Izola L. (Izola Louise) Forrester, 1878-1944

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Izola Forrester was born November 15, 1878, in Pascoag, Rhode Island. Her mother was Ogarita "Rita" Booth, a stage actress who believed herself to be the daughter of John Wilkes Booth, and used his last name. Her father was George Wallingford Hills, a Harvard College student. They never married. Ogarita Booth was briefly married to William Ross Wilson before marrying Alexander Henderson, who was a director of musicals and light operas. They had two children, Beatrice Henderson Clutts Colony (1885-1961) and Charles Henderson (1886-1888). Forrester often acted on stage with her mother, but for periods of her childhood, she lived with her maternal grandmother, Izola Martha Mills, her cousin, Hanson Pike Gilman, and with George and Harriet Forrester. Following Ogarita Henderson's death on April 12, 1892, Izola Forrester went to live permanently with the Forresters, who formally adopted her on January 6, 1893.

On October 28, 1899, Forrester married Reuben Merrified, a painter for Ringling Brothers Circus. They spent the early years of their marriage in Chicago before moving to New York City. The family also spent time in Canterbury, Connecticut. The Merrifields had five children: Arthur (1901-1983), Rita (1903-1921), Richard "Dick" (1905-1977), Beatrice (1906-1907), and Dorothy (born 1908). In 1913, Forrester left Merrifield to marry author, screenwriter, and playwright, Mann Page; they had three children, Izola (1914-2004), Marjorie "Peg" (born 1916), and Rosamond "Ros" (born 1918).

Forrester was a prolific writer whose articles appeared in magazines including Ainslee's, Munsey's Magazine, Red Book Magazine, and The Young Churchman . She also wrote several books for young girls including Those Preston Twins, Rook's Nest, The Girls of Bonnie Castle, and "Us Fellers", as well as the series featuring Polly Page and the Greenacre Girls. In 1937, she wrote This One Mad Act: The Unknown Story of John Wilkes Booth and His Family, in which she defended her belief that Booth was her grandfather. Forrester also wrote several silent movie screenplays including, The White Moth and a Café in Cairo .

In 1940, Forrester and her family moved to Keene, New Hampshire. She died on March 6, 1944.

From the guide to the Papers, 1844-2005 (inclusive), 1883-1944 (bulk), (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Papers, 1844-2005 (inclusive), 1883-1944 (bulk) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Aandra, Zami person
correspondedWith Abraham A. Mills person
associatedWith Abraham Mills' person
associatedWith Abraham S. Mills person
correspondedWith Alfred Taylor Colony person
associatedWith Allen, Izola person
correspondedWith Alonzo Mills person
associatedWith Anderson, Robert Gordon person
correspondedWith Anna Steese Richardson person
associatedWith Anne Douglas Sedgwick person
associatedWith Archibald, James F. J. person
correspondedWith Barstow, Virginia person
correspondedWith B. H. Franks person
associatedWith Booth, Beatrice person
associatedWith Booth, John Wilkes, 1838-1865 person
associatedWith Booth, Rosalie person
associatedWith Boyle, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Bromfield, Louisa person
correspondedWith Bryan, Braxton person
associatedWith Caroline Mills person
correspondedWith Charles Bellows person
correspondedWith Charles Edward (Ted) Clutts person
correspondedWith Charles S. Bellows person
correspondedWith Clarence E. Barnett person
correspondedWith Colony, Beatrice person
associatedWith Colony, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Colony, Marjorie (Peg) Page person
associatedWith Cower, Jean Milne person
correspondedWith Daisy N. Thomas person
associatedWith Dave Putnam, Jr. person
associatedWith David Putnam, Jr. person
correspondedWith Davis, Bob person
associatedWith Dickey, Paul person
correspondedWith Elenor Ruggles O'Leary person
associatedWith Ella V. Mahoney person
associatedWith Ellis, Edith person
associatedWith Emma Merrifield's person
associatedWith Episcopal High School of Virginia corporateBody
correspondedWith Eva O. Wilkinson person
associatedWith Fairbanks, Douglas person
associatedWith Forst, Emil person
associatedWith George Forrester person
associatedWith George Sterling. person
associatedWith Gerald C. Duffy person
correspondedWith Geraldine Farrar person
associatedWith Gluck, Sinclair person
associatedWith Gribble, Harry Wagstaff person
associatedWith H. A. D'Arcy person
correspondedWith Harriet Forrester person
correspondedWith Harrison, A. M. person
associatedWith Harrison, Pamelia Robbins Page person
correspondedWith Harry Stevenson. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Al person
associatedWith Henderson, Alfred person
correspondedWith Hills, George Wallingford person
associatedWith Hills, Ogarita Rosalie, b. 1859 person
correspondedWith Howard Dennison person
associatedWith Howard Emmett Rogers person
associatedWith Izola Allen person
associatedWith James O. Hall person
correspondedWith Janet Appleton Merrifield person
associatedWith J. C. Brennan) person
associatedWith John C. Brennan person
associatedWith Johnson, Merle person
associatedWith Johnston, Alva person
correspondedWith Johnston, William person
correspondedWith John Young person
associatedWith Jonathan Bryan person
correspondedWith Joslyn, Bob person
correspondedWith Joyce Knibb person
correspondedWith Judy Fudes Jameson person
associatedWith Kaufman, Mike person
correspondedWith Kirkbride, Peggy person
associatedWith Kirkbridge, Miriam person
associatedWith LaRoche, Jean person
associatedWith Lawrence Hutton person
correspondedWith Lillian Campbell person
associatedWith Loos, Anita person
correspondedWith Louisa Putnam person
correspondedWith Mann Page, Sr. person
associatedWith Mary C. Robbins person
correspondedWith Mary Dennison person
associatedWith McGowan, Jack person
correspondedWith Mehrtens, Pat person
associatedWith Merrifield, Arthur person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Betty person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Donald person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Emma person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Gladys person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Peter person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Reuben person
associatedWith Merrifield, Richard person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Richard N. person
correspondedWith Merrifield, Rita person
correspondedWith Miller, Steve person
correspondedWith Mills, Alonzo person
associatedWith Mills, Martha Louise, b. ca. 1832 person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Jack person
correspondedWith Morton, Deresley person
correspondedWith Mudd, Richard person
correspondedWith Newton, Alma person
associatedWith Norris, Bob person
correspondedWith Page, Harriet Pamelia Robbins Harrison person
associatedWith Page, Mann person
associatedWith Papp, Gail Merrifield person
associatedWith Paul Dickey person
correspondedWith Peg Colony person
correspondedWith Peleg Weaver's person
associatedWith Peter Merrifield person
correspondedWith Putnam, David, Jr. 's person
associatedWith Putnam, Rosamond person
correspondedWith Putnam, Rosamond (Ros) Page person
correspondedWith Reuben Merrifield person
correspondedWith Richard Noel Merrifield person
correspondedWith Rita Clutts Colony person
associatedWith Rita Shepard person
associatedWith Rogers, Ella person
associatedWith Rosalie Booth person
correspondedWith Rosamond Putnam person
associatedWith Ruth Shinsel) person
associatedWith Sarah J. D'Arcy person
correspondedWith Smith, Kate person
correspondedWith Sterling, George person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Harry person
associatedWith Stevenson, Izola person
associatedWith Susan Lord person
correspondedWith Taylor, Bill person
correspondedWith Ted Clutts person
correspondedWith The Authors' League of America, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas A. Jones person
associatedWith Wales, Wally person
associatedWith Wallace A. Manheimer person
associatedWith Walter B. Brown person
correspondedWith Watrus, Winthrop person
correspondedWith Wilck, Laura person
associatedWith William B. Farrell person
associatedWith William Stump person
associatedWith Winthrop Watrus' person
associatedWith Withers, William person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1878

Death 1944

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Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6j81t70

Ark ID: w6j81t70

SNAC ID: 11534252