Henry II, King of England, 1133-1189

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Accession date: 1154

Places: England

Title: King of England, Duke of Normandy and of Aquitaine

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000472.0x0000a6

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn GRANT from Henry II. to Winchester Priory, co. Southampton, of Meon [Stoke] Manor, with the Church of Hambledon, co. Southt., and of Wargrave Manor, co. Berks; with extension of the duration of Winchester Fair [1154-1160]. British Library
referencedIn RANULPHI DE GLANVILLA tractatus de legibus et consuctudinibus Anglix: the greater part of. the prologue is wanting ; -Panegyrica quædam de regibus Henrico II. et Ricardo I. ;-Rental of. some tenements near the Thames, Lat. f. 93 b.-Veredictum de libe..., 1199-1216 British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus in Quarto grandiori, Eleganter exaratus; Sæc. XIV. in quo continentur 1. De Scaccario. fol. 1. 2. De quatuor Viis regiis. fol. 4 b. 3. Leges Henrici Regis Primi. fol. 5. [Extant in Leg. Anglo-Sax. Wilkins. p. 233-283.] 4. Enumerati... British Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Grants to Reading Abbey: 1154-1184. British Library
referencedIn Wingham, Henry, fl. 15th century. Grant, 1187, October 22. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf PRECEDENT BOOK, etc.; 15th cent. Some Latin. Contains copies of royal letters, extracts from chronicles and state papers, etc., 1326 -temp. Edward IV, the latest dated item being art. 26, 1482. Also included are some later historical notes (artt. 1,..., 1369-1499 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTIONS relating to the Court, and office of the Earl Marshal, comprising extracts from records; lists of the Marshals; the manner of exercising the office at coronations; treatises on duels by Sir Edward Coke, Sir Robert Cotton, and others; pape..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1898Paper, in small Octavo, ff. 81, XVII Century.1. Series Regum West Saxonum, ex veteri rotulo manuscripto. f. 2.2. Nonnulla quaedam theologica. f. 4b.3. Pauca quaedam ex Vegetio, Modesto, de Romanorum exercitibus. f. 6.4. Quaedam de Constant... British Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Grants to Reading Abbey: 1154-1184. British Library
referencedIn National Library of Ireland. Irish Historical Records, 1100s-1300s. University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library
referencedIn STATUTES of England and documents relating to London, viz.: 1. "Carta de libertatibus Anglie" : Magna Charta, as confirmed by Edw. 1, 1297. Lat. f. 11. 2. "Carta de Foresta" ; as confirmed by Edw. I, 1297. Lat. f . 14. 3. "Prouisiones de Merton" ; 12..., 13th century-15th century British Library
referencedIn Giraldus, Cambrensis, 1146?-1223?. [Silvest. Giraldi Cambrensis liber, de principis instructione, in tres distinctiones, ut appellat auctor, divisus [microform] : pars prior plane ethica est, in qua tamen multa interseruntur de Romanis imperatoribus : in duabus ultimis distinctionibus agit de regibus Angliae, et praesertim de gestis R. Henrici II. in quem, aliosque et Normanica prosapia principes, satyrice invehitur]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by Henry II of liberties of Battle Abbey, as granted in a charter of William I; 1157-1179. Great Seal (fragm.). Press-mark, and contemporary endorsement 'triplex'. A duplicate is among the Battle Abbey Estate MSS. in the East Sussex Reco... British Library
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by Henry [II] of the grants to the nunnery of Mannebi [Gokewell, in Broughton, co. Linc.] by William de Alta Ripa and William Paenell [Painel], circ. 10 Aug. 1175. Dunn sale, lot 3019.Henry II of England: Confirmation by, of grants to Go..., 1154-1189 British Library
referencedIn CHARTER of Henry II. granting Knaresborough and Borough, co. York, to William de Stuteville, for the service of three knights, dated at Woodstock. With the great seal, in fine preservation. [Add. Ch. 5719.] British Library
referencedIn GRANT in soul-alms from Stephen de Turnham, with consent of his wife Odelina de Broc, for the souls of Henry II. and Rich. I., to the Canons of Lilleshall [Abbey, co. Salop.], of the church of Chetinton [Chetton, co. Salop.]. Witn.: Peter de Lungoil,... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1710Paper, in folio, ff. 359, XVII Century; bound with Nos.1691 & 1731 A.1. Notae quaedam Historicae pro annis 1176, 1189, 1181. f. 1.2. 'Threneticon Trojae', versibus elegiacis. f. 2.Incip. 'Pergama flere volo, fato Danais data Solo capta dol... British Library
referencedIn REGISTER Of the Cathedral-Priory of Durham, in Latin; composed apparently of several distinct portions bound up together. The contents, which include (art. 10) an early 14th cent. copy of the "Boldon Book," range in date from the 12th to the end of t... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1777Membranaceus, in Quarto, ff. 100, sec. XIV.1. Epistolae Thomae Becket, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi et aliorum, spectantes ad ipsius Thomae exilii: scilicet: — a. Thomas Cantuariensis archiepiscopus Henrico Regi Angliae. (Imperfect). f. 1.D... British Library
referencedIn Henry II., 4th reverse.Henry II of England: Seals. British Library
referencedIn TREATISE, on Forests and Forest Laws, composed in 1571 by William Fleetwood, Recorder of London, divided into four heads, preceded by a preface and a "proheme," as follows:-1. Preface, f. 3. 2. "Proheme," f. 20. 3. "A treatis uppon fforestes Parckes..., 1571-1600 British Library
referencedIn COMMONPLACE-BOOK of Sir Edward Hoby, containing entries relating to America, Parliament, the Isle of Sheppey, the siege of Calais (1346-1347), Mary, Queen of Scots, Sir E. Hoby himself, and various other subjects. At the beginning (ff. i-iii), taken ..., approximately 1582-approximately 1596 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 493). HISTORY of the reign of Henry I. (see also vol. iv. f. 134). Included also are letters from F[rancis] T[urner] Palgrave to Sir E. M. Thompson, Principal Librarian of the British Museum, 22 May, 1 July, 1895, ff. 1, 7; and from J[oh... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1767Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 66, sec. XVII.1. 'Icon ecclesiastici, sive concertatio D. Thomae in regia cruce armati cum Henrico principe et tenebrarum principibus.' ff. 2-4.Incip.'Henric. Quo ruit inermis rabula!Thom. In fibras ruam.'2. Epin... British Library
referencedIn Henry II., 3rd obverse.Henry II of England: Seals. British Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Grant to Gervase de Wellis: 1165-1175. British Library
referencedIn S. HIERONYMI Presbyteri, Gennadii, S. Isidori, Episcopi Hispalensis, et Sigeberti, Monachi Gemblacensis, Catalogi virorum illustrium;-S. Gregorii Magni tractatus super Cantica Canticorum, cum prologo; -Petri Blesensis Sermo in duobus versibus Psalmi... British Library
referencedIn GRANT in soul-alms from Matilda, Countess of Chester [widow of Ranulf de Gernons, Earl of Chester], with consent of her son Hugh, Earl of Chester, to the Canons of Rapendon [Repton, co. Derby] of all her land of Grandendene [Gransden, co. Hunt.], "pr... British Library
referencedIn RESTITUTION of temporalities by Henry II., King of England, to Theobald, Archbishop, and the monks of Christ Church, Canterbury, confirming to them all the lands and privileges which they held in the time of Edward [the Confessor], William [I.] and H... British Library
referencedIn Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Consort of Henry II, 1199. (10006)Henry II of England: Seal of Qu. Eleanor: 1199. British Library
referencedIn EDMUND SPENSER: 'Mother Hubberds tale'; circa 5 June 1607. Copy. This text of Spenser's satirical allegory, published as 'Prosopopoeia: or, Mother Hubberd's Tale' in Complaints (1591), comprises 1362 verses rather than the 1388 of the printed version... British Library
referencedIn BULL, of Pope Alexander III. to Geoffrey, Dean of Rouen, and the Chapter, confirming the grant by King Henry II. of a moiety of the manor of Kilham, co. York; v. kal. Dec. [1162]. With leaden bulla. British Library
referencedIn Henry II. See Catal. of Seals, vol. i., no. 77.Henry II of England: Great seal: n.d. British Library
referencedIn Fitzneale, Richard, ca. 1130-1198. Geruasii Tilberiensis de Scaccarii necessariis observantiis dialogus Tempore Henrici Secundi Scriptus : manuscript, [16--]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Writ respecting the Abbey of Bordesley: circa 1157.Bordesley Abbey; Worcestershire: Writ of Henry II. relating to: circ. 1157. British Library
referencedIn Henry Junior, son of Henry II. [1170-1182].Henry II of England: Seal of Henry, his son, as king. British Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Grants to Reading Abbey: 1154-1184. British Library
referencedIn RADULPHUS DE DICETO, minor historical works. The author (whose name appears in charters as Ralph " de Disci," see Harley Ch. 52 G. 20 and 25, Lansdowne Ch. 679) was Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and the MS. closely resembles the MS. of the Ma..., approximately 1195 British Library
creatorOf MATERIALS RELATING MOSTLY TO PAPAL AND ROYAL JURISDICTION; 16th cent. Latin. Copies and extracts made in the early 16th cent. except for artt. 6 and 19. Contents list, with items added in a 17th-cent. hand,f. vii. 1. ff. 1-19. Copies of Magna Carta a..., 1442-1599 British Library
referencedIn CHRONICLE and Chartulary of the Abbey of Peterborough, partly compiled by the monk Walter de Wytillesey [or Whittlesey], circ. 1321-1329, and largely in his hand. The work is attributed to him in a distich of leonine hexameters, " Witlissey natus Wal..., approximately 1321-1329 British Library
referencedIn GRANT by Queen Eleanor, widow of Henry II., Duchess of Normandy, etc., to the Abbey of Fontevrault, of a house in Poitiers, for the support-of Roger her chaplain and his successors in the chapel of St. Laurence founded by her at Fontevrault; the Bish... British Library
referencedIn (h) Photographs (slightly reduced) from originals belonging to the Dean of Wells of (1) a vellum leaf containing rather more than the first half of Vita S. Cungari, second half of 12th cent. The only MS. known. The text is printed in Capgrave's Nova ... British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 167. sec. XIII. 1. Novi Testamenti Epistolae catholicæ septem, cum prologo S. Hieronymi, glossis commentariisque marginalibus et interlineatis instructæ. fol. 1. 2. S. Johannis Evangelistae liber Apocalypsis, una cum prolog... British Library
referencedIn Henry II of England: Grants to Reading Abbey: 1154-1184. British Library
referencedIn Johanna, Queen of Sicily, daughter of Henry II. of England, as Ducbhess of Narbonne, Countess of Toulouse, and Marchioness of Provence, ob. 1199. (See Catal. of Seals, vol. v., no. 19,870, and Plate.) The silver matrix of this seal was found in the r... British Library
referencedIn (b) Photographs of 10 charters of Henry II, etc. All are described and five reproduced in L. Delisle's Recueil des Actes de Henri II, 1909, etc. Presented by the late M. Léopold Delisle.Henry II of England: Charters to French religious houses, etc.,:... British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV. (ff. 237). HISTORY of Wales under William I., William II. and Henry I. f.2;-Sketch for the history of Henry I. (on the dispute regarding investiture), followed by another history of Henry I. ff. 125, 134.includes:ff. 2,53 Wales: History of,..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Vols. XIV., XV. NOTES and extracts from various records, being chiefly materials for the construction of the history of the Courts and Itineraries of William I., William II., Henry I., Stephen, and Henry II. Two volumes. Vol. I. also contains extensi..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Marrick Priory; N.R., Yorkshire: Confirmation of its possessions by Henry II: 1181.Henry II of England: Confirmation of Marrick Priory in its possessions: 1181. British Library
referencedIn Boswell's Life of Johnson : including Boswell's Journal of a tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a journey into North Wales, edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1464-1897 (inclusive), 1724-1874 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, together with copies of some documents relating to English church-history (see artt. 17-20). Latin. 1. On Indulgences, beg. "Sciendum est quod omnes indulgencie." f. 1. 2. "Liber Ysidori de Obitu patriareharum et apostolorum ceter... British Library
referencedIn Fitzneale, Richard, ca. 1130-1198. Geruasii Tilberiensis de Scaccarii necessariis observantiis dialogus Tempore Henrici Secundi Scriptus : manuscript, [16--]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Henry II of England: Charter to U. de Barenton in co. Essex: circ. 1157. British Library
referencedIn (i) Rotographs of two copies of an Inspeximus under the Great Seal of Ireland, 12 Jan., 6 Hen.[V, 1419], reciting the ordinance of Henry II entitled "Modus tenendi Parliamenta [in Hibernia]." The first rotograph (pp. 7) is taken from a commonplace-bo... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Boswell, James, 1740-1795 person
associatedWith Fitzneale, Richard, ca. 1130-1198. person
associatedWith Giraldus, Cambrensis, 1146?-1223? person
associatedWith National Library of Ireland. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Chester, Cheshire
Northall, Middlesex
London, England
River Tyne, United Kingdom
Billingham, Durham
Sherburn, Durham
Skirbeck, Lincolnshire
Durham, England
Norwich, Norfolk
Boston, Lincolnshire
Havering atte Bower, Essex
Gransden, Huntingdonshire
Yorkshire, England
Havering atte Bower, Essex
Elmley, Kent
Northumberland, England
Bolton, Edlingham
Milton, Hundred of, Kent
Troy, Asia Minor
Upminster, Essex
Scotia, Scotland
Edlingham, Northumberland
Normanton, Nottinghamshire
Bedfordshire, England
Heworth, Durham
Wolviston, Durham
Queenborough, Kent
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Northallerton, North Riding of Yorkshire
Harty, Kent
Calais, France
King's Langley, Hertfordshire
Aldbourn, Wiltshire
Winchester, Hampshire
Mantes, France
Howden, Yorkshire
Outwell, counties Cambridgeshire and Norfolk
Edrom, Berwickshire
Essex, England
Isle of Sheppey, Kent
Dunstanburgh, Northumberland
Shropshire, England
York, Province of, England
Staincliff in Craven, West Riding of Yorkshire
Kent, England
Calais, France
Bamburgh, Northumberland
London, England
Southwark, Surrey
Wennington, Essex
Camberon, France
Nottinghamshire, England
Worcestershire, England
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Isle of Grain, Kent
Clarendon, Wiltshire
Elwick, Northumberland
Lynsted, Kent
Chetton, Shropshire
Norhamshire, Northumberland
Suffolk, England
Paris, France
Muggleswick, Durham
Romford, Essex
Wales, United Kingdom
Italy, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Skipwith, East Riding of Yorkshire
Germany, Europe
Old Romney, Kent
Coldingham, Berwickshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Simonside, Durham
Hadham, Hertfordshire
Great Warley, Essex
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland
Colchester Forest, Essex
Kilham, Yorkshire
St Omer, Pas-de-Calais
County Durham, England
Spain, Europe
Selby, Yorkshire
Stortford Forest, Essex
Scotland, United Kingdom
Hambledon, Hampshire
Hilton, Durham
Wales, United Kingdom
Broughton, Lincolnshire
Spennymoor, Durham
Wallingford, Berkshire
Portersfee, Essex
Rainham, Essex
Rouen, France
Poitiers, France
River Norumbega, North America
London, England
Hereford, Herefordshire
Canterbury, Kent
Normandy, France
Greatham, Durham
Northamptonshire, England
Netherlands, Europe
Hertford, Hertfordshire
London, England
Hibernia, Europe
Cologne, Germany
Peru, South America
Houghton St Giles, Norfolk
Lincolnshire, England
Windsor, Berkshire
River Nene, Northamptonshire
Eltham, Kent
Brancepeth, Durham
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Ireland, Europe
Guiana, South America
Genoa, Italy
Lucca, Italy
Bernay, Normandy
London, England
Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire
North America, America
Kent, England
Eastrington, Yorkshire
Ireland, Europe
Waltham Forest, Essex
Preston, Durham
Holtby, Yorkshire
Southwark, Surrey


Birth 1133-03-05

Death 1189-07-06





Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6vt26m5

Ark ID: w6vt26m5

SNAC ID: 64010357