Bingham, Woodbridge.

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Woodbridge Bingham (1901-1986) began his teaching career at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1937, and in 1949 he founded the Institute of East Asiatic Studies, for which he served as a director until 1957. He became an emeritus professor in 1969, although he remained active as a Faculty Fellow until 1977. Woodbridge's father, Hiram Bingham (1875-1956), a noted explorer and politician, discovered the Incan ruins at Macchu Picchu in 1911, and served as a U.S. Senator from Connecticut.

From the description of Woodbridge Bingham papers, 1876-1986. (University of California, Berkeley). WorldCat record id: 35583595


Woodbridge Bingham decided to study Chinese history and language at a time when few people in the U. S. were doing so. As a result, he played a pioneering role in the development of East Asian studies in the United States. In 1924, when he began his studies, there were only a few universities in the entire country offering any Oriental courses and no professional organizations, associations, or publications for support. Bingham began his career at the University of California, Berkeley in 1937, teaching both undergraduate and graduate students the history and civilizations of Asia. The detailed syllabi and reading lists he created for his classes became his Southwest Asia: A Brief History and History of Asia. He was a founding member, in 1941, of the Far Eastern Association, whose purpose was to publish Far Eastern Quarterly (now the Journal of Asian Studies). Bingham served through 1953 as a member of the first board of directors and from 1941 to 1947 was also a member of the editorial advisory board; during 1947-1949, he edited the quarterly's News and Notes and News of the Profession sections.

In 1949 Bingham founded the University of California's Institute of East Asiatic Studies, and served as director until 1957. He was an advocate of the Faculty Fellows Program, which sought to foster closer ties between students and faculty by providing opportunities for communication outside the classroom, and served as the program's coordinator from 1963 to 1965. Although Bingham became an emeritus professor in 1969, his involvement as a Faculty Fellow lasted until 1977, when, as a member of the advisory board to a program known as CAL-in-the-UN, Bingham travelled to New York City to visit University of California student interns.

Woodbridge Bingham's strengths were his devotion to his subject area, his enthusiasm for teaching it, and his sincere interest in his students. He motivated his students to their maximum abilities, acting on their behalf far above and beyond the duty of an ordinary professor: he proposed, recommended, encouraged, and cheered them on. He not only advised them academically, but personally as well, helping them to obtain housing, financial aid, foreign travel connections, and employment. Time after time, grateful students wrote to ask Bingham for advice and direction and to thank him for his support, discipline, encouragement, suggestions, and the opportunities he provided to broaden their experience and widen their vision. Hilary Conroy and Frank Iklé, co-authors for A History of Asia, were former students.

The Binghams were an old, prominent, wealthy, and fascinating New England family. His father, Hiram (1875-1956), son of famous but penniless missionaries, in 1899 married Alfreda Mitchell, granddaughter and heiress of Charles L. Tiffany. An explorer, Hiram discovered Macchu Picchu in the Peruvian highlands in 1911. Later he was elected to the U. S. Senate from Connecticut. Woodbridge was the oldest of seven brothers: Alfred Mitchell, lawyer; Brewster, minister; Charles Tiffany, physician; Hiram (1903-1988), diplomat; Jonathon Brewster, congressman; and Mitchell, artist. Although younger than Woodbridge, Alfred eventually settled in as the Bingham family head. In the 1930s, Alfred edited and published Common Sense, a radical left-wing magazine, while Brewster and Mitchell became deeply involved with a group known as M.R.A. (Moral Re-Armament), which eventually emerged in the 1970s as Up With People. Only two of the brothers made their homes away from New England: Mitchell in Florida and Woodbridge in Berkeley, California.

On 28 June 1928, Woodbridge married a young woman of similar standing and background, Ursula Wolcott Griswold. They had four daughters: Anne (b. 1929), Clarissa (b. 1931), Evelyn (b. 1938) and Marion (b. 1940). By 1930 Woodbridge and Ursula had relocated from the East Coast to Berkeley for reasons of Woodbridge's health and to enable him to begin his Ph.D program at the University of California. During 1934, with two children under age 6, they moved to Beijing (then called Peiping), China where they remained until he joined the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley in 1937.

Bingham was also a career naval reserve officer, primarily involved in translation and research. During World War II, he was attached to the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas and later, the Office of Strategic Services.

Woodbridge Bingham died 5 May 1986. His ashes were buried in the family cemetery in Salem, Connecticut.

From the guide to the Woodbridge Bingham Papers, 1876-1986, (The Bancroft Library)

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbott person
correspondedWith Acker, William R. B. person
correspondedWith Aho person
correspondedWith Akaka person
correspondedWith Allen person
correspondedWith Allyn and Bacon, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Altrocchi person
associatedWith American Civil Liberties Union corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames person
correspondedWith Amiss, Bernard person
correspondedWith Angell, Molly person
correspondedWith Anne Bingham person
correspondedWith Anne Bingham Pierson person
correspondedWith Anne Bingham Pierson Wright person
correspondedWith Anstie person
correspondedWith Applegate person
correspondedWith Astilla person
correspondedWith Atwater person
correspondedWith Aydelotte person
correspondedWith Babb, James T. (James Tinkham), 1899-1968 person
correspondedWith Babcock person
correspondedWith Bailey person
correspondedWith Baker person
correspondedWith Balamuth person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Frances Elizabeth, 1899- person
correspondedWith Bankers Trust Company (New York, N. Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Barrows person
correspondedWith Bartholomew, Jeremiah H., Jr. person
correspondedWith Bartholomew, Jeremiah H., Sr. person
correspondedWith Batholomew person
correspondedWith Bayley person
correspondedWith Beadle person
correspondedWith Benes person
correspondedWith Benjamin person
correspondedWith Benner, Frederic C. person
correspondedWith Bevis person
correspondedWith Biggerstaff, Knight, 1906- person
correspondedWith Bingham, Abigail person
correspondedWith Bingham, Alfreda Mitchell person
associatedWith Bingham, Alfreda Mitchell. person
associatedWith Bingham, Alfred M. (Alfred Mitchell), 1905- person
associatedWith Bingham, Anne, 1929- person
correspondedWith Bingham, Brewster person
associatedWith Bingham, Brewster. person
correspondedWith Bingham, Charles Tiffany person
associatedWith Bingham, Charles Tiffany. person
associatedWith Bingham, Clarissa, 1931- person
correspondedWith Bingham, Clarissa Minerva Brewster person
associatedWith Bingham, Evelyn, 1938- person
associatedWith Bingham family family
associatedWith Bingham family. family
correspondedWith Bingham, Frances Beach person
correspondedWith Bingham, Hiram, 1831-1908 person
associatedWith Bingham, Hiram, 1875-1956. person
associatedWith Bingham, Hiram, 1903-1988. person
correspondedWith Bingham, John H. L. person
correspondedWith Bingham, Jonathan Brewster person
correspondedWith Bingham, Jonathon Brewster person
associatedWith Bingham, Jonathon Brewster. person
correspondedWith Bingham, June Rossbach, 1919- person
correspondedWith Bingham, Kathleen Howell person
correspondedWith Bingham, K. Farr person
associatedWith Bingham, Marion, 1940- person
correspondedWith Bingham, Mitchell person
associatedWith Bingham, Mitchell. person
correspondedWith Bingham, Nathaniel Shaw person
correspondedWith Bingham, Norris Nevins person
correspondedWith Bingham, Rose Beach person
correspondedWith Bingham, Suzanne Hill Carroll person
associatedWith Bingham, Sylvia Doughty Knox person
correspondedWith Bingham, Sylvia Knox person
correspondedWith Bingham, Timothy W. person
associatedWith Bingham, Ursula. person
associatedWith Bingham, Ursula Griswold, 1908-1996. person
associatedWith Bingham, Ursula Wolcott Griswold person
correspondedWith Birch person
correspondedWith Bishop, C. W. person
correspondedWith Black, Carol person
correspondedWith Blackmore, Michael person
correspondedWith Blackmore, Thaung person
correspondedWith Blair person
correspondedWith Blaisdell person
correspondedWith Blue, Rhea Camilla person
correspondedWith Blumenthal person
correspondedWith Bock, Felicia G. person
correspondedWith Bodak person
correspondedWith Bodde, Derk, 1909- person
correspondedWith Boehm, Eric H., 1918- person
correspondedWith Boodberg, Peter Alexis, 1903- person
correspondedWith Book of the Month Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Borton person
correspondedWith Bradford, Standish person
correspondedWith Bradley person
correspondedWith Braibanti person
correspondedWith Brill, E. J., 1901- person
correspondedWith Brokaw, R. Miriam person
correspondedWith Brooks person
correspondedWith Brown, Clarissa person
correspondedWith Brown, Delmer Myers, 1909- person
correspondedWith Brown, Edward O., Jr. person
correspondedWith Brown, Marion Sloane person
correspondedWith Brown, Phyllis Wyatt person
correspondedWith Brunner person
correspondedWith Buchanan person
associatedWith Burnett Y. Tiffany person
correspondedWith Byard person
correspondedWith Cabral person
correspondedWith Cameron, Frances Baldwin person
correspondedWith Carlisle person
correspondedWith Carlson person
correspondedWith Carter, Edward C. person
correspondedWith Cave person
correspondedWith Chamberlain person
correspondedWith Chan, David B. person
correspondedWith Chapin, Helen Burwell, 1892-1950 person
correspondedWith Chappell person
associatedWith Char Miller person
correspondedWith Chase, George Henry, 1874-1952 person
correspondedWith Cherrington person
correspondedWith Cheung, Hok-ming (Frederick) person
associatedWith China Council (UC Berkeley) corporateBody
correspondedWith Chiu, A. Kaiming person
correspondedWith Christian, John Leroy, 1902-1945 person
correspondedWith Chu, Shih-chia person
associatedWith City Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith Clapp person
correspondedWith Clarissa Bingham person
correspondedWith Clarissa Bingham Brown person
correspondedWith Clarissa Bingham Brown Junge person
correspondedWith Clubb, O. Edmund (Oliver Edmund), 1901- person
correspondedWith Cobb person
correspondedWith Cochrane person
correspondedWith Commercial Press (Shanghai, China) corporateBody
associatedWith Committee for Far Eastern Policy corporateBody
correspondedWith Condliffe person
correspondedWith Coney, Donald, 1901-1973 person
correspondedWith Congleton person
correspondedWith Connecticut Bank & Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Conroy, Hilary F., 1919- person
correspondedWith Cook, Jane M. person
correspondedWith Cox person
correspondedWith Craig person
correspondedWith Crandall, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Creamer, James W. person
correspondedWith Cushing person
correspondedWith Daggett person
correspondedWith Day person
correspondedWith DeBary person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Monroe E. (Monroe Emanuel), 1879-1955 person
correspondedWith DeYoung person
correspondedWith Dibblee person
correspondedWith Dittmer person
correspondedWith Dobey person
correspondedWith Dowing person
correspondedWith Dowler, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Drake person
correspondedWith Duhring person
correspondedWith Dungan person
correspondedWith Dwight & Scoville corporateBody
correspondedWith Eberhard person
correspondedWith Eddy person
correspondedWith Eldridge, Harry person
correspondedWith Elisseeff, Serge, 1889- person
correspondedWith Embree person
correspondedWith Emeneau person
correspondedWith Eustis person
correspondedWith Evans person
correspondedWith Evelyn Bingham person
correspondedWith Evelyn Bingham Prosser person
correspondedWith Evelyn Bingham Prosser Goodman person
correspondedWith Fahs, Charles Burton person
correspondedWith Fairbank, John King, 1907- person
correspondedWith Fairbank, Wilma person
associatedWith Far Eastern Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Farley person
associatedWith Farmers' Loan & Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith Farmers' Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Farquhar person
correspondedWith Feng, Chia-sheng person
correspondedWith Ferguson, John Calvin, 1866-1945 person
correspondedWith Ferris person
correspondedWith Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 1905- person
correspondedWith Field, Henry, 1902- person
correspondedWith Figour person
associatedWith First Congregational Church corporateBody
correspondedWith First Congregational Church (Berkeley, Calif.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Fleming, Ken person
correspondedWith Fowler, Norris Nevins Bingham person
correspondedWith Fox person
correspondedWith Frankel, Hans H. (Hans Hermann), 1916- person
correspondedWith Fraser person
correspondedWith Gale person
correspondedWith Gammon person
correspondedWith Gardner, Charles S. (Charles Sidney), 1900- person
correspondedWith Gilbert person
correspondedWith Giles person
correspondedWith Gillett, Marion person
correspondedWith Ginner, Margaret E. person
correspondedWith Glasier, Herbert person
correspondedWith Gleysteen, Culver person
correspondedWith Gleysteen, Theodore Carter person
correspondedWith Goodchild person
correspondedWith Goodell person
associatedWith Goodman, Evelyn Bingham Prosser person
correspondedWith Goodrich, L. Carrington (Luther Carrington), 1894- person
correspondedWith Gould, Raphael person
correspondedWith Graves, Mortimer person
correspondedWith Gray person
correspondedWith Greene person
correspondedWith Gregor, Alfreda Mitchell Bingham person
correspondedWith Gregory person
correspondedWith Griffin, Clarissa Brown person
correspondedWith Griswold, Adela Sloane person
correspondedWith Griswold, Evelyn Sloane person
associatedWith Griswold family family
correspondedWith Griswold, William E. S., Jr. person
correspondedWith Griswold, William E. S., Sr. person
associatedWith Groton School corporateBody
correspondedWith Grummen person
correspondedWith Guaranty person
correspondedWith Hackett, E. Byrne person
correspondedWith Hagemann person
correspondedWith Haines person
associatedWith Hamden Hall corporateBody
correspondedWith Hammarberg person
correspondedWith Hampton, Albert person
correspondedWith Han person
correspondedWith Harper person
correspondedWith Harrassowitz person
correspondedWith Haswell person
correspondedWith Hatch person
associatedWith Hawaiian Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Hawaiian Mission Children's Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Hayhurst person
correspondedWith Healy person
correspondedWith Heyns person
correspondedWith Hicks, John Donald, 1890- person
correspondedWith Hobart, R. Charles person
correspondedWith Holden person
correspondedWith Holland, W. L. (William Lancelot), 1907- person
correspondedWith Horne person
correspondedWith Hosmer person
correspondedWith Howley, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Hoyt person
correspondedWith Hrdlicka person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Brad person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Drika person
associatedWith Hubbell, Marion Bingham person
correspondedWith Hubbell, William B., Jr. person
correspondedWith Hubell, Marion Bingham person
correspondedWith Huff, Elizabeth Willis, 1892- person
correspondedWith Huger person
correspondedWith Hummel, R. Stuart person
correspondedWith Hung, William, 1893- person
correspondedWith Hurewitz, J. C., 1914- person
correspondedWith Ideler person
correspondedWith Iklé, Frank William, 1921- person
correspondedWith Iliff person
associatedWith Institute of East Asiatic Studies corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of International Studies corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of Pacific Relations corporateBody
correspondedWith Isseido person
correspondedWith Jackson person
correspondedWith Jamieson person
associatedWith Japanese American Citizens League corporateBody
correspondedWith Jensen person
correspondedWith Joelson person
associatedWith Johns Hopkins University corporateBody
correspondedWith Jones, Juliette person
associatedWith J. R. Moulthrop person
associatedWith Junge, Clarissa Bingham Brown person
correspondedWith Kabir person
correspondedWith Kanda, Tateo person
correspondedWith Karnes, Thomas L. person
correspondedWith Kates, George N. (George Norbert), 1895- person
correspondedWith Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Kelly person
correspondedWith Kemp person
correspondedWith Kerner, Robert Joseph, 1887-1956 person
correspondedWith Kettler person
correspondedWith Kiang person
correspondedWith King, Frank H. H. person
correspondedWith Kinnard person
correspondedWith Kirk person
correspondedWith Kortozian person
correspondedWith Koskinen person
correspondedWith Kublin person
correspondedWith Kuchel person
correspondedWith Laai, Yi-faai, 1906- person
correspondedWith Lamont person
correspondedWith Landon person
correspondedWith Larsen, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Lasker, Bruno, 1880-1965 person
correspondedWith Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968 person
correspondedWith Laufer person
correspondedWith League of Women Voters corporateBody
correspondedWith Learned, J. C. person
correspondedWith Leavens, Dickson Hammond person
correspondedWith Leavens, Marjorie B. person
correspondedWith Lessing person
correspondedWith Letiche person
correspondedWith Leupp, Harold Lewis, 1877-1952 person
correspondedWith Lieurance person
correspondedWith Light, Richard Upjohn, 1902- person
correspondedWith Lilienthal, Philip Eugene, 1914- person
correspondedWith Lin, Tung-chi, 1907- person
correspondedWith Lin, T. Y. (Tung-yen), 1911- person
correspondedWith Liu person
correspondedWith Lo, Hsiang-lin person
correspondedWith Lo, Jung-pang, 1912- person
associatedWith Lone Pine Lawn Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith Lovenburg person
correspondedWith Ludwig person
correspondedWith Lundy, Frank A. person
correspondedWith Lusk, William T. person
correspondedWith Lyon person
correspondedWith Ma person
correspondedWith Madison person
correspondedWith Maecchen person
correspondedWith Mantri person
correspondedWith Marion Bingham person
correspondedWith Marion Bingham Hubbell person
correspondedWith Mark person
correspondedWith Matsumoto person
correspondedWith Matuszewski person
correspondedWith Mazour person
correspondedWith McBlair person
correspondedWith McCune, George McAfee, 1908-1948 person
correspondedWith McDonald person
correspondedWith McKillop person
correspondedWith McKinnon person
correspondedWith Miles person
correspondedWith Mill person
associatedWith Miller, Char. person
correspondedWith Miller, Richard James, 1918- person
correspondedWith Milone person
correspondedWith Mirchin person
associatedWith Misson Mirror corporateBody
correspondedWith Mitchell, Annie O. person
correspondedWith Moon person
correspondedWith Moore, Henry A. person
correspondedWith Morehouse, Ward, 1929- person
correspondedWith Morris, Virginia person
correspondedWith Moulthrop, J. R. person
associatedWith M. R. A. corporateBody
correspondedWith Murray person
correspondedWith Namkung person
associatedWith New London Junior College (Ct.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Newsom person
correspondedWith Niehaus person
correspondedWith Niida person
correspondedWith Noyes person
correspondedWith Oakie, John H. person
correspondedWith Oates person
correspondedWith Olivola person
correspondedWith Overton person
correspondedWith Paine person
correspondedWith Park, Richard Leonard person
correspondedWith Parson, James person
correspondedWith Paxson, Frederic L. (Frederick Logan), 1877-1948 person
correspondedWith Payson person
correspondedWith Peabody, Endicott person
correspondedWith Peacock person
correspondedWith Peake, Cyrus Henderson, 1900- person
correspondedWith Peking Union Book Store (Peiping, China) corporateBody
correspondedWith Pettus, William B. (William Bacon) b. 1860 person
correspondedWith Pfund person
correspondedWith Phi person
correspondedWith Pierson, Alexandra deForest person
correspondedWith Pierson, Cordelia person
correspondedWith Pierson, George W. person
correspondedWith Pierson, Olivia person
correspondedWith Pierson, Richard N., III person
correspondedWith Pilcher, John person
correspondedWith Pineau person
correspondedWith Pocock person
correspondedWith Potter person
correspondedWith Poulin person
correspondedWith Pritchard, Earl person
correspondedWith Pyle person
correspondedWith Quigley person
correspondedWith Rauch person
correspondedWith Read person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Kate person
correspondedWith Rhodes person
correspondedWith Ristenpart person
correspondedWith Roberts person
correspondedWith Robinson, Jay person
associatedWith Rockefeller Committee on Far Eastern & Slavic Affairs corporateBody
correspondedWith Roselund, David person
correspondedWith Rosinger person
correspondedWith Rossett person
correspondedWith Rudolph, Richard C. person
correspondedWith Ryerson person
correspondedWith Saito person
associatedWith Salem Valley Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith Sander person
correspondedWith Sanderson person
correspondedWith Savelle, Max, 1896- person
correspondedWith Sawyer person
correspondedWith Scalapino, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Scanlon person
correspondedWith Schiff, Judith Ann person
correspondedWith Schleif person
correspondedWith Schmidt person
correspondedWith Scranton person
correspondedWith Scranton, Charles W. & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Seabury person
correspondedWith Security Storage Company of Washington (D.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Shafer person
correspondedWith Shapere person
correspondedWith Shively person
correspondedWith Shores, Louis, 1904- person
correspondedWith Sibley person
correspondedWith Sinclair, Lachlan M. person
correspondedWith Sinor person
correspondedWith Siple person
correspondedWith Sloane, John person
correspondedWith Smith, Celia person
correspondedWith Smith, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Sockman person
correspondedWith Sohn person
correspondedWith Spencer, Robert Francis, 1917- person
correspondedWith Springfield person
correspondedWith Sproul, Robert Gordon, 1891-1975 person
correspondedWith Staley, Eugene, 1906- person
correspondedWith Stampp, Kenneth M. (Kenneth Milton) person
correspondedWith Stanford person
correspondedWith Stephens person
correspondedWith Stephenson person
correspondedWith Stevick, Guy L. person
correspondedWith Stilwell person
correspondedWith Stoker person
correspondedWith Strong, Edward W. (Edward William), 1901- person
correspondedWith Sturdy person
correspondedWith Su person
correspondedWith Swisher person
correspondedWith Talbott person
correspondedWith Teggart person
correspondedWith Teicholz person
correspondedWith Teng, Ssu-yu, 1906- person
correspondedWith Tenney (Charles H.) & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Thompson, Virgina McLean, 1903- person
associatedWith Tiffany & Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Titiev person
correspondedWith Todd person
correspondedWith Treat person
correspondedWith Treutlein person
correspondedWith Tsai, Stephen person
correspondedWith Tsen person
correspondedWith Tsurumi person
correspondedWith Tucker, Tiffany Bingham person
correspondedWith Tyson person
correspondedWith Union person
associatedWith Union & New Haven Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Union & New Haven Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith United Board for Christian Colleges in China corporateBody
associatedWith University of California corporateBody
correspondedWith Usinger person
correspondedWith Valyi person
correspondedWith Vickery person
correspondedWith Vigezzi person
correspondedWith Von Holt person
correspondedWith Wagenet person
correspondedWith Walker person
correspondedWith Wallace person
correspondedWith Watts person
correspondedWith Webb person
correspondedWith Westerman person
correspondedWith Wheeler person
correspondedWith Wilbur, C. Martin (Clarence Martin), 1908- person
correspondedWith Willenborg person
correspondedWith Williams person
correspondedWith Williston, Emily person
correspondedWith Wilmer, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Wittfogel person
correspondedWith Wolf person
associatedWith Woman's College of New Haven corporateBody
associatedWith Woodbridge Bingham. person
associatedWith Woodbridge Cemetery Association corporateBody
associatedWith Woodbridge House corporateBody
correspondedWith Woolf, Marvin B. person
correspondedWith Wotton person
associatedWith Wright, Anne Bingham Pierson person
correspondedWith Wright, Richard T. person
correspondedWith Wu, Kuang-yu, 1908- person
correspondedWith Yale person
associatedWith Yale-China Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Yale University corporateBody
correspondedWith Yarwood person
associatedWith Yenching School of Chinese Studies corporateBody
correspondedWith Z'berg person
Place Name Admin Code Country
East Asia


Active 1876

Active 1986



Ark ID: w6t802bb

SNAC ID: 58096067