Caleb Vance Haynes (b. March 15, 1895, Mount Airy, N.C.-d. Apr. 5, 1966), U.S. Air Force officer, receied his commission in the Air Service in 1920. He served as commanding officer, 49th Bomber Squadron from 1936 to 1940, setting a world's record for attaining the highest altitude with the greatest payload in 1939. During World War II, he was commanding officer of the Bomber Command, China Air Task Force, then commanding general of India Air Task Force, then of the 1st Bomber Command. He retired in from Air Force service in 1952.
From the description of Haynes, Caleb (Caleb Vance), 1895-1966 (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration). naId: 10596965
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