Warren, Whitney, 1864-1943

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Whitney Warren was a New York architect. He studied in Paris at the Atliers of the Ecole des Beaux Arts and returned to NYC in 1896 to found the firm Warren & Wetmore. Two of the firm's major works were the Grand Central Terminal and the Biltmore Hotel, both in New York City. Warren was also a co-founder of the Beaux Arts Institute of Design and served as director for many years.

From the description of Whitney Warren papers, 1864-1943. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612715006

From the guide to the Whitney Warren papers, 1914-1926., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. The New Theatre, 44th and 45th Streets, New York, N.Y. [graphic] : [floor plans for] Scheme II / C.H. Blackall ; Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Université catholique de Louvain (1835-1969). Bibliothèque. Collection relating to the inscriptions, 1928-1948. Getty Research Institute
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond streets, Montreal, Canada [graphic] : [floor plans for renting] : Job number 386 / Warren & Wetmore, New York, U.S.A. & Winnipeg Canada ; [drawn by R.J.G.]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Montage of built and unbuilt Warren & Wetmore projects] [graphic] : [perspective views] / [Vernon House Bailey, del.]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Seamen's Church Institute [25 South Street at the South-west corner of] Coenties Slip, New York City [graphic] : [floor plans] : Job number[s] 265 [and] 1064 / Warren & Wetmore, Archt's. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren, Whitney, 1864-1943. [Railroad yards, cars and curves] [graphic] : [detail drawing]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren, Whitney, 1864-1943. Whitney Warren papers, 1864-1943. Houghton Library
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. New York City Colosseum [graphic] : [perspective rendering] / Warren & Wettmore [sic] Archts. ; [drawn by John Vincent]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf William Anderson Coffin papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Monumental building, possibly a museum or memorial] [graphic] : [perspective rendering of building and surrounding grounds]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Shanghai Hotel, [Shanghai, China] [graphic] : [working drawings] : [Building number] 1139 / Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Tennis court building to be located on "Florham Estate", Convent, N.J. [graphic] : [details of outbuildings and swimming pool] : Building No. 1234 / Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren, Whitney, 1864-1943. Warren & Wetmore : vertical file. Centre canadien d'architecture, | Canadian Centre for Architecture | CCA
referencedIn Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. Papers of Thomas Nelson Page [manuscript], 1865-1920. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf White, Stanford, 1853-1906. Stanford White correspondence and architectural drawings, 1887-1922, (bulk 1887-1907). Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Warren & Wetmore architectural drawings and photographs, 1889-1938 Columbia University. Avery Architecture and Fine Arts Library. Department of Drawings and Archives.
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Pavilion with viewing stand on roof] [graphic] : [perspective rendering]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Josselyn, Edgar Alonzo, 1861-1943. Edgar A. Josselyn papers, circa 1889. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Whitney Warren papers, 1914-1926. Houghton Library
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Warren & Wetmore architectural drawings and photographs, 1889-1938. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Iroquois Club, Cambridge, Mass. [graphic] : [perspective rendering] / Warren & Wetmore, Architects ; [rendered by Chester Boyce Price]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Eagle Building, Cor. 21st St[reet] & 4th Avenue for H & C. K. Eagle [graphic] : [floor plans] : Job number 497 / [Warren & Wetmore, Architects]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Montage of built works, including private residences and pier buildings] [graphic] : [perspective views] / Vernon Howe Bailey, del. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf William Kissam Vanderbilt House, 49 East 52nd Street (New York, N.Y.) Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn William Anderson Coffin papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Ritz Carlton Hotel, New York City [graphic] : [floor plans for renting : Job number[s] 275 and 334 / Warren & Wetmore, archts. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Proposed Memorial for the Seventy-Seventh Division, A.E.F., New York] [graphic] : [perspective rendering] / [Drawn by] John Vincent ; [Warren & Wetmore, Architects]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. New Aeolian Hall [33 W. 42nd bet. 5th and 6th Avenues, New York, N.Y.] [graphic] : [floor plans] / Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Memorial tower, library at Louvain [graphic] : [perspective rendering] / Whitney Warren and Charles D. Wetmore, Archt's. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Residence for Mrs. Florence A.V. Twombly, 900 5th Avenue, N.E. Cor[ner] 5th Ave. and 71st St[reet], N.Y.C. [graphic] : [working drawings] : [Building number] 1744 / Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Hotel Commodore for the New York State Realty & Terminal Co., N.W. Cor. 42nd Street & Lexington Ave. [graphic] : [working drawings] : Job no. 758 / Warren & Wetmore, Archt's. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Broadmoor Hotel at Broadmoor, Colorado, for Broadmoor Hotel & Land Company [graphic] : [floor plans for renting] : Job number 861 / Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. Proposed Gate Lodge, 20th St. entrance, Greenwood Cemetery [Brooklyn, N.Y.] [graphic] : [perspective view and] plan / Warren & Wetmore, Archt. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren & Wetmore. [Church with tower and connecting gallery] [graphic] : [perpective rendering] / John Vincent [renderer] ; Warren & Wetmore, Archt's. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Warren, Whitney, 1864-1943. Correspondence with Paul Philippe Cret, 1912-1940. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbadessa, Antonio dell' person
associatedWith Abbaye de Gif Seine-et-Oise corporateBody
correspondedWith Abetti, Giorgio. person
correspondedWith Abquale, T. person
correspondedWith Adams, Herbert, 1874- person
associatedWith Admiral Thaon di Rovell. person
correspondedWith Ahond. person
correspondedWith Alastantini, David. person
correspondedWith Alaux, Jean Paul. person
correspondedWith Alaux, M. person
correspondedWith Alba, duke of. person
correspondedWith Albert I, king of the Belgians, 1875-1934 person
correspondedWith Albert I, prince of Monaco, 1848-1922 person
correspondedWith Albert Samuel person
associatedWith Al. Corbie person
correspondedWith Alfred, Martin. person
correspondedWith Alfredo ? person
correspondedWith Algiers, Mairie. person
correspondedWith Ambasciata Parigi. corporateBody
associatedWith American Sanitary Section Nine corporateBody
correspondedWith A. Motto person
correspondedWith Andlauer, Samuel person
associatedWith Andrea Ossoihack person
correspondedWith Andrew Keogh person
correspondedWith Andrews, Philip person
correspondedWith Annunzio, Gabrielle d'. person
correspondedWith Anthoine, F. person
associatedWith Antonio de Navarro person
correspondedWith Antonucci, Alceste. person
correspondedWith Apollini, Adolpho. person
associatedWith Apoloni person
associatedWith Appel, Paul person
correspondedWith Appleton, Francis R. person
associatedWith Arletts Nivelle person
correspondedWith Armand de Riverieulx person
correspondedWith Arstide Briand person
associatedWith Arthur Meyer person
associatedWith Atherton, Gertrude. person
correspondedWith Aubert, Louis person
correspondedWith Auloury. person
correspondedWith Ausaldi, Jules. person
correspondedWith Azan, Paul. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Robert, 1860-1919 person
correspondedWith Bailby, Léon. person
correspondedWith Baillaud, Benjamin, 1848- person
correspondedWith Baldacci, Antonio. person
correspondedWith Barbarichi, Eugenio, conte, 1868- person
correspondedWith Bareux. person
correspondedWith Barrès, Maurice, 1862- person
correspondedWith Barton McCosh person
correspondedWith Barton McCosh Cookingham person
correspondedWith Bassi, Ugo. person
correspondedWith Baylies, Edmund L. person
associatedWith Beatrice Greenough. person
correspondedWith Bellaing, N. de. person
correspondedWith Bellin, M. person
correspondedWith Bemier, Louis. person
correspondedWith Bennett, James Gordon, 1841-1918 person
correspondedWith Berard, René, 1865- person
correspondedWith Berard, Victor, 1864-1931 person
correspondedWith Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941 person
correspondedWith Berlam, Ardruino. person
correspondedWith Berlam, Arduino. person
correspondedWith Bermant, J. person
correspondedWith Bernard, Albert, 1849- person
correspondedWith Bertocchi, Oreste. person
correspondedWith Besnard, O. person
correspondedWith Biddle, Julian C. person
correspondedWith Billy person
correspondedWith Bitty, A. person
correspondedWith Blake, Edgar. person
correspondedWith Blondel, E. person
correspondedWith Bomier, F. person
correspondedWith Bonamy, P. person
correspondedWith Boni, Giacomo, 1859-1925 person
correspondedWith Bonnat, Louis. person
correspondedWith Bonvalot, Gabriel, 1853-1933 person
correspondedWith Bonzano, John. person
correspondedWith Borbiconi, Marino. person
correspondedWith Bordeau, Henry, 1869- person
correspondedWith Bosley, William. person
correspondedWith Boston. Public library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bouillon, Franklyn. person
correspondedWith Boulanger, Nadia. person
correspondedWith Boven, Van person
correspondedWith Brauchi, Eugenio Camillo. person
correspondedWith Brieux, Eugène, 1858-1932 person
correspondedWith Brocchi, Jeanne. person
correspondedWith Bülow, Karl Paul Wilhelm, von, 1846-1921 person
correspondedWith Burnham, J. E. person
correspondedWith Byrne, William. person
correspondedWith Cadorna, Luigi, conte, 1850- person
correspondedWith Caetani, Gelasia, 1877-1934 person
correspondedWith Caetani, Sermoneta. person
correspondedWith Cain, Georges, 1856-1919 person
correspondedWith Cambon, Jules, 1845-1935 person
correspondedWith Camestra, duc de, 1863- person
correspondedWith Cannizzaro, M. E. person
associatedWith Capitain de Montarual person
correspondedWith Caproni, Gianni. person
correspondedWith Capuzzelli, Fortunato. person
correspondedWith Carnet, E. person
correspondedWith Carrel, Alexis, 1873- person
correspondedWith Carrère, Paul. person
correspondedWith Carrier-Belleuse, Pierre, 1851- person
correspondedWith Carr, John Foster. person
correspondedWith Castelvan, de General person
correspondedWith Chabaneux, N. person
correspondedWith Chanler, Winthrop, 1863-1926 person
correspondedWith Chapman, Victor Emmanuel, 1890-1916 person
correspondedWith Charles A. Wetmore. person
correspondedWith Charles, bp. person
correspondedWith Charles D. Wetmore person
correspondedWith Charles F. D. Belden person
correspondedWith Charlotte A. Tooker Warren. person
correspondedWith Charlotte Warren Greenough. person
associatedWith Charlotte (Whitney) Greenough person
correspondedWith Charpentier, Gustave, 1860- person
correspondedWith C. H. de Paillon person
correspondedWith Chèradame, André, 1871- person
correspondedWith Ciubranovich, J. person
correspondedWith Claparède, René person
correspondedWith Clark, John W person
associatedWith Coffin, William A. (William Anderson), 1855-1925. person
correspondedWith Cointet, S. de. person
correspondedWith Col. Duchane person
associatedWith Collegio Nazionale degli Ingigneri Ferroviari Italiani corporateBody
correspondedWith Collier's National Weekly corporateBody
correspondedWith Colonel Duval person
associatedWith Colonel House corporateBody
correspondedWith Commando Supremo. corporateBody
associatedWith Condert person
correspondedWith Contan, J. person
correspondedWith Conz, Ugo. person
correspondedWith Cookingham, Barton McCosh. person
correspondedWith Cotterret, R. L. person
correspondedWith Cramois-Marsol, L. person
correspondedWith Cret, Marguerite. person
correspondedWith Cret, Paul Philippe. person
correspondedWith Cret, PaulPhilippe. person
associatedWith Crim, John W. H. person
correspondedWith Criscuolo, Luigi. person
correspondedWith C. V. Van Anda person
correspondedWith CW? person
correspondedWith Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean, 1852-1929 person
correspondedWith Dalimier, Albert, 1875- person
associatedWith Damora person
correspondedWith Danvers, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Daumet, Mme. Pauline. person
correspondedWith Daussin, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 person
correspondedWith Dawbarn, Charles. person
correspondedWith Day, M. person
correspondedWith Dayot, Armand, 1856- person
correspondedWith Delcaseé, Théophile, 1852-1923 person
correspondedWith Dentico-Frasso, Elsa. person
correspondedWith Desrez, Capt. person
correspondedWith Deughter, A. person
correspondedWith Devine, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Donnay, Maurice, 1859- person
correspondedWith Dorville, Noël .. . person
correspondedWith Dr. Viadimir Petrovitch person
correspondedWith Dr. Vladimir Petrovitch person
correspondedWith Dryden, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Dubois, Emile Oscar, 1842- person
associatedWith Du Monly person
associatedWith Duriense, Jean person
correspondedWith Duval, Marie Victor Charles, 1869- person
correspondedWith Edmond person
correspondedWith Edward L. Gookin person
correspondedWith Elibank, Montalieu Fox Oliphant Murray, 10th baron and 1st viscount, 1840-1927 person
associatedWith Elpristas B. person
associatedWith Emily Post person
associatedWith Eric Drummond person
correspondedWith Ernest Guy person
associatedWith Ernest M. Stiris person
correspondedWith E. Ronbarichi person
correspondedWith Esnault-Pelterie, Robert. person
associatedWith Esnaut Pelterie person
correspondedWith Esperey, Franchet d' person
associatedWith E. T. Hargrave person
associatedWith Fairchild, Blair. person
correspondedWith Faivre, Abel, 1867- person
correspondedWith Fisher, John Arbuthnot, first baron, 1841-1920 person
correspondedWith Fish, Stuyvesant. person
correspondedWith Flameng, Francois. person
correspondedWith Flora B. Ludington person
correspondedWith Forbes, Charles Stewart. person
correspondedWith Fournot, Etienne, 1871- person
correspondedWith France. Ambassade. Italie. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Consulat, Londres. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Department de la Seine. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Etat-major général. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Ministère de la marine. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Quartier generale des ármées. État-major. corporateBody
associatedWith Frank Polk. person
correspondedWith Franz, Victor. person
correspondedWith Frazier, Arthur Hugh. person
associatedWith Frederick Palmer person
associatedWith Frederic Masson person
correspondedWith Freschi, John J. person
associatedWith Gabriele d'Annunzio person
correspondedWith Gailor, Thomas Frank, bp, 1856-1935 person
correspondedWith Gallenga, R. person
correspondedWith Galozzi, Vino. person
correspondedWith Gardner, William Amory. person
correspondedWith Garibaldi, Italia. person
correspondedWith Garibaldi, Pepino. person
associatedWith Garnett person
correspondedWith Gatier, E. person
correspondedWith Geffroy, Gustave, 1855-1926 person
associatedWith Gen. Cadorna's person
correspondedWith General Cadona person
correspondedWith General Petain person
correspondedWith George Goublet person
associatedWith George Haven Putnam person
correspondedWith George V. person
associatedWith George von L. Meyer person
correspondedWith Gerbet, A. person
correspondedWith G. F. Crebiliani person
associatedWith Giacomo Bonis person
correspondedWith Gibson, Preston, 1897- person
associatedWith Gidruale d' Italia person
associatedWith Gif Seine-et-Oise corporateBody
correspondedWith Gilbert, Cass, 1859-1934 person
correspondedWith Gillet, Louis. person
correspondedWith Gilliard, L. person
associatedWith Gilson person
correspondedWith Giordani, Antonio, 1877- person
correspondedWith Giovanni, Bono. person
correspondedWith Girard, Francisque. person
correspondedWith Gleason, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Goradicke, D. person
correspondedWith Goursat, Georges Marie, 1863- person
correspondedWith Gouspy, George. person
correspondedWith Gouspy, Joseph M. person
correspondedWith Grant, Madison. person
correspondedWith Gras, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Gratier, Gen. person
correspondedWith Gravina, Manfredi. person
associatedWith Greenough, Charlotte Whitney. person
associatedWith Greenough, William. person
correspondedWith Greenough, William, 1874- person
correspondedWith Greffulhe, Caraman Chimay, comtesse. person
associatedWith Grenville Snelling) person
correspondedWith Grondije, Lodewijk, Herman, 1878- person
correspondedWith Guamato, Francesco. person
associatedWith Guardabassi, F. V. person
correspondedWith Guébriaut, Comte de. person
correspondedWith Guerin, V. E. person
correspondedWith Hanotaux, G person
correspondedWith Hanotaux, Gabriel, 1853-1944 person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Robert d', comte, 1881- person
correspondedWith Harjes, H. H. person
correspondedWith Harris, Corra (White), 1869- person
correspondedWith Harvard university. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Haux, J. P. person
correspondedWith Havre, Mairie. person
correspondedWith Hayes, William H. person
correspondedWith Hazon, J. d' person
associatedWith H. C. Lodge person
associatedWith Henry Cabot person
associatedWith Henry Lee Higginson person
correspondedWith Henry, Morton, J. person
correspondedWith Herbert Putnam person
associatedWith Herford, Oliver. person
correspondedWith Hermant, Leon. person
correspondedWith Herrick, Myron Timothy, 1854-1929 person
correspondedWith H. Marche person
correspondedWith Hoffbauer, Charles. person
correspondedWith Honse, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938 person
correspondedWith Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862- person
correspondedWith Imbart de la Tour, Pierre, 1860-1925. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ind. Harbor Ind. corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Clark person
correspondedWith James, Emile, 1858- person
correspondedWith James Russell Lowell. person
correspondedWith Jannuzzi, Vincent. person
correspondedWith Jaray, Gabriel Louis person
correspondedWith Jay, Peter Augustus. person
associatedWith J. Ingenblein person
correspondedWith Johnson, Lindley. person
associatedWith Joseph Reinach person
associatedWith Josselyn, Edgar Alonzo, 1861-1943. person
associatedWith Jules Cambon person
correspondedWith Jusserand, Jean Jacques, 1855-1932 person
correspondedWith Justin Godard person
correspondedWith Kapa, Spiro. person
correspondedWith Keller, Paul. person
correspondedWith Kenyon, Sir Frederick George, 1863- person
correspondedWith Ker, Gervase. person
correspondedWith Koch, Theodore Wesley. person
correspondedWith Kraft, Hugues. person
correspondedWith Lacour, A. person
associatedWith Lafferre person
correspondedWith Laird, Warren Powers. person
correspondedWith Lamiable, Colonel. person
correspondedWith Lami, El. person
correspondedWith Lanino, Pietro. person
correspondedWith Lapange, Henry. person
associatedWith Laurent, Raymond. person
associatedWith Le Ministre de l'Instruction publique corporateBody
correspondedWith Lemonier, Henry, 1842-1936 person
associatedWith Leonard Wood person
correspondedWith Leon, Maurice, 1880- person
correspondedWith Lesche, Jules. person
correspondedWith Leygues, Georges, 1858- person
correspondedWith Littlefield, Walter. person
correspondedWith Liverpool. City police. corporateBody
correspondedWith L. Lehman person
correspondedWith Lloyd Warren. person
associatedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot. person
correspondedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 person
correspondedWith Lord Murray person
correspondedWith Louvencourt, Nadèjie, de. person
correspondedWith L. Pinioni person
associatedWith L. S. (Bonin) person
correspondedWith Lucon, Louis Henry Joseph, card., 1842-1930 person
associatedWith Ludendorf person
correspondedWith Lyle, John M. person
correspondedWith MacKellar, C. D. person
correspondedWith Madame et Monsieur Whitney Warren person
associatedWith Madame Watin's person
correspondedWith Malleray, L. de. person
correspondedWith Malleterre, Gabriel, 1858- person
correspondedWith Manon, R. person
associatedWith Man Oryvere person
correspondedWith Marallor. person
correspondedWith Marcel Prevost person
correspondedWith Marrasl, P. person
correspondedWith Martin, Elisa. person
correspondedWith Masqueray, E. L. person
correspondedWith Masson, Fréderic, 1847-1923 person
correspondedWith Maude E. Wetmore person
correspondedWith Maurice Barres person
correspondedWith Mauxion, G. person
correspondedWith Maximovich, L. N. person
correspondedWith May, Edward. person
correspondedWith Mayhew. person
correspondedWith Mazet, Henri. person
correspondedWith Mazzoni, Ettore. person
correspondedWith McCutcheon, John Tinney, 1870- person
associatedWith Merchant Marine League of the United States corporateBody
correspondedWith Merini, A. person
correspondedWith Merrill, Stuart, 1863-1915 person
correspondedWith Metivet, Lucien, 1863- person
correspondedWith Miceli, Giovanni. person
correspondedWith Millet, Geraldine (Reed). person
correspondedWith Mills College corporateBody
correspondedWith Mills College. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ministre de la Guerre corporateBody
correspondedWith Mola, A. person
correspondedWith Monclos, Marcel de. person
correspondedWith Monclos, Paul de. person
correspondedWith Monet, E. person
correspondedWith Monsieur Autrand person
correspondedWith Monsieur Briand person
correspondedWith Monsieur Joubert person
correspondedWith Monsieur le Duc d'Albe person
correspondedWith Monsieur Painlevé person
correspondedWith Monsieur Pascal person
correspondedWith Montani, Fabruzio. person
correspondedWith Montarnal, J. de. person
correspondedWith Montiguel, N. de. person
correspondedWith Montuori, G. L. person
correspondedWith Morgan, W. Forbes. person
correspondedWith Mouroux, Anie. person
correspondedWith Moysset, N. person
correspondedWith Mr. Lansing person
correspondedWith Mr. McFadden person
correspondedWith Mrs. Corah Harris person
correspondedWith Mrs. Edward Post person
associatedWith Mrs. Robert Bacon person
correspondedWith Mr. Stuyvesant Fish person
correspondedWith Mrs. Whitney Warren person
correspondedWith Munn, Charles Allen, 1859-1924 person
correspondedWith Natoli, Adolpho. person
correspondedWith Navarro, Alfonzo de. person
correspondedWith Navarro, Antonio de. person
correspondedWith Needham, Henry Beach, 1871- person
correspondedWith Newcome, William A. person
correspondedWith New York person
correspondedWith New York Herald. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Times corporateBody
associatedWith New York Tribune corporateBody
correspondedWith Nivelle, Robert. person
correspondedWith Nollen, John Scholte, 1869- person
correspondedWith Nollot, R. person
correspondedWith Normant, Jacques. person
correspondedWith Northcliffe person
correspondedWith Notovitch, Nicolas. person
correspondedWith Olivier, Littiere. person
correspondedWith Ongaro, Max. person
associatedWith Ossoihack, Andrea person
correspondedWith Ossonian, Andreo. person
correspondedWith Oyster Bay person
associatedWith Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. person
correspondedWith Painlevé, Paul, 1863-1935 person
correspondedWith Paoini, Carlo. person
correspondedWith Pascal, J. L. person
correspondedWith Patisson, Jacques. person
associatedWith Patrick Hayes person
associatedWith Paul Dupuis person
associatedWith P. de StMars person
associatedWith P. de St. Mars person
associatedWith Peabody, Endicott. person
correspondedWith Pelissier, Jean. person
correspondedWith Pendleton, Francis K. person
correspondedWith Penton, John. person
associatedWith Percy Mitchell person
correspondedWith Pernin, Francis. person
correspondedWith Perrin, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Petain, Henri Philippe Benoni Omer, 1856- person
correspondedWith Peter Jay person
correspondedWith Petrovitch, Vladimir. person
correspondedWith Phoenix, Lloyd. person
correspondedWith Piccolomini, Elenor. person
correspondedWith Pichon, Stéphen. person
correspondedWith Pierre Loti person
correspondedWith Pitallo, Georgio. person
correspondedWith Pitney, Frederick B. person
correspondedWith Plamenatz, Jovan S. person
correspondedWith P. Loti person
correspondedWith Plummer, Thomas R. person
associatedWith Poillone de St Mars person
correspondedWith Popovitch, Paul. person
correspondedWith Porcellinis, Gustavo de. person
correspondedWith Post, Emily (Price), 1873- person
correspondedWith Pouchain, Abbé person
correspondedWith Pradié person
associatedWith Président de la Société des Architectes corporateBody
correspondedWith President of the Royal Academy of San Luca corporateBody
correspondedWith Prevost, Marcel, 1862- person
correspondedWith Prince, Frederick Henry, 1859- person
associatedWith Provost of University of Pennsylvania corporateBody
correspondedWith Purdy. W. Frank. person
correspondedWith Radulovich, B. L. person
correspondedWith Randolph, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Reginald Rives. person
associatedWith Reid, Ogden. person
correspondedWith Reilly, Henry Joseph, 1881- person
correspondedWith Reinach, Joseph, 1856-1921 person
correspondedWith Renard, Paul. person
correspondedWith Renault, Louis, 1843-1918 person
correspondedWith Repplier, Agnes, 1858- person
correspondedWith Rey, E. person
correspondedWith Ribot, M. G. person
associatedWith Richard Peters person
correspondedWith Riggs, Francis B. person
correspondedWith Riverieulx, M. de. person
correspondedWith Riverieux, Armand de. person
associatedWith Rives, Reginald person
associatedWith Rives, Reginald. person
correspondedWith Rizzo, Luigi, 1887- person
correspondedWith R. J. Cole person
correspondedWith Robert E. Tod person
correspondedWith Robert J. Cole person
correspondedWith Robert Lansing person
associatedWith Robert Ocles person
correspondedWith Roberts, Elmer. person
associatedWith Roger Culver person
correspondedWith Roll person
correspondedWith Romoli, Guglielmo. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1887-1944 person
correspondedWith Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, viscount, 1868- person
correspondedWith Routemezzo, J. person
correspondedWith Royaden, Giovanni. person
correspondedWith Sainsére, Olivier. person
correspondedWith SaintMars, Kisbey person
correspondedWith SaintMars, P. de person
correspondedWith Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921 person
correspondedWith Salvago-Raggi, Guiseppe, 1886- person
correspondedWith Sanj-Lopez person
correspondedWith Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925 person
correspondedWith Saveck, Georgi. person
correspondedWith Savi-Lopez, Paolo, 1876-1919 person
correspondedWith Scaramuzzino, Tito. person
correspondedWith Schaetzen, Louis. person
correspondedWith Scotti, Gallarati. person
correspondedWith Sechi, Admiral person
associatedWith S. Hanotaux person
correspondedWith Sharp, William Graves, 1859-1922 person
correspondedWith Sidis, Freda. person
associatedWith Simon Petlioura person
correspondedWith Smith, Dorothy G. A. person
correspondedWith Smith, L. H. person
correspondedWith Società del casino di Sebenico. corporateBody
correspondedWith Societe centrale des architectes. corporateBody
associatedWith Somini, G. person
correspondedWith Sonbler, George. person
correspondedWith Steege, Klyda Richardson. person
correspondedWith Stires, Ernest Milmore, 1866- person
associatedWith Summons to Americans corporateBody
correspondedWith Sylvaire, Dominique. person
associatedWith T. di Nevel person
correspondedWith Thaon, di Revel, Ignaci. person
correspondedWith Thaon diRevel, Paolo. person
correspondedWith Thaon, di Revel, Paolo. person
correspondedWith The American Institute of Arts and Letters. corporateBody
correspondedWith The American war publicity league in France. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Foreign Legion corporateBody
associatedWith The New York American. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theodore Roosevelt person
correspondedWith The President corporateBody
correspondedWith Tobler, F. person
correspondedWith Toerge, Norman K. person
correspondedWith Tolley, Francis. person
correspondedWith Tompkins, Arthur S. person
correspondedWith Trélat, Marcel 1859- person
correspondedWith Trouchet, Giullame. person
correspondedWith Tulpinck, Camille. person
associatedWith Ugo Conz person
correspondedWith Unione Economica Nazionale corporateBody
associatedWith Université catholique de Louvain (1835-1969). Bibliothèque. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Consulate-general. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Department of state. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. District court. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Embassy corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Library of Congress. corporateBody
correspondedWith Vale, H. H. person
correspondedWith Van Cranwenberg, E. person
correspondedWith Van Rensselaer, William Stephen. person
correspondedWith Vatin, Flore (Blanjot), 1867- person
correspondedWith Velleman, Anton, 1871- person
correspondedWith Vera, princess of Montenegro. person
correspondedWith Viand, Julien, 1850-1923 person
correspondedWith Visconti Venosta, G. person
correspondedWith Viscount Rothemere person
correspondedWith Vujovic, M. person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, C. S. person
associatedWith Warren, Charlotte A. Tooker. person
correspondedWith Warren, duc de. person
associatedWith Warren, Lloyd. person
associatedWith Warren & Wetmore. corporateBody
associatedWith Warren Whitney person
correspondedWith Waterman, Avis. person
correspondedWith Watriss, Martha. person
correspondedWith Watson, Samuel W. person
correspondedWith Weiller, Paul Louis. person
correspondedWith Wetmore, Maude E. person
correspondedWith Whalen, Grover A. person
correspondedWith Wharton, Edith (Jones), 1862-1937 person
associatedWith White, Stanford, 1853-1906. person
correspondedWith Whitney, Caspar, 1862-1929 person
correspondedWith Whitney Warren person
associatedWith Whitney Warren, citoyen américain. member Del'Institut corporateBody
correspondedWith Whitney Warren Jr person
associatedWith Whitney Warren's person
correspondedWith Widor, Charles Marie, 1845-1937 person
correspondedWith Wilden, Dumont. person
correspondedWith William Fellowes Morgan person
correspondedWith William Greenough. person
associatedWith William G. Sharpe person
associatedWith William H. Hays person
correspondedWith Williams, Wythe, 1881- person
correspondedWith Wister, Owen, 1860-1938 person
correspondedWith Witney person
correspondedWith W. J. Bryan person
correspondedWith W. K Vanderbilt. person
correspondedWith Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927 person
correspondedWith Yale university. corporateBody
associatedWith Yvette Nivelle person
correspondedWith Zilotto, Luigi. person
correspondedWith Zoni, C. person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1864-01-29

Death 1943-04-23





Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w69g5qrw

Ark ID: w69g5qrw

SNAC ID: 15915537