Ferrier, Lona Bryan.

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Ferrier, Lona Bryan.

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Ferrier, Lona Bryan.


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active 1972

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Biographical History

Julia Kathryn Garrett was a teacher and local historian. She was born in Fort Worth on October 15, 1897. She graduated from Randolph Macon Women's College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1920 and received a master's degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1924. She obtained a doctorate of philosophy in history there in 1934. She taught for 45 years in the Fort Worth public schools and retired in 1966. She taught at Parker Jr. High School, Central High School and Arlington Heights High School. She wrote several books including Green Flag Over Texas and Fort Worth: A Frontier Triumph. She was a member of numerous professional and civic organizations including the Texas State Historical Association, Tarrant County Historical Society, National Education Association and the Woman's Club of Fort Worth. She died on November 19, 1988.

From the description of Garrett, Julia Kathryn typescript, 1972 (Fort Worth Library). WorldCat record id: 191194307

Mrs. Ross (Lona Bryan) Ferrier, Jr. was the granddaughter of Elder R. W. Bryan (1854-1918) of the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ of Little Flock, Alabama. Her father was John Wiley Bryan (1890-1971). She graduated from Merkel, Texas in Taylor County in 1931.

From the description of Ferrier, Lona Bryan papers, 1902-1917. (Fort Worth Library). WorldCat record id: 191193873



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