Auden, W.H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973
Name Entries
Auden, W.H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973
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Auden, W.H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973
Auden, Wystan Hugh, 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, Wystan Hugh, 1907-1973
Auden, W.H. 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, W.H. 1907-1973
Auden, Wystan Hugh
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, Wystan Hugh
Auden, W. H.
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, W. H.
Auden, W.H. (Wystan Hugh)
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, W.H. (Wystan Hugh)
Оден, Уистен Хью 1907-1973
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Оден, Уистен Хью 1907-1973
Auden, Wystan H. 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, Wystan H. 1907-1973
أودن، و. هـ.، 1907-1973
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أودن، و. هـ.، 1907-1973
Auden, W. H. 107-1973
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Auden, W. H. 107-1973
Oden, Ū. 1907-1973
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Oden, Ū. 1907-1973
オーデン, W. H
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オーデン, W. H
Ūdin, Wīstān 1907-1973
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Ūdin, Wīstān 1907-1973
أودين، دابليو. إتش.، 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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أودين، دابليو. إتش.، 1907-1973
Oden, U., 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Oden, U., 1907-1973
Auden , Wystan H.
Computed Name Heading
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Auden , Wystan H.
Oden, Ū. 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Oden, Ū. 1907-1973
Auden, W.H. 1907-1973 (Wystan Hugh),
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, W.H. 1907-1973 (Wystan Hugh),
Oden, U.
Computed Name Heading
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Oden, U.
Ūdin, Wīstān 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Ūdin, Wīstān 1907-1973
Auden, H. W. 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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Auden, H. W. 1907-1973
Wystan Hugh Auden
Computed Name Heading
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Wystan Hugh Auden
و. هـ. أودن، 1907-1973
Computed Name Heading
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و. هـ. أودن، 1907-1973
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Exist Dates
Biographical History
Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973), poet, was born in York, England, on February 21, 1907. He attended Christ Church, Oxford, from 1925-1928, then served as a schoolmaster in various institutions in England and Scotland from 1930 to 1935, including The Downs School in Colwell. In 1935 Auden married Erika Mann, a writer and the daughter of Thomas Mann, so that she could gain British Citizenship and escape Nazi Germany. Although the two never lived together, they remained married until Mann's death in 1969. In 1939, two years after he was awarded the King's Gold Medal for poetry, Auden left England for the United States, becoming a citizen in 1946. During the 1940s he won numerous prizes for his work, including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Pulitzer Prize, a National Book Award, and a National Medal for Literature from the National Book Committee. Between 1940 and 1961 Auden also served as a faculty member at numerous academic institutions, Auden died in Vienna on September 28, 1973.
British poet.
W.H. Auden was born February 21, 1907, in York, England. He became a United States citizen in 1949. During his career, he wrote poetry, plays, song lyrics and libretti, translations, literary criticism and history, for which he won a number of awards and prizes. He died in 1973.
W.H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden, born in York and educated at Oxford, was an English poet who had a major influence on modern poetry, particularly during the 1930s. After assisting the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, Auden moved to the United States in 1939, where he taught in colleges and universities. He became an American citizen in 1946. Among Auden's works include "The Double Man", "Nones", and "The Shield of Achilles". He also collaborated on drama and opera librettos, and wrote literary criticism. The University of Victoria Libraries Special Collections has a mandate to acquire literary papers.
English writer and poet; granted U. S. citizenship in 1946.
English writer and poet; granted U.S. citizenship in 1946.
Poet and educator.
Wystan Hugh Auden was a poet, translator, literary critic, librettist, and playwright.
British author.
W. H. Auden was an Anglo-American poet (1907-1973). His poetry became widely known after his death, because of the adaptations to the screen of some of his works, such as Funeral Blues and Four Weddings and a Funeral .
Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was an Anglo-American poet, regarded by some as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. He taught at Swarthmore College for three years. Daniel G. Hoffman was the Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress (a post now known as U.S. Poet Laureate); he also taught at Swarthmore College and was the Schelling Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania.
English poet.
Poet, playwright, librettist, critic, editor, and translator.
British-American poet.
Wystan Hugh Auden was one of the most important poets and literary figures of the 20th century. His life and work are marked by eccentricity and contradiction, but his dedication to his art, technical aptitude, and poetic output show not only intelligence and skill but a remarkable work ethic.
Twentieth century British poet, playwright, and critic.
Ernst Toller was a Prussian of Jewish parentage who joined the German army as a volunteer in 1914 but was invalided home in 1916, having in the interim developed pacifist convictions. He became a communist and a revolutionary in Germany which led to a 5-year prison term. He left Germany in 1932 and moved to the United States where in 1939, dismayed by the triumphs of facism in Europe, he committed suicide.
Poet, dramatist, librettist, and essayist W. H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden was born February 21, 1907 in York, England. He became an American citizen in May 1946. In 1948, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in poetry for The Age of Anxiety .
"Wystan Hugh Auden." Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 9: 1971-1975 . Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994 (reproduced in Biography Resource Center). (accessed March 2008).
W.H. Auden was born in England in 1907 and published his first poem in 1922. He attended Oxford and later traveled to Berlin, where he became fluent in German. Returning to Great Britain, he became a schoolmaster in Scotland and England while beginning his prolific writing career.
Later poems were based on his experiences in Spain during the Spanish Civil War and travels to Iceland, China and the United States. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1946, and died in Austria, where he had lived for several years, in 1973.
A 1923 graduate of the University of Chicago, Judith Bond was offered and accepted the Curatorship of the Harriet Monroe Library of Modern Poetry in 1937, a library whose collection included a valuable assortment of first editions, proof-sheets, and letters from major poets. In her work at the Library, Bond, through careful selection and a marked enthusiasm, increased the size of the collection from an initial 2,000 volumes to over 7,000. Additionally, Judith Bond established a series of lectures and readings of poetry by contemporary poets that were widely attended by students, faculty, and the general public. It was during her tenure as the head of the Harriet Monroe Library of Modern Poetry that Bond solicited and obtained the correspondence and manuscripts that would become the basis for this collection.
The library’s namesake, Harriet Monroe, was the founder and editor of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. The journal, which began publication in 1912, was one that Monroe hoped would create an audience for modern poetry, as well as introduce readers to new writers and ideas. Poetry raised the visibility and status of poetry, as well as published and promoted the careers of a galaxy of poets who came to define twentieth century modernism, from T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Marianne Moore to Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes, among many others
W.H. Auden, as he used to sign his name, was regarded by many as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. His work is noted for its stylistic and technical achievements, its engagement with moral and political issues, and for its variety of tone, form, and content. The central themes of his poetry are personal love, politics and citizenship, religion and morals, and the relationship between unique human beings and the anonymous, impersonal world of nature. Auden grew up in Birmingham, England, but moved to the United States in 1939. He was also a prolific writer of prose essays and reviews on literary, political, psychological, and religious subjects, and he worked at various times on documentary films, poetic plays, and other forms of performance.
Caroline Newton was an American translator and writer.
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Languages Used
Authors, American
Authors, American
American poetry
Authors, British
Authors, German
Universities and colleges
English poetry
Poets, English
Poets, English
Poets, English
Literature, Modern
Literature publishing
Manuscripts, American
National Book Awards
Politics and literature
Public opinion
Sea in literature
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Great Britain
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