Legislature, this decade, like in 1990, the Legislature has established a Special Commission on Reapportionment. The Commission recommended plans for congressional, senatorial and representative districts for enactment by the 2002 Rhode Island General Assembly.

Articles VII and VIII of the Constitution of Rhode Island require representative and senatorial districts to be “as nearly equal in population…as possible.” Article 1 of the United States Constitution requires that the House of Representatives be apportioned among the states “according to their respective numbers.” Periodic redistricting is necessary to equalize district populations that change over time due to population shifts. The decennial census provides the demographic data needed to equalize district populations.

In 2002 another redistricting requirement was implemented. This requirement, a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 1994, reduces the number of representative and senatorial districts. The amendment provided for the House of Representatives to be reduced from 100 to 75 members, and the Senate to be reduced from 50 to 38 members, commencing in 2003. Representative and senatorial districts drawn after the 2000 census will be for the 2002 elections for members of the General Assembly to be seated in 2003.

The Special Commission on Reapportionment had sixteen members. The commission included three representatives and three public members appointed by the Speaker of the House, two representatives appointed by the House Minority Leader, three senators and three public members appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, and two senators appointed by the Senate Minority Leader.

From the guide to the Rhode Island General Assembly Reapportionment and Redistricting records, General Assembly (Rhode Island) Reapportionment and Redistricting records, 1883-2002, (bulk 1970-2002), (Rhode Island State Archives)

Government in Rhode Island began as a written agreement between its original settlers in 1637. The agreement stated that the colonists would act in accordance with rules and orders agreed to by a majority of the colonists. The colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations received its first Colony Charter from England in 1644. Due to the fact that the charter did not explicitly describe how a government should be organized, the men of the colony did not officially formulate a government until 1647. Instead, they continued to operate under their prior agreement made in the late 1630s. By 1647, however, it was clear that in order to govern the constantly growing colony, there would need to be more than a simple agreement amongst the original colonists. Therefore, in 1647 the first General Assembly, which included the majority of the inhabitants of the colony in the style of a town meeting, convened and formulated a set of Acts and Orders regarding colony rules and laws. These Acts and Orders called for the annual meeting of a “Courte of Election,” the predecessor of the General Assembly. While this Court seemingly unified the towns of the colony, in effect it continued to vest the majority of power in the towns. Indeed, according to William Staples in his book, Annals of the Town of Providence, “the towns, as such, parted with no more power than they deemed the exigency of the case required. They can scarcely be said, to have consented to anything more than a confederation of independent governments” (Staples, 67-68). This early iteration of the General Assembly functioned more like a town meeting than a modern legislative body.

It was not until 1663, and the receipt of the Royal Charter from King Charles II, that the General Assembly was officially entitled the General Assembly and took the majority of the power still left with the towns. This General Assembly, however, was not like the General Assembly with which we are familiar today. A unicameral body, the original General Assembly constituted the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. In fact, “the charter established a form of pure government by an elected assembly presided over by a nearly powerless, elected governor” (http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/studteaguide/genhist.html). Although there existed a Court of Trials, which dealt with the majority of the judicial affairs of the colony, for the General Assembly, “almost any part of the judicial process was open to its inspection and possible correction” (Conley, 9). This cumbersome General Assembly, at its biannual meetings, handled all of the government duties and problems that arose. In 1696 the General Assembly split and became bicameral; “structurally the Assembly was essentially unicameral until the 1690s, with the so-called assistants who were elected at large, sitting with the town representatives. At that point, however, the two groups began to meet separately, thus producing the Senate in embryonic form and launching the state on a bicameral pattern” (http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/studteaguide/genhist.html). The deputies and assistants (former names of current Representatives and Senators) acted as direct representatives of their districts and acted in the interests of their specific constituents. The Revolution did not change the formation or function of the General Assembly, and the bicameral structure created in 1696 has not changed to the present. There have, however, been changes in the apportionment and size of the two houses.

Under the first Rhode Island constitution, drafted and approved in 1842, the General Assembly was given the right to retain its duties and powers as it had enjoyed under the 1663 Royal Charter; “the General Assembly shall continue to exercise the powers they have heretofore exercised, unless prohibited in this Constitution” (Title IV, section 10, 1842 Rhode Island Constitution). This meant that the General Assembly continued to control some of the functions normally delegated to the executive and judicial branches of government. It was not until 2003 that this section of the constitution was repealed, in an attempt to more clearly delineate the separation of powers within the Rhode Island government.

Throughout its history, the General Assembly has struggled with imposing voting limitations, being truly a representative assembly, and apportionment. While the apportionment of the General Assembly under the 1663 charter was decided by population, it gave no instructions on how to reapportion as population changed. Therefore, as new towns were incorporated into the colony, existing towns shrank, and some expanded, the General Assembly still represented the population that existed in 1663. This caused an eventual gross misrepresentation in the General Assembly, one that was not addressed until the framing of the Constitution in 1842. The General Assembly also struggled with the imposition of voting restrictions. At first, there was a land requirement for the right to vote. At the beginning of the foundation of the colony, however, this did lot leave many men disenfranchised, as the majority of the original colonists were given a sizeable tract of land to own. As the colony grew, however, lots became smaller and smaller, and suddenly some men who owned land did not own enough to vote.

Today, the General Assembly is a bicameral legislative body. The upper house, the Senate, consists of 38 senators, and the lower house, the House of Representatives, consists of 75 representatives, and there are no term limits for senators and representatives. The General Assembly includes House standing committees, Senate standing committees, joint standing committees, and other committees appointed as needed. The General Assembly also oversees the production of Capitol TV, which televises all sessions of the General Assembly, some hearings, and other politically minded programs. The director of Law Revision, previously appointed by the Secretary of State, is now part of the Joint Committee on Legislative Services.

From the guide to the Rhode Island Public Laws, Private Acts and Resolutions records, Public Laws, Private Acts and Resolutions (Rhode Island) records, 1991-2008, (Rhode Island State Archives)

On February 21, 1787, Congress resolved: "It is expedient that on the second Monday in May next a Convention of delegates who shall have been appointed by the several States be held at Philadelphia for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation." On the appointed day, May 14, few representatives were present. The Convention (also known as the Philadelphia Convention) only obtained a quorum-delegates of twelve of the states were there on May 25.

The 55 delegates who drafted the Constitution included most of the outstanding leaders, or Founding Fathers, of the new nation. They represented a wide range of interests, backgrounds, and stations in life, although they shared a common background: the vast majority of them were wealthy landowners and all were white males.

The primary aim of the Constitution was to create a strong elected government that was responsive to the will of the people, although there is some controversy over this. Many of the Founding Fathers believed that the new government needed to be insulated from the will of the people; hence the design of such features as the Electoral College or the election of Senators by the state legislatures. The concept of sovereignty of the people in a republic was new-a key ingredient of republicanism in the United States. By the time the Constitution was adopted, Americans had considerable expertise in the art of self-government. Long before independence was declared, the colonies were functioning governmental units controlled by the people. By 1777, ten of the thirteen states had adopted their own constitutions. Most states had a governor elected by the state legislature. The legislature itself was elected by popular vote. Every state but Pennsylvania had a bicameral legislature as well.

The Articles of Confederation had tried to unite these self-governing states. The Constitution, by contrast, established a strong central, or federal, government with broad powers to regulate relations between the states and with sole responsibility in such areas as foreign affairs and defense.

It was within the power of the old Congress to expedite or block the ratification of the new Constitution. The document that the Philadelphia Convention presented was technically only a revision of the Articles of Confederation. But the last article of the new instrument provided that when ratified by conventions in nine states, it should go into effect among the States so acting. The need for only nine states was a controversial decision at the time, since the Articles of Confederation could only be amended by unanimous vote of all the states. However, the new Constitution was ratified by all thirteen states, with Rhode Island signing on last in May 1790.

From the guide to the Constitutional Convention Constitution of the United States: Papers Relating to Adoption by the State of Rhode Island, 1785-1790, (Rhode Island State Archives)



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Justice, Administration of

Justice, Administration of

Constitutional convention


Legislative bodies

Legislative bodies

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island




Legal Statuses


Warwick (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Newport (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Rhode Island

as recorded (not vetted)


Providence (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Rhode Island

as recorded (not vetted)


Portsmouth (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Rhode Island

as recorded (not vetted)


Newport (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Portsmouth (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Providence (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Warwick (R.I.)

as recorded (not vetted)


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