National Organization for Women. Michigan Conference.

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National Organization for Women. Michigan Conference.

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National Organization for Women. Michigan Conference.


Exist Dates

Biographical History

The National Organization for Women was founded in 1966. The Michigan Chapter (later Conference) of NOW was convened in December 1969 by Patricia Hill Burnett in Detroit. By the middle of 1971 local chapters had been established in Big Rapids and Lansing. The first annual state convention was held in June 1972. A year later, Michigan NOW could boast of 17 local chapters and more than 1000 members. By 1983, the state organization had grown to 28 chapters and 6500 members (a loss of 1000 members from its August 1982 peak).

The formal structure of the state conference may be easily gleaned from the bylaws included in the collection. The bylaws of several local chapters (the structures of which usually closely resemble that of the state organization) are also represented. Briefly, the conference is directed by six elected officers, who form the Executive Committee. These executives are responsible to and form part of the State Coordinating Council (SCC), which meets three to five times a year. Ultimate power rests with the state membership, as represented at the annual state convention. The convention elects the state officers and sets broad policy agendas.

The central focus of attention for Michigan NOW (as for every other state chapter) from 1972 to 1982 was the proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The focus for Michigan NOW changed in the middle to late 80's as the state became involved in a heated and controversial battle over providing Medicaid funding for abortion. The Conference also played a key role in the battle for sex equity in Michigan public schools. The Conference has task forces on Lesbian Rights, Reproductive Rights, Economic Justice, Employment, Violence Against Women, and Homemakers' Rights, in addition to those on Education and the ERA, which give an indication of the organization's special concerns. In addition, local chapters are encouraged to mobilize for action on issues or events of local concern.

Michigan NOW attempts to implement its priorities by working within the political process. The Michigan NOW PAC (Political Action Committee) permits the Conference to lend financial as well as volunteer assistance to candidates it has endorsed. Michigan NOW's Legislative Vice-President is charged with mobilizing the state membership in support of or in opposition to bills at the state and national level judged important to the goals of the organization (these include not only "women's legislation," but also a broad spectrum of civil rights, military, foreign policy, and economic bills). The Conference also employs a professional lobbyist at the statehouse.

Some of the women who have been active as president in the Michigan Conference include (with dates of their presidency): Carol King, 1979; Barbara Miyata, 1980; Margot Duley Morrow, 1981-1983; Monica Smiley, 1983-1984; Barbara Hayes-Hamilton, 1984-1986; Marian McCracken, 1986-1988; Madeline Hansen, 1988-1990; Patty O'Donnell, 1990-1991; Lynn Hierholzer, 1991-1993; Gloria Woods, 1993-1995; Alicia Perez-Banuet, 1997-1998.

Margot Duley-Morrow served as president of Michigan NOW for two terms, 1981-1983. Prior to that she was the state ERA Task Force Chair (1979-1981), and Ann Arbor-Washtenaw County chapter ERA Task Force Chair. She joined the Ann Arbor chapter in 1975. Professor Duley-Morrow taught Women's Studies courses at the University of Michigan from 1975 through 1984; she also directed the Pilot Program (1975-1979) at the University, among other duties. She left Michigan in 1984 to become director of Women's Studies at Ohio's Denison University.

From the guide to the National Organization for Women, Michigan Conference Records, 1969-1996, (Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan)



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Equal rights amendments



Political action committees


Social reformers




Women in politics

Women social reformers

Women's rights

Women's rights




Legal Statuses


Detroit (Mich.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Kennedy Square (Detroit, Mich.)

as recorded (not vetted)


Macomb County (Mich.).

as recorded (not vetted)



as recorded (not vetted)



as recorded (not vetted)


United States

as recorded (not vetted)


Convention Declarations

General Contexts

Structure or Genealogies


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