Found 9 results in 119.52 ms.
Stadtarchiv Heilbronn (6) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv Bayreuth. (2) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv zu Breslau (2) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv Zürich. (1) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv Eisenach (1) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv, Traunstein (1) (person)
During World War Two, Traunstein, Bavaria, was the site of a subcamp of Dachau concentration camp. In 1946 it became a displaced persons camp housing Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe. In 1997 the City archive of Traunstein put on an exhibition about the camp entitled Ein Leben aufs Neu. Juedische Displaced Persons auf deutschem Boden, 1945-1948 .
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Dessau. Stadtarchiv. (1) (corporateBody)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Stadtarchiv Braunschweig (1) (corporateBody)
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Stadtarchiv Heilbronn. Musiksammlung. (1) (corporateBody)
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