Henry, Harriet Alexander (Henry's Wife)

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Simon Newcomb Papers.
referencedIn John Torrey Papers, 1788-1871 (bulk 1806-1871) New York Botanical Garden, The LuEsther T. Mertz Library
referencedIn Princeton University Library, Dept. Of Rare Books & Mss., Ms. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Harvard University Archives. Biographical Files.
referencedIn New York Public Library. Miscellaneous Papers.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Corcoran Gallery Of Art. Letters Received, 1870 1908.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Alexander Dallas Bache Papers.
referencedIn Private Collection. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn City University Of New York, Queens College Libraries. Queens College Archives?.
referencedIn Princeton University Library, Dept. Of Rare Books & Mss., Ms. John R. Buhler Diary (My Microscope).
referencedIn Fielding B. Meek Papers Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Inst. Arch. & Spec. Coll.. Horsford Family Papers.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 52: Assistant Secretary, Incoming Correspondenc.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Spencer F. Baird Papers (Mc 2000.11).
referencedIn Harvard, Houghton Library. Dorothea L. Dix Papers.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 93: Fiscal Records, Federal.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Alexander Graham Bell Papers.
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Peter Force Papers.
referencedIn New York State Library. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Lanman, Haphazard Personalities. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Harvard, Gray Herbarium. Historic Letters.
referencedIn Indiana Historical Society, W.H. Smith Memorial Library. Fillmore Family Papers.
referencedIn Historical Society Of Princeton, N.J.. Arnold Guyot Papers.
referencedIn Corcoran Gallery Of Art. Letters Sent, 1875 1879.
referencedIn Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees Papers, 1744-1907 The Huntington Library
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Rg 42: Public Buildings And Grounds.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Addie D. person
associatedWith Adams, Charles F. (Hon.) person
associatedWith Adams, Charles Francis, Mrs. person
associatedWith Adams, John Quincy person
associatedWith Agassiz, Louis person
correspondedWith Alexander, Alexander person
associatedWith Alexander, Barton Stone person
associatedWith Alexander, Maria person
correspondedWith Alexander, Stephen person
associatedWith Alger, Mrs. person
associatedWith Allen, Zachariah person
associatedWith American Museum Of Natural History corporateBody
correspondedWith Amory, James S. person
associatedWith Arrow, Frederick (Sir) person
associatedWith Astor, William B. person
correspondedWith Atlee, S. Yorke person
associatedWith Auchinloss, Mr. person
correspondedWith Bache, Alexander Dallas person
correspondedWith Bache, Nancy (Mrs. A. D.) person
associatedWith Back, Captain person
associatedWith Bailey, Jacob Whitman person
associatedWith Bain, Alexander person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Bancroft, Elisabeth person
associatedWith Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter person
associatedWith Barnard, John Gross person
associatedWith Barnum, P. T. person
associatedWith Beck, General person
associatedWith Beck, Lewis C. person
associatedWith Beck, T. Romeyn person
associatedWith Bell, John person
associatedWith Bell, John, Mrs. person
associatedWith Benton, Thomas Hart person
associatedWith Bernhisel, J. M. person
associatedWith Berrien, John Macpherson person
correspondedWith Bessels, Emil person
associatedWith Biddle, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Blake, John B. person
associatedWith Blaney, J. V. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Blodget, Lorin person
associatedWith Bodisco corporateBody
correspondedWith Bolton, Henry Carrington person
associatedWith Brewster, David, Sir person
associatedWith Brooks, Lewis person
associatedWith Browne, Daniel Jay person
associatedWith Brown, Mrs. person
associatedWith Brown, Ross person
associatedWith Brown University corporateBody
correspondedWith Buhler, John R. person
associatedWith Bullions, George H. person
correspondedWith Bullions, M. G. person
associatedWith Bullions, P. person
associatedWith Butler, William Orlando (Gen.) person
associatedWith Calhoun, John C. person
associatedWith California corporateBody
associatedWith Capitol Building corporateBody
associatedWith Carey, Matthew person
correspondedWith Carroll, Anne E. person
associatedWith Cass, Lewis person
associatedWith Centennial Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876) corporateBody
associatedWith Cesnola, Luigi Palma Di corporateBody
associatedWith Chace, George Ide person
associatedWith Chase, Salmon Portland person
associatedWith Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith Childs, George W. person
associatedWith Chilton, James person
associatedWith China corporateBody
associatedWith Churchman, William Henry person
associatedWith Clifford, Nathan person
associatedWith Clinton, George W. person
associatedWith Clow, Mr. person
associatedWith Cobb, Howell person
associatedWith Cooke, Jay person
associatedWith Cooper, Peter person
associatedWith Corcoran, William Wilson person
associatedWith Cram, Thomas Jefferson (Capt.) person
associatedWith Cuyler, Theodore person
associatedWith Dahlgren, J. A. B. person
associatedWith Dall, Caroline H. person
associatedWith Davies, Charles person
associatedWith Davis, Charles Henry person
associatedWith Davis, Dr. person
associatedWith Dean, George W. person
correspondedWith De Chambrun, Madam corporateBody
associatedWith Delafield, Richard person
associatedWith De La Rive, Auguste A. person
associatedWith Dickerson, Mr. person
correspondedWith Dix, Dorothea Lynde person
associatedWith Dix, John A. person
associatedWith Dod, Albert Baldwin person
associatedWith Doty, Duand person
associatedWith Duane, James Chatham (General) person
associatedWith Dupont, Samuel Francis person
associatedWith Earle, Pliny person
associatedWith Edinburg Observatory corporateBody
associatedWith Elliott, Henry person
associatedWith Emory, Mr. person
associatedWith Emory, William Hemsley person
associatedWith Emperor Of Brazil corporateBody
correspondedWith Espy, James P. person
associatedWith Euler corporateBody
associatedWith Evangelical Alliance Of America (Metro. Branch) corporateBody
associatedWith Ewbank, Thomas person
associatedWith Faraday, Michael person
associatedWith Farragut, David, Admiral person
correspondedWith Farragut, Virginia L. person
associatedWith Felton, C. C. person
associatedWith Fessenden, William Pitt person
correspondedWith Fillmore, Millard person
associatedWith First National Bank Of Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Force, William Q. (Peter Force's Son) person
associatedWith Forsyth, R. person
associatedWith Franklin, General person
associatedWith Franklin, W. B. person
associatedWith Fremont, John Charles person
associatedWith Funck, Joseph person
correspondedWith Gill, Theodore Nicholas person
associatedWith Goddard, Paul Beck person
associatedWith Goodwin, William A. person
associatedWith Gould, Benjamin Apthorp person
associatedWith Government Hospital For The Insane (St. Eliz.) corporateBody
associatedWith Grant, Robert (Prof.) person
associatedWith Grant, S. Hastings person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. person
associatedWith Gray, Asa person
correspondedWith Gray, Jane L. person
associatedWith Greeley, Horace person
associatedWith Green, Jacob person
associatedWith Guyot, Arnold person
correspondedWith Hall, James person
associatedWith Halsted Observatory corporateBody
correspondedWith Hare, Robert person
associatedWith Harris, Mrs. person
associatedWith Harrison, Joseph person
associatedWith Harrison, William Henry person
correspondedWith Harvey, William Henry person
correspondedWith Hawkins, A. P. person
correspondedWith Henry, James (Henry's Brother) person
associatedWith Henry, James (Henry's Grandfather) person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Henry, Mary Anna (Henry's Daughter) person
correspondedWith Henry, Nancy person
correspondedWith Henry, William Alexander (Henry's Son) person
associatedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
correspondedWith Hodder, M. H. person
associatedWith Hodges, Silas H. person
correspondedWith Horsford, J. person
associatedWith Humphreys, A. A. (General) person
associatedWith Hunt, Thomas Sterry person
correspondedWith Hyde, A. person
associatedWith Ingersoll, Joseph person
associatedWith International Standards Commission person
correspondedWith Jackson, Isaac person
associatedWith James, Henry, Sr. person
associatedWith Jenkins, Thornton A. person
associatedWith Jewett, Charles Coffin person
associatedWith Joslin, B. F. (Dr.) person
associatedWith King, Charles person
associatedWith Leconte, John person
associatedWith Leconte, Joseph person
associatedWith Lederle, Joseph person
associatedWith Lee, Robert Edward person
associatedWith Lenox, James person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham person
associatedWith Lockyer, J. Norman person
correspondedWith Loring, Jeannie person
correspondedWith Ludlow, James R. person
correspondedWith Ludlow, J. Livingston person
correspondedWith Ludlow, John person
associatedWith Ludlow, Joseph R. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Ludlow, Mary person
associatedWith Lukens, Mr. person
associatedWith Lyons, Lord person
associatedWith Maclean, George M. person
correspondedWith Maclean, John (1800 1886) person
correspondedWith Macleod, William person
associatedWith Markoe, Francis, Jr. person
associatedWith Maury, Matthew F. person
associatedWith Mayer, Alfred M. person
associatedWith Mccosh, James person
associatedWith Mcculloh, Richard Sears person
correspondedWith Mcmullen, Lewis person
associatedWith Mcpeak, William person
associatedWith Meads, Orlando person
associatedWith Mechanics Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Meek, Fielding B. person
associatedWith Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham person
associatedWith Meredith, W. M. person
associatedWith Metropolitan Mechanic's Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Mexican Boundary Survey corporateBody
associatedWith Minturn corporateBody
associatedWith Mooney, Edward person
associatedWith Morgan, Lewis Henry person
associatedWith Morse, Samuel F. B. person
associatedWith Newcomb, Simon person
correspondedWith Newcomb, Simon, Mrs. person
associatedWith New Jersey Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Newland, John person
associatedWith Newton, General person
correspondedWith New York Tribune corporateBody
associatedWith Nichols, C. H. person
correspondedWith Nisbit, Harriet person
associatedWith Nott, Eliphalet person
associatedWith Olmsted, Denison person
associatedWith Owen, Robert Dale person
associatedWith Page, Charles Grafton person
associatedWith Palmer, Captain person
correspondedWith Parker, Courtland person
associatedWith Parker, Peter person
correspondedWith Parsons, Anna person
associatedWith Patterson, C. Stuart person
associatedWith Patterson, Dr. person
associatedWith Patterson, Joseph person
associatedWith Peabody, George person
associatedWith Peabody Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Peale, Mr. person
associatedWith Peale, Titian Ramsay, Mrs. person
associatedWith Pierce, Franklin person
associatedWith Poe, O. M. (General) person
associatedWith Powell, Commodore person
associatedWith Presbyterian Hospital (Nyc) corporateBody
associatedWith Pumpelly, Harman person
associatedWith Quetelet, A. person
associatedWith Renwick, James, Sr. person
correspondedWith Rhees, William J. person
correspondedWith Ridgway, A. E. person
correspondedWith Roche, Ann person
associatedWith Rodefer, Jacob person
correspondedWith Rodgers, John person
associatedWith Rogers, James B. person
associatedWith Rogers, William Barton person
correspondedWith Rood, O. N. person
associatedWith Roper, Mr. person
associatedWith Ross, John person
associatedWith Russell, Mr. person
associatedWith Russell, Robert person
associatedWith Rutherfurd, Lewis M. person
associatedWith Sabine, Edward person
associatedWith San Francisco corporateBody
associatedWith Saxton, Joseph person
associatedWith Schaeffer, Dr. person
associatedWith Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe person
correspondedWith Schoolcraft, Mary E. Howard (Mrs. Henry Rowe) person
associatedWith Seaton, William Winston person
associatedWith Selden, Mrs. person
associatedWith Selfridge, Capt. person
associatedWith Seward, William Henry person
associatedWith Sherman, W. T. (Gen.) person
associatedWith Shubrick, William B. person
correspondedWith Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. person
associatedWith Silliman, Benjamin, Sr. person
associatedWith Smyth, Piazzi person
associatedWith Squier, Ephraim George person
associatedWith Stanton, Edwin Mcmasters person
associatedWith Staten Island Depot (Light House Board) corporateBody
associatedWith Sterns, Dr. person
correspondedWith Steuart, George H. person
associatedWith Stevens, Edwin A. person
associatedWith Stevens, Isaac I. person
associatedWith Stimpson, William person
correspondedWith Stribling, C. R . person
associatedWith Stuart, Mr. person
associatedWith Stuart, Robert L. person
associatedWith Taney, Roger Brooke person
associatedWith Tappan, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Julia person
associatedWith Thompson, William person
correspondedWith Titus, B. W. person
correspondedWith Torrey, John person
associatedWith Totten, Joseph Gilbert person
associatedWith Trinity House corporateBody
correspondedWith Trumbull corporateBody
associatedWith University Of California corporateBody
associatedWith Van Rensselaer, Stephen person
associatedWith Varnum, Joseph B., Jr. person
associatedWith Vaughan, John person
associatedWith Vaughan, Mr. person
associatedWith Vaughan, William person
associatedWith Vethake, Henry person
correspondedWith Waite, M. R. person
associatedWith Walker, Captain person
associatedWith Walker, R. J. person
associatedWith Walker, Sears C. person
associatedWith Washington National Monument Society corporateBody
associatedWith Watts, Frederick person
associatedWith Wayland?, Professor person
associatedWith Weed, Thurlow corporateBody
associatedWith Welch, Ashbell person
correspondedWith Willson, T. A. & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Winlock, Joseph person
correspondedWith Woodhull, Annamaria person
associatedWith Woodward, Joseph Janvier person
associatedWith Woodward, Mr. person
associatedWith Wyman, Jeffries person
associatedWith Young, Brigham person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Science In Europe



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