Cirillo was from Naples, Italy and an eminent botanist, student of medicine, member of the Royal Society of London and pioneer in new medical trends. A founder of the short-lived Parthenopean Republic, he was condemend to death on its fall and executed in spite of protests by Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton.
From the description of Institutiones medicinae domini Cirilli liber in quatuor partes partitus, i.e. in anatomia phisilogia, in antepractice, et pharmeceutica, et ad usum positus Costantini Fiorese Grumi inus January 1785. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 49320930
Cyrillus, Dominicus (Domenico Maria Leone), 1739-1799
Cyrillus, Dominicus 1739-1799
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Cirillo, Domenico, 1739-1799
Cirillo, Domenico, 1739-1799
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