Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964

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Herbert Clark Hoover (b. August 10, 1874, Iowa-d. October 20, 1964), thirty-first president of the United States, was born in Iowa, and was orphaned as a child. A Quaker known from his childhood as "Bert" to his friends, he began a career as a mining engineer soon after graduating from Stanford University in 1895. Within twenty years he had used his engineering knowledge and business acumen to make a fortune as an independent mining consultant. In 1914 Hoover administered the American Relief Committee, which assisted more than one hundred thousand Americans trapped in Europe at the outbreak of World War I. During the war he was praised for his efficiency as head of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, as U.S. Food Administrator, and as chairman of the Interallied Food Council. After the war he directed the American Relief Administration. All told, Hoover was responsible for distributing more than $5 billion worth of food, clothing, and supplies during and after the war, and he was deservedly acclaimed worldwide as a great humanitarian. From 1918 into the early 1920s Europeans sent him tens of thousands of cards, letters, and drawings to express their gratitude for their "Hoover lunches." In Finland to "hoover" came to mean to act in a kindly and helpful manner. In the United States to "hooverize" came to mean to ration one''s food and supplies, because while he was U.S. Food Administrator in 1917-1918, Hoover importuned the nation to conserve voluntarily resources and comply with meatless and wheatless days. Franklin D. Roosevelt said of Hoover in 1920, "He is certainly a wonder and I wish we could make him President of the United States. There could not be a better one." In 1919 Hoover founded the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University. As Secretary of Commerce in the Harding and Coolidge administrations from 1921 to 1929, Hoover was widely celebrated for his leadership. Known to insiders as "Secretary of Commerce and Under Secretary of Everything Else," Hoover made Commerce one of the most active cabinet departments. Not a doctrinaire conservative like many other Republican cabinet officers of the decade, Hoover championed progressive capitalism, attempting to balance laissez-faire dogma with humanitarian values. Hoover strove to implement his principles of "cooperative capitalism" by forging an alliance between government and business that relied on experts and volunteers to promote efficiency and self-regulation. To accomplish these goals he organized hundreds of national conferences to study business and economic trends, bringing together experts, amassing information, and disseminating new ideas for making business more efficient and profitable. One of Hoover''s crowning achievements was his encouragement of western states to cooperate in building a major dam, later named in his honor, on the Colorado River. He also coordinated relief efforts after the Mississippi River flood of 1927, one of the worst natural disasters of the decade. In 1928 he defeated Democrat Al Smith for the presidency. Inaugurated on March 4, 1929, Hoover had been president only seven months when the stock market crashed. During the first eight months of his presidency Hoover had exhibited his progressive tendencies through conservation policy, prison reform, a conference on child welfare, and the promotion of humanitarian treatment of African Americans. Ironically, at the start of his campaign he had declared that Americans were approaching "the final triumph over poverty," and he praised Americans'' "rugged individualism" as a solution to the nation''s economic problems. When it became clear that the Depression could not be ended without government intervention, Hoover reversed his stand and initiated a series of innovative federal programs in an attempt to counteract the economic downturn. But the economy continued to worsen, and he was handily defeated by Roosevelt in the presidential election of 1932. During Hoover''s 1932 campaign one of his critics, Walter Lippmann, observed: "Mr. Hoover has long since abandoned his old faith in rugged individualism. His platform is a document of indefatigable paternalism. Its spirit is that of the Great White Father providing help for all his people. Every conceivable interest which has votes is offered protection, or subsidies, or access of some kind to the Treasury." After his defeat, Hoover kept silent on public policy for two years. In late 1934 he began his attack on the New Deal with The Challenge to Liberty, a book in which he articulated his ideological views. He remained active in the Republican Party, quietly and unsuccessfully seeking his party''s presidential nomination in 1936 and 1940. As an elder statesman he headed government commissions under Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Moffett, Guy, 1882-1963. Papers of Guy Moffett, 1920-1963. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Caetani, Gelasio, 1877-1934. Gelasio Benedetto Anatolio Caetani papers, 1906-1934. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Papers, 1948 (1950-1956) 1964 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Robinson Smith writings, 1917 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1900-1982. Frederick Emmons Terman papers, 1920-1978. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948. Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Tilton, Elizabeth, 1869-1950. Papers, 1914-1949 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Chase, Stuart, 1888-1985. Letter to Cyril Clemens. [Georgetown, CT.] 1965 Feb. 15. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Lou Henry Hoover collection, 1820-1984 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace
creatorOf Martin, Margaret Nickerson, d. 1960. Margaret Nickerson Martin papers, 1933-1959. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Milford Finnish Relief Committee Records, 1939-1941 University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc]
referencedIn Edith Bolling Galt Wilson Papers, 1833-1961, (bulk 1925-1961) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Kenkel, Frederick, 1863-1952. Papers, 1871-1952. University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library
creatorOf Herbert Hoover Papers. 1913 - 1964. President's Subject Files Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Cornellian Council. Cornellian Council records, 1910-1931. Cornell University Library
creatorOf White, William Lindsay, 1900-1973. Report on the Krauts : typescript, ca. 1945-1947. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Sheldon, Frank Merritt. Frank Merritt Sheldon autograph collection, 1737-1941. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Edwin H. Armstrong Papers, 1886-1982, [Bulk Dates: 1912-1954] Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn First Aid For Hungary, 1956-1958 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn George Creel Papers, 1857-1953, (bulk 1896-1953) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003. Strom Thurmond John William Thurmond series, 1894-1934. Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Brown, Arthur. Arthur Brown papers, 1910-1961. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn John Corbin, Papers, 1894-1956 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library
referencedIn Laidlaw, Harriet Burton, 1873-1949. Papers, 1851-1958 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Family papers, 1892-1962 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Ludlow mss., 1898-1948 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 42, No. 35 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Kent, William, 1864-1928. William Kent family papers, 1768-1961. Yale University Library
referencedIn Lewis, Ernest Irving, 1873-1947. Papers of Ernest Irving Lewis, 1897-1944 (bulk 1921-1944). Library of Congress
referencedIn Bruno, Harry A., 1893-1978. Papers, 1919-1969. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Merritt Speidel. New York, NY. 1943 June 3. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, 1884-1951. Edwin Montefiore Borchard papers, 1910-1950 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn United States. Army. Former President Herbert C. Hoover state funeral, 20-25 October, 1964 : typescript, 1964. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn David Goldin Collection. 1932 - 1952. Audio Recordings of Radio Broadcasts of Speeches, Interviews, Combat Reports, Special Events, Public Affairs, and Entertainment for U.S. Troops. 1932 - 1952. HERBERT HOOVER National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Heard Museum. Oversize photography collection. The Heard Museum Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to [Harold John] Gallagher. New York, NY. 1958 Sept. 22. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Philip A. Stanton Papers, 1907-1929 The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens Manuscripts Department
referencedIn J. W. Kirwan typescript : Hoover in Western Australia : some goldfields memories Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Russell, Tom,. Tom Russell collection, 1928. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Papers. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf McCormick, Chauncey, 1884-1954. Chauncey McCormick papers, 1887-1955. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennington, Levi T. (Levi Talbott), 1875-1975. Levi Talbott Pennington correspondence, 1928-1962, with Herbert Hoover. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Seton-Thompson, Grace Gallatin. Papers, 1878-1989 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Hinshaw, David, 1882-1953. Herbert Hoover, American Quaker : typescript, 1950. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Good, James W., 1866-1929. James W. Good speeches, 1929. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Atterbury family. Atterbury family papers, 1834-1990. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969. Letters to Robert K. Goodwin. 1952-1957. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Ephraim Douglass Adams papers, 1908-1929 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947. Albert Shaw correspondence, 1900-1932. Library of Congress
creatorOf McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949. John T. McCutcheon papers 1834-1996, bulk 1889-1950. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Typed letter signed : Washington, to Miss C.E. Mason, 1923 Oct. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to the Editor of Wallace's Farmer. Washington, DC. 1925 Mar. 10. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Barton, Bruce, 1886-1967. Papers, 1881-1967. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Charles Anderson Gauld papers, 1953-1957 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Wingfield, George, 1876-1959. Papers, ca. 1900-1958. Nevada State Historical Society
referencedIn Records of the Extension Service. 1888 - 2000. Motion Picture Films. 1915 - 1959. HERBERT HOOVER INAUGURATED National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Large, Jean Henry. Jean Henry Large miscellaneous papers, ca. 1850-1951. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Presidential Papers of John F. Kennedy. 1961 - 1963. President's Office Files
referencedIn Hilles, Charles Dewey, 1867-1949. Charles Dewey Hilles papers, 1823-1955 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Macy, W. Kingsland, 1889. Papers, 1920-1961. American Periodical Series I
referencedIn Barker, Burt Brown, 1873-1969. Burt Brown Barker papers, 1950-1966. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Documentary Films. 1914 - 1944. WAR AND PEACE National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to [Virgil M.] Hancher. New York, NY. 1959 Aug. 14. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Bruce Hay Papers, 1930-1932 Eastern Washington State Historical Society/Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture Joel E. Ferris Research Library and Archives
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. Brussels World's Fair, Brussels, Belgium National Archives at College Park
creatorOf American Relief Administration. American Relief Administration Russian operational records, 1919-1925. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Carroll, Philip H., 1885-1941. Philip H. Carroll papers, 1917-1939. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Herbert Hoover letter to John Charles Thomas : ALS, 1945 October 10. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Florence Gehlke diary, 1930-1931 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Blackwelder, Eliot, b. 1880. Eliot Blackwelder papers, 1903-1968. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Kemp, Arthur. Oral history interview with Arthur Kemp, Ph. D. (Mrs. Kemp participating) / by Raymond Henle, director, July 13, 1968 at Claremont California. The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium
referencedIn Smith, H. Alexander (Howard Alexander), 1880-1966. H. Alexander Smith papers, 1880-1966 (bulk 1917-1959). Princeton University Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. PRESIDENT HERBERT HOOVER National Archives at College Park
referencedIn James A. Farley Papers, 1790-1976, (bulk 1918-1976) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Allen, Ronald, 1891-1949. Ronald Allen letter, 1944, to his mother. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn William Proxmire papers, 1938-2004 (bulk 1957-1980) Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
creatorOf Elliott, Richard Nash, 1873-. Papers 1926-1948. Indiana University
creatorOf Aldrich, Vernice, 1901-1959. Papers, 1902-1959 (bulk 1923-1947). University of North Dakota, Chester Fritz Library
referencedIn [Political campaign memorabilia]. Cleveland Public Library, Main Library
referencedIn John Purroy Mitchel Papers, 1835-1932, (bulk 1892-1918) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Velie, Charles Deere, 1861-1929. Charles D. Velie papers, 1919-1953. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Key Pittman Papers, 1898-1951, (bulk 1912-1940) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Josiah William Bailey Papers, 1833-1967 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. Eisenhower's inaugural parade quot;1953quot; National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Letter from Marie Curie to President Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover Library
creatorOf Forster, Henry Atherton, 1868-1932. Henry Atherton Forster papers, 1914-1932. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Charles Kendrick papers, 1914-1969 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Engel, Albert J. (Albert Joseph), 1888-1959. Albert Joseph Engel papers, 1911-1959. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Armin R. Bruns motion picture film : This is worth remembering, 1954 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. MOVIETONE NEWS National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Stanford University, Registrar's Office, records, 1891-1955, 1891-1928 Cecil H. Green Library. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Lissner, Meyer, b. 1871. Meyer Lissner papers, 1903-1923 (bulk 1910-1920). Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Beverley, James Rumsey, 1894-1967. James R. Beverley papers, 1904-1967. University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922,. Papers of the Baker and Wheeler families, 1763-1954. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Rosenbach Company. Correspondence, 1903-1953 Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn Oliver Max Gardner Papers (#3613), 1892-1966 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937. Kellogg-Dickie papers, 1862-1995 (inclusive), 1884-1976 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn University of Washington Collection. 1931 - 1977. Audio Recordings Forming the Milo Ryan Phonoarchive of Radio Newscasts Relating to World War II and Special Coverage of Other Historical Events. 1931 - 1977. VJ-DAY National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Papers, 1926-1928. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn Papers of Eva Whiting White, 1900-1965 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [JULY 22] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Hickenlooper, Bourke B. (Bourke Blakemore), 1896-1971. Bourke B. Hickenlooper papers, 1895-1971. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Arthur Bliss Lane papers, 1904-1957 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf University history collection, 1895-1983. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Harry Burns Hutchins Papers, 1879-1930 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Princess Bibesco. New York, NY. 1921 Feb. 3. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Cornwall, Grace, 1890-1982. Grace Cornwall collection, 1918-1977. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, Duke of, 1823-1900. Papers of the Grinnan and related Bryan and Tucker families of Virginia [manuscript], 1734-1935. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter, September 28, 1939, New York City, to Professor Douglas Johnson, New York City. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961, Papers, 1822, 1831, 1845, 1903-2007 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Keeler, Charles Augustus, 1871-1937. Papers of Charles Augustus Keeler, 1895-1944. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Berryman family papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn James Ford Bell and family papers., 1861-1978. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Maynard, George W. [Four mile placers, Routt County, Colorado]. Colorado School of Mines, Arthur Lakes Library
referencedIn Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial. Archives. 1918-1930. Rockefeller Archive Center
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Virgil M. Hancher. New York, NY. 1961 Mar. 8. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Wyatt, Walter, 1893-1978. Papers of Walter Wyatt [manuscript], 1918-1944. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Brown, Elmer Ellsworth, 1861-1934. Elmer Ellsworth Brown administrative records, 1900-1937. New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Herbert Hoover letter to Richard Noble, 1960 July 30. The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Noble Foundation
creatorOf Madison County (Va.). Papers, 1830-1932. William & Mary Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. [Envelope] 1960 October 16 [to] Harry T. Bussman, Jr., Saint Louis, Missouri / [Herbert Clark Hoover]. Franklin College, Hamilton Library
referencedIn Lankford, Menalcus, 1883-1937. Letter to Cyril Clemens. [Norfolk, VA.]. 1937 July 29. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Nicholas Roosevelt Papers, 1846-1962 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter, 1931 October 31, Washington, D.C., to John H. Trumbull, Plainville, Conn. Connecticut Historical Society
referencedIn Crawford, Jack Randall, 1878-1968. Jack Randall Crawford papers, 1889-1951 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Correspondence, 1920-1959. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Huber, Walter Leroy, 1883-1960. Correspondence relating to appointment to Hoover Commission Water Resources and Power Task Force. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn Ford, Henry, 1863-1947. General Personal records series, 1823-1984 (bulk 1920-1947) The Henry Ford, Benson Ford Research Center
referencedIn Reed, Stanley F. (Stanley Forman), 1884-1980. Stanley F. Reed papers 1926-1977 1937-1957. University of Kentucky Libraries
referencedIn Stickney, Prudence Asenath, 1860-1950. Scrapbook, 1930s-1950. United Society of Shakers, Shaker Library
referencedIn Frank Ernest Gannett papers, [ca. 1859]-1958. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Mitchell, Wesley C. (Wesley Clair), 1874-1948. Wesley Clair Mitchell papers, 1898-1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letters to Willard Lampe. New York, NY. 1939-1941. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Carol Green Wilson Papers, ca. 1949-1975 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Bodley family. Bodley family papers, 1773-1939. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf Brill, Hascal R. (Hascal Russel), 1846-1922. Hascal R. Brill and family papers, 1805, 1849-1964. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Levi Talbott Pennington correspondence with Herbert Hoover, 1928-1962 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to William S. Kenyon. Washington, DC. 1931 June 4. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [APR. 10] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Williams, Thomas, 1871-1946,. Thomas Williams collection, 1908-1965. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn George S. Johnson papers, 1924-1975 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn University of Washington Collection. 1931 - 1977. Audio Recordings Forming the Milo Ryan Phonoarchive of Radio Newscasts Relating to World War II and Special Coverage of Other Historical Events. 1931 - 1977. YOU AND THE HOOVER COMMISSION National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letters, 1918, 1958. Buffalo History Museum, Research Library
referencedIn Gehlke, Florence. Florence Gehlke diary, 1930-1931. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Photographs, 1896-1941, n.d. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Strench, Mary Minthorn, 1887-. Mary Minthorn Strench papers, 1871-1970. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Perry Van Horne. New York, NY. 1943 Jan. 24. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn United States. President's Research Committee On Social Trends Records, 1932 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Taylor, Frank J., 1894-1972. Frank Taylor papers, 1928-1967. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn National Broadcasting Company, Inc., Collection. 1953 - 1962. Motion Picture Films. 1953 - 1962. INAUGURATION DAY, JANUARY 20, 1953 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter. March 21, 1942, New York City, to Elizabeth E. Hoyt. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Birge M. Clark papers, 1917-1989 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Giles, Howard, 1876-1955. World War I related articles from contemporary magazines / as collected by Matthew J. Bruccoli. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn American Antiquarian Society Collection. 1923 - 1926. Motion Picture Films. 1923 - 1926. CALVIN COOLIDGE--FIRST CABINET MEETING,[ETC.] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Theodore J. Hoover typescript : Memoranda : being a statement by an engineer, 1939 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Cox, Harvey Warren, 1875-1944. Papers, 1865-1961 (bulk 1920-1944). Emory University, Robert W. Woodruff Library
referencedIn William Sowden Sims Papers, 1856-1951, (bulk 1900-1936) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Fred Schwengel. : Key Largo, FL. 1959 Feb. 1. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Roy Wilson Howard Papers, 1911-1966, (bulk 1920-1963) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Virgil M. Hancher. New York, NY. 1958 Aug. 28. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Humphrey, George Magoffin, 1890-1970. George Magoffin Humphrey papers, 1912-1970. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
creatorOf Penrose, R. A. F. R. A. F. Penrose miscellaneous correspondence, 1897-1928. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Yale in World War II collection, 1938-1946 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. VISIT OF PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON TO BELGIUM, JUNE 18, 1919 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Thomas T. C. Gregory Papers, 1918-1932 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Stettinius, Edward Reilly, 1865-1925. Papers of Edward Reilly Stettinius [manuscript], 1902-1925. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter. June 26, 1929, Washington [D.C.] to Carrie Jacobs Bond, Hollywood, California. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Myron Carlos Burr papers, ca. 1927-1973 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn University of Washington Collection. 1931 - 1977. Audio Recordings Forming the Milo Ryan Phonoarchive of Radio Newscasts Relating to World War II and Special Coverage of Other Historical Events. 1931 - 1977. YOU AND THE HOOVER COMMISSION National Archives at College Park
referencedIn James Henry MacLafferty papers, 1922-1933 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Bewick, Moreing and Company miscellaneous records, 1908-1910 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Raymond Clapper Papers, 1908-1962, (bulk 1913-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Patterson, David S., 1937-. Herbert Hoover and the concept of America in foreign affairs, 1874-1928 : mimeograph, 1963. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. TLS, 1926 March 18, Washington, D.C. to Edward B. Walsh / Herbert Hoover. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. quot;287th Military Police Horse Platoonquot;, Berlin, Germany National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Nye, Frank T., 1912-1983. Papers of Frank T. Nye, 1942-1983. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1880, 1901-1960 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Green, Joseph Coy, b. 1887. Joseph Coy Green papers, 1914-1957. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Memorabilia, 1851-1929. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. AVIATION, HISTORICAL, SINCE 1919 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Muenzinger, Rudolf. Rudolf Muenzinger papers, 1859-1936. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Harold Phelps Stokes papers, 1908-1969 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Robinson, 1876-. Robinson Smith writings, 1917. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Patten, Mary Elizabeth. Diaries, 1883-1943. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn La Follette family papers, 1781-1988 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Biographical memorabilia of William Dawson, 1906-1968. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Hartigan, John Doane, 1890-1959. John Doane Hartigan papers, 1909-1958. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875-1949. Letter to Cyril Clemens. Palo Alto, CA. 1939 July 25. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Henry C. Wallace. Washington, DC. 1917 Nov. 6. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Typed letters signed (2) : [n.p.] and New York, to Edward Wagenknecht, 1838 Apr. 7 and 1940 June 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Elon J. Gilbert typescript : An economic survey of the Poso Land & Products Company, December 1928 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Francis B. (Francis Butler) Loomis Papers : microfilm, 1897-1939 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Papers of Mary Ware Dennett Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Duranty, Walter, 1884-1957. Russia : I write as I please : typescript manuscript, 1919-1924. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Herrington, Dorothy,. Dorothy Herrington collection, 1954-1959. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Herbert Hoover Papers. 1913 - 1964. Herbert Hoover Papers: Commerce Period--Official and Personal Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Bruns, Armin R., 1893-. Bruns, Armin R. papers, 1918-1977. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Johnson, George S. George S. Johnson papers, 1924-1975. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Alexander G. Ruthven Papers, 1901-1961, 1906-1951 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations. 1911 - 1972. A DAY WITH THE PRESIDENT AND HIS CABINET National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Norman H. and Charlotte Strouse collection of letters of the presidents, 1780-1990 Free Library of Philadelphia: Rare Book Department
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to E.N. Hopkins. Washington, DC. 1932 Sept. 16. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868-1953. Robert Andrews Millikan collection, 1847-1953. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Mary Minthorn Strench papers, 1871-1970 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
referencedIn Clarence Budington Kelland letters received, 1961-1964 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Subject File, 1929-1933. Denver art museum
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to [Virgil M.] Hancher. New York, NY. 1959 June 8. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Grinnalds, Jefferson C. (Jefferson Cleveland), 1884-1966. Jefferson Cleveland Grinnalds papers, 1908-1966, 1920-1960 (bulk). Cornell University Library
referencedIn Stanford University. School of Engineering. Dean's Office. Stanford University, School of Engineering, Dean's Office records, 1915-1969 (inclusive), 1925-1955 (bulk). Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Manuscript copies, 18-- - 19--. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Johnson, Robert Underwood, Papers 2011-370., 1906-1963 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [MAY 12] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963. Charles Seymour papers, 1912-1963 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Brown, Clarence James, 1893-1965. Papers 1891-1965. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn William Smith Culbertson Papers, 1897-1965 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs. Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1914-1996. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Arthur Kemp papers, 1928-1956 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Meredith, Edwin Thomas, 1876-1928. Papers of Edwin T. Meredith, 1898-1949 [microform]. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Marx, Guido H. (Guido Hugo), b. 1871. Guido H. Marx papers, 1893-1949. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn R.C. Maxwell Co. R.C. Maxwell Company Records, 1891-2001 and undated. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Robinson, Henry Mauris, 1868-1937. Henry Mauris Robinson papers, 1917-1936. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Eugene Lyons Papers, 1919-1981 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Walker, L. C. (Louis Carlisle), 1875-1963. Louis Carlisle Walker papers, 1881-1963. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to [Fred Schwengel]. : New York, NY. 1960 June 20. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Stanford University 50th anniversary celebration motion picture film, 1941 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Dwight D. Eisenhower Library Oral History Collection. 1962 - 1998. Oral History Transcripts. 1962 - 1998. Oral History Interview with Herbert Brownell Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn Wiley, Alexander, 1884-1967. Papers, 1913-1967. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Committee for the Education of Russian Youth in Exile. Committee for the Education of Russian Youth in Exile Records, ca. 1914-1939. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Calvin Coolidge Papers, 1915-1932 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn National War Savings Committee. Collection : of World War I posters, cartoons, and photographs, 1914-1920. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Helen R. Doyle pitcher, undated Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Eleanor Robson Belmont Papers, 1851-1979. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Mozny, Josephine. The blessed American nation : sound recording, n.d. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Northcutt Ely typescript : Doctor Ray Lyman Wilbur : third president of Stanford and secretary of the interior, 1994 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn United States Presidents. United States Presidents, Scrapbook, 1907-1939 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Texas War Records Collection Organization. Texas War Records Collection, 1916-1919, 1940-1951 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1934-1951. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Neighborhood Union (Atlanta, Ga.). Lugenia Burns Hope files, 1908-1933. Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
referencedIn Frederick Cecil Horner Papers, 1917-1960, (bulk 1922-1940) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn James Grafton Rogers letter to Robert L. Stearns Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Smith, Francis Albert, b. 1897. Francis Albert Smith papers, 1922-circa 1940. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Jessie Tarbox Beals Photograph Collection, [1900-1940] (Bulk 1904-1920) New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Ogden Rogers Reid papers, 1925-1982 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Frank M. Surface Papers, 1915-1933 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Robertson, Julia Ellsworth, 1886-1974. Julia Ellsworth Robertson collection, 18956-1929. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Miller, Herbert J. (Herbert John), 1894-1989. Herbert J. Miller papers, 1923-1977. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn William Allen White Papers, 1859-1944, (bulk 1899-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Crowell-Collier Publishing Company. Crowell-Collier Publishing Company records, 1931-1955. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Klein, Julius, 1901-1984. Julius Klein correspondence, 1935, with Herbert Hoover. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Herbert Hoover Presidential Library bibliography, undated Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Walter R. May letter collection, 1929 Willamette University Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. The Freedoms Foundations awards for 1957, Valley Forge, PA National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Tasker Howard Bliss Papers, 1864-1933, (bulk 1917-1930) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Harold A. Parker Studio Collection of Negatives, 1889-1958, bulk 1913-1949 The Huntington Library
referencedIn Ray Lyman Wilbur photographs, circa 1880-1949 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Edwin Denby papers, 1845-1846, 1880-1927 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Papers, [ca. 1926-1940] New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Fairclough, H. Rushton (Henry Rushton), b. 1862. Henry Rushton Fairclough papers, 1886-1937. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Berton W. Crandall Photographs, 1888-1953 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Texas War Records Collection 93-331; 87-57; 82-115; 82-110; 81-53., 1916-1919, 1940-1951 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Hearst Metrotone News, Inc., Collection. 1937 - 1942. Motion Picture Films. 1937 - 1942. ROOSEVELT INAUGURATION EDITION! National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Brown, Charles Reynolds, 1862-1950. Charles Reynolds Brown papers, 1860-1957 (inclusive) Yale University Library
creatorOf Kelland, Clarence Budington, 1881-1964. Clarence Budington Kelland letters received, 1961-1964. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw, 1859-1936. Senator Duncan U. Fletcher papers, 1860-1943. Florida State University
referencedIn Lord & Schryver architectural records, 1929-1970 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. Letter, 1928 Oct. 24 : to J.W. Young, Hanover, NH. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Papers of James H. Rowe. 9/17/1938 - 2/24/1946. Papers of James H. Rowe Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
referencedIn Frederick Emmons Terman papers, 1920-1978 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Pigs in clover [graphic] / drawn by Milo Usi. Boston Athenaeum
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Henry C. Wallace. Washington, DC. 1918 Feb. 3. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn National Women's Trade Union League of America. Records, 1904-1950. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Angela Morgan Papers, 1893-1957 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Marion L. Burton Papers, 1895-1925, 1921-1925 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn William T. Faricy papers, 1939-1968 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Willis, Edwin E., 1904-1972. Edward Frederick Willis papers, 1917-1977. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Kirchhofer, Alfred H. (Alfred Henry), 1892-1985. Papers, 1888-1982 (bulk 1921-1982). Buffalo History Museum, Research Library
referencedIn A.F.R. Lawrence collection of historical spoken word [sound recording], 1900-1970 The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. Selected newsreel scenes National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Treat, Archibald J. (Archibald Jennings), 1864-1949. Archibald J. Treat papers, 1883-1961 (inclusive), 1883-1941 (bulk). Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Morris, Henry Curtis. Henry Curtis Morris papers, 1916-1945. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, 1894-1947 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Papers of Drew Pearson. Files from the Merry-Go-Round Farm, 1919-1969 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Governor [Robert D. Blue]. New York, NY. 1951 Sept. 5. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [JUNE 28] National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Herbert Hoover letter to Harriet Taylor Upton, 1943 November 9. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [AUG. 12] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn George E. Crothers papers, 1905-1957 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Miscellany on radio regulations, 1921-1950. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Herbert Hoover Oral History Program Interviews, 1966-1973 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Papers. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Madie Brown Emparan papers, 1928-1965 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Gilmore David Clarke Papers, ca.1920-1980. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Pew, J. Howard (John Howard), 1882-1971. Files on the Pew Memorial Foundation, 1948-1957. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Micou, Richard Dunnica. Richard D. Micou papers [manuscript], 1923, 1927-1928. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Herman Roe papers, 1906-1965. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Howard, James Raley, 1873-. Papers, 1873-1982 (bulk 1873-1959). Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Stanford University, School of Engineering, Dean's Office, records, 1915-1969, 1925-1955 Cecil H. Green Library. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Virgil M. Hancher. New York, NY. 1954 Aug. 24. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn David Goldin Collection. 1932 - 1952. Audio Recordings of Radio Broadcasts of Speeches, Interviews, Combat Reports, Special Events, Public Affairs, and Entertainment for U.S. Troops. 1932 - 1952. HERBERT HOOVER National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [FEB. 8] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Lyle, Annie G. Annie G. Lyle papers, 1928-1932. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Herbert Hoover correspondence with Frederic L. Roberts, 1937-1940. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Thomas, James A. James Augustus Thomas Papers, 1905-1941; (bulk 1914-1940). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Colcord, Roswell Keyes, 1839-1939. Roswell Keyes Colcord papers, 1880-1939. Nevada State Historical Society
referencedIn Hoover Club song sheet. Elections: political songs undated. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Crispell, Reuben B. Reuben B. Crispell papers, 1918-1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Blaine, Anita McCormick. Correspondence and papers, 1828-1958. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Minow, Newton N., 1926-. Papers, 1954-1965. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Letters, cartoons, biographical information, photographs., 1892-1967 University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library Kanas Collection
referencedIn Marvin Rodgers typescript : Herbert Hoover and American relief : a study of the relationship between Hoover's American relief program and Bolshevism in Europe in 1919, 1966 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Joseph Coy Green Papers, 1914-1957 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Sandburg, Carl, 1878-1967. Papers of Carl Sandburg [manuscript] 1940-1955. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn State Historical Society of North Dakota autograph collection, 1815-1912. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Mark Lawrence Requa memoirs, undated Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf OAC Review Index. O.A.C. men who have become College Presidents, Dr. Alfred Atkinson, Montana State College, OAC Review, v.45, no.3, Dec. 1932, p.133-135, con't on p.148. University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library
creatorOf Wigglesworth, Richard B. (Richard Bowditch), 1891-1960. Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth autograph collection, 1935-1960. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902-1983. Thomas Andrew Bailey papers, 1927-1981. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Foster, Doris B. Doris B. Foster and Jenifer M. Hoyt papers, 1916-1997. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Wilbur, Ray L. (Ray Lyman), 1875-1949. Ray Lyman Wilbur personal papers, 1829-1949 (inclusive) 1875-1949 (bulk). Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Yale in World War II collection, 1938-1946 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Ryerson family. Papers, 1803-1971 (inclusive). University of Chicago Library
referencedIn George H. Nash typescript: Herbert Hoover and Belgium, 1980 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letters to Dr. Guy Hinsdale from various celebrities [manuscript], n.d. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership (1931 : Washington, D.C.). President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership records, 1931-1932. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Howard H. Russell Papers, 1840-1946 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Higher education and the state government. Address by Herbert Hoover delivered at the commencement exercise of the University of Georiga, Athens, Georgia, June 16, 1926.
referencedIn Frances Carpenter Collection Relating to Frank G. Carpenter, 1875-1960, (bulk 1883-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Professional Engineers of Oregon. Professional Engineers of Oregon records [manuscript], 1952. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Guérard, Albert Léon, 1880-1959. Albert Léon Guérard papers, 1909-1959. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to [Matthew] Willard Lampe. New York, NY. 1962 Aug. 17. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn John T. Flynn papers, 1928-1960 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Arthur Judson Brown Papers, 1864-1969 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Empáran, Madie Brown. Madie Brown Emparan papers, 1928-1965. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Herbert Hoover Papers. 1913 - 1964. Herbert Hoover Papers: Articles, Addresses and Public Statements. 1892 - 1964. quot;The best advice I ever hadquot; article by Herbert Hoover, July 1959 Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Charles James Rhoads Papers, 1883-1929 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Christol, Carl Quimby, 1913-. Herbert Hoover, the League of Nations and the World Court : typescript, 1974. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Herbert Hoover letter to Timothy Hopkins, 1913. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Simeon D. Fess Papers. 1933 - 1933. Simeon D. Fess Papers. 1933 - 1933. Herbert Hoover analyzes 5 periods in the development of the history of the Depression. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Sioussat, Helen Johnson, 1902-1995. Papers, 1913-1992 and undated (majority 1937-1958) University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
referencedIn Henry, Charles Delano. Charles Delano Henry letter, 1898, to F. W. McFarland. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office. 1814 - 1977. Records Concerning Pocket, Copies of Pocket Veto Bills, and Related Records National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931. Papers of David Starr Jordan, 1861-1964. Library of Congress
referencedIn Oliver, Thomas Edward, 1871-1946. Papers, 1899-1916. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf National Press Club (U.S.). Luncheon speakers collection [sound recording]. Library of Congress
referencedIn Hudson, Ray M. Ray M. Hudson papers, 1922-1957. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies Records, 1939-1946 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Cope, Millard, 1905-1964. Papers, 1830-1974, 1880-1974. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
creatorOf Papers of Gould Lincoln. 3/14/1957 - 12/15/1965. Papers of Gould Lincoln Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
referencedIn David S. Patterson mimeograph : Herbert Hoover and the concept of America in foreign affairs, 1874-1928, 1963 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Hoover symposium 1982 proceedings, 1982 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Adams, Robert Neal. Robert Neal Adams papers, 1933-1975. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries
referencedIn Jardine, William Marion, 1879-1955. The papers of William Jardine as Secretary of Agriculture, Diplomat, and Wichita State University President. Wichita State University, Ablah Library
referencedIn Paul F. Brissenden, collector. Research materials on labor injunctions in New York State, 1898-1940 [bulk 1928-1936]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Spence, Homer. Mr. Herbert Clark Hoover of Oakland, California 1896 [manuscripts] Oregon Historical Society Research Library
creatorOf Thornton, Dan (Daniel I. J.), 1911-1976. Papers, 1924-1956. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn Eastman, Dorothy,. Myra McGrath and Dorothy Eastman collection, 1921-1969. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 43, No. 101 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter. July 11, 1922, Washington, D.C., to Ralph M. Easley. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Max Lowenthal papers, 1855-1975 University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc]
creatorOf United States. President's Famine Emergency Committee. President's Famine Emergency Committee records, 1946-1947. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Copy of letter: Washington, [D.C.], to Mrs. Charles A. Munroe, Chicago, Ill., 1918 July 19. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1951 - 1951. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 10/1941 - 3/1957. PARAMOUNT NEWS [DEC. 18] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Herbert Hoover Deed, 1932 Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
creatorOf Lichtenstein, Walter, 1880-1964. Correspondence, 1935-1954. Houghton Library
referencedIn Commission for Relief in Belgium Collection, 1919-1928 Claremont Colleges.Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library.
referencedIn Sons of Gwalia Ltd. Records, 1947-[195-?] [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn W. Cameron (William Cameron) Forbes papers, 1900-1946. Houghton Library
referencedIn Sherman, Thomas Henry, 1842-. Letters to Glen Walton Blodgett, 1928-1931. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Charles Seymour papers, 1912-1963 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Letters sent to Walter Hines Page from various correspondents, English period, 1876-1937. Houghton Library
creatorOf Kreider, Samuel L. Papers of Samuel L. Kreider, 1637-1953 (bulk 1856-1953). Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Charles Russell Train Papers, 1898-1967 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn John D. M. Hamilton Papers, 1935-1972 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Papers, 1834, 1880-1902, 1914-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Jones, James Moore, 1904-1994. An activist looks back, 1927-1970. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn William Dudley Foulke papers Library of Congress
referencedIn Williams, Thomas M., M.D., 1871-1947. Thomas M. Williams papers, 1895-1948. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Heinrich Eduard Jacob Collection, 1929-1983 Leo Baeck Institute Archives
referencedIn Terman, Lewis M. Lewis M. Terman miscellaneous papers, 1941-1974. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Lord & Schryver (Salem, Or.). Lord & Schryver architectural records, 1929-1970. University of Oregon Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. [Letter written June 4, 1934 to Mrs. Swain, expressing gratitude to Dr. Joseph Swain] Indiana University
referencedIn Lucy Flanagan Collection. 1931 - 1931. Motion Picture Film. 1931 - 1931. PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS [SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, 1925-1931, NICHOLAS LONGWORTH] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Mary Klachko Papers, 1852-1995 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Charles Dewey Hilles papers, 1823-1955 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Christmas message 1961 December 25 / Herbert Hoover. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
creatorOf Saltonstall, Leverett, 1892-1979. Autograph collection, 1930-1996 (bulk: 1930-1979) Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Lamont, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1870-1948. Thomas W. Lamont papers, 1894-1948 Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Atterbury family. Papers, 1834-1990. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Bell, James Ford, 1879-1961. James Ford Bell and family papers, 1861-1961. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Matthews, Annabel, 1883-1960. Papers, 1880-1960 (inclusive), 1901-1960 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn White, William Lindsay, 1900-1973. [William Lindsay White collection]. University of Kansas Archives / MSS / Rare Books, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
referencedIn Laidlaw, H. B. (Harriet Burton), b. 1874. Papers: Series V-VII, 1906-1947 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Richberg, Donald R. (Donald Randall), 1881-1960. Donald R. Richberg papers, 1907-1957 (bulk 1920-1933). Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Cecil of Chelwood, Robert Cecil, Viscount, 1864-1958. Letter to Cyril Clemens. Sussex, Eng. 1947 Nov. 19. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf DiSalle, Michael V. (Michael Vincent), 1908-1981. Papers [microform], 1951-1953. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937. Autograph letter signed : New York, to "Mr. President" [Herbert Hoover], 1929 Oct. 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Sullivan, Mark, 1874-1952. Sullivan scrapbooks, 1940-1941. Maryland historical society
creatorOf European war scrapbooks, 1914-1919. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Reid Family Fapers, 1795-1970, (bulk 1869-1970) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part I: The Revolution and the Administration, 1669-1958. Houghton Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Roy C. Flickinger. [s.l.] 1936 May 26. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Drake, J. Walter (John Walter), 1875-1941. Papers, 1898-1941. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
creatorOf Archer, Kate Rennie. Papers of Kate Rennie Archer, 1931-1969. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Stilson, Fielding J. Fielding J. Stilson miscellaneous papers, 1920-1933. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Erwina D. Janin. San Francisco, Calif. 1954 Sept. 6 University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Finley, John H. (John Huston), 1863-1940. John H. Finley papers, 1892-1940, bulk (1913-1935). New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Stanton, Philip Ackley, 1868-1945. Papers of Philip Ackley Stanton, 1909-1929. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Berol, Alfred C., 1892-1974. Alfred C. Berol collection of presidential letters, 1795-1956. Southern Illinois University, Morris Library
referencedIn Hendrik Christian Andersen Papers, 1844-1940, (bulk 1890-1920) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Edwin Montefiore Borchard papers, 1910-1950 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Ingold, Ernest, b. 1885. Papers, 1922-1968. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Howard E. Coffin. Washington, DC. 1932 June 13. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Edgar, William C. (William Crowell), 1856-1932. William C. Edgar and family papers, 1832-1949. Minnesota Historical Society Library
creatorOf Borton, George B., ca. 1830-1916. Quaker miscellany, oversize, 1659-1963. Haverford College Library
referencedIn Shelton, Frederick D.,. Frederick D. Shelton collection, 1928. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Beatty, Alfred Chester, Sir, 1875-1968. Sir Alfred Chester Beatty correspondence, 1909-1915, with Herbert Hoover. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn James C. Haugh writings, 1983 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Hugh Henry Brown miscellany, 1915-1921 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Ochs, Adolph S. (Adolph Simon), 1858-1935. Papers, 1892-1939. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
creatorOf Roscoe Pound Papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Huston, Charles Lukens, 1856-1951. Papers, 1806-1951 (bulk 1870-1951). Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Stewart, Cora Wilson, 1875-1958. Cora Wilson Stewart papers, 1900-1940. University of Kentucky Libraries
creatorOf Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Letter to Roy C. Flickinger. [s.l.] 1937 Sept. 1. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Goldberg, Rube, 1883-1970. Oral history interview with Rube Goldberg : New York City, New York : oral history transcript / Rube Goldberg ; tape-recorded interview conducted on October 3, 1968, by Raymond Henle for the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa, and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, California, 1971. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Robinson, Edgar Eugene, 1887-1977. Edgar Eugene Robinson papers, 1880-1986. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf McMullin, Dare Stark, 1896-1974. Dare Stark McMullin papers, 1932-1964. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Craemer, Justus F. Justus F. Craemer political correspondence : photocopies of TLS, [19??]. California historical society
creatorOf Herbert Hoover Newspaper Clipping Collection 2009-333., 1928-1954 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Fight for Freedom Committee records, 1940-1942 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Gordon Auchincloss papers, 1914-1951 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Irwin, Will, 1873-1948. Will Irwin papers, 1890-1942. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Polenberg, Richard,. Frank E. Gannett correspondence, 1929-1933. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Swenson, Magnus, 1854-1936. Papers, 1881-1936. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Dorothy Herrington collection, 1954-1959 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Truthseekers of America. Truthseekers of America records, 1918-1976. Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library
referencedIn United States Presidents, Scrapbook, 1907-1939 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Haines, Lynn, 1876-1929. Lynn Haines papers, 1909-1931. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Papers of Martha May Eliot, 1898-1975 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Stanford University. Board of Trustees. Stanford University, Board of Trustees, supporting documents, 1905-2011. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn William Kent family papers, 1768-1961 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn William Henry Hill papers, 1878-1964, 1918-1964 (bulk) Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Mr. Herbert Clark Hoover of Oakland, California 1896, 1896 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Kunze, Alfred M. Autograph collection of Alfred M. Kunze, 1933-1959. Library of Congress
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Food Administration. 1917 - 1920. Subject Correspondence Files National Archives at Kansas City
creatorOf Glass, Carter, 1858-1946. Papers of Carter Glass [manuscript], 1858-1946, and n.d. University of Virginia. Library