Arnstein, Lawrence, 1880-1979

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Relation Name
correspondedWith Alioto, Joseph Lawrence, 1916- person
associatedWith Arnstein, Flora J. person
correspondedWith Arnstein, Margaret G. person
associatedWith Bancroft Library. Regional Oral History Office corporateBody
correspondedWith Baum, Willa person
associatedWith Baum, Willa K. person
correspondedWith Bergdall, Luther person
correspondedWith Bevil, Mildred person
associatedWith Board of Health of the City and County of San Francisco. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bond, Donald B. person
correspondedWith Brady, Margaret person
correspondedWith Breslow, Lester person
correspondedWith Brian, Earl W., 1942- person
correspondedWith Brown, Edmund Gerald, 1905- person
correspondedWith Campion, Carney J. person
correspondedWith Choate, Robert Burnett person
correspondedWith Chope, Harold Delos person
correspondedWith Collier, Randolph, 1902-1983 person
correspondedWith Commonwealth Club of California corporateBody
correspondedWith Cox, Ronald Woodworth person
correspondedWith Cranston, Alan MacGregor person
correspondedWith Curry, Francis John person
associatedWith Daniel, Edna Tartaul. person
correspondedWith Densmore, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Egeberg, Roger Olaf, 1903- person
correspondedWith Feinstein, Dianne person
correspondedWith Feldman, Sanford E. person
correspondedWith Gardner, John William, 1912- person
correspondedWith Goldman, Leon, 1905- person
correspondedWith Gould, Charles Lessington person
correspondedWith Graham, Donald E. person
correspondedWith Graham, Katherine person
correspondedWith Heldfond, Scott R. person
correspondedWith Hellman, Marco person
correspondedWith Heslep, John McKay person
correspondedWith Hitch, Charles Johnston person
correspondedWith Jessup, R. Bruce person
correspondedWith Johnson, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Kerr, Clark, 1911- person
correspondedWith Kissinger, Louis person
correspondedWith Lanterman, Frank person
correspondedWith Lawrence Arnstein person
correspondedWith Lee, Philip R. (Philip Randolph), 1924- person
correspondedWith Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963 person
correspondedWith Marquoit, Thomas D. person
correspondedWith Marrin, Andrew person
correspondedWith Martin person
correspondedWith Mather, Philip R. person
correspondedWith Mayer, William person
correspondedWith Merrill, Malcolm Hendricks person
correspondedWith Morrison, Jack, 1912- person
correspondedWith Moscone, George R. person
correspondedWith Noble, Charles person
correspondedWith Olney, Mary person
correspondedWith Peterson, Esther (Eggerton) person
correspondedWith Post, A. (August Alan), 1914- person
correspondedWith Pulley, Hamlet C. person
associatedWith Regional Cultural History Project (University of California, Berkeley) corporateBody
correspondedWith Rusk, Howard A., 1901- person
correspondedWith San Francisco Aid Retarded Children. corporateBody
associatedWith San Francisco Bay Area Hearing Society, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith San Francisco (Calif.). Board of Supervisors. corporateBody
associatedWith San Francisco Hospital corporateBody
associatedWith San Francisco Social Hygiene and Health Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Saylor, Louis Franklin person
correspondedWith Schottland, Charles I. person
correspondedWith Shepard, William, 1895-1969 person
correspondedWith Sherriffs, Alex C. person
correspondedWith Shreve, Charles Henry person
correspondedWith Smith, Charles Edward, 1904-67 person
correspondedWith Solis, Faustina person
correspondedWith Susie person
correspondedWith Switzer, Mary Elizabeth, 1900- person
correspondedWith University of California. Alumni Association. corporateBody
associatedWith University of California, Berkeley. School of Public Health. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ward, Paul D. person
correspondedWith Warren, Earl, 1891-1974 person
correspondedWith Warren, Nina E. person
correspondedWith Weinberger, Caspar Willard person
correspondedWith Wilbur, Dwight Locke person
correspondedWith Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875-1949 person
correspondedWith Williams, Spencer person
correspondedWith Wyckoff, Florence Richardson person
Place Name Admin Code Country
California--San Francisco
California--San Francisco
Associations, institutions, etc.
Child care
Public health
Raw milk
Social service


Birth 1880

Death 1979



Ark ID: w6zs48qp

SNAC ID: 15893077