Found 11 results in 204.38 ms.
Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. (2) (corporateBody)
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Rossiiskaia akademiia khudozhestvennykh nauk (2) (corporateBody)
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Institut kosmicheskikh issledoraniì†. (1) (corporateBody)
Directors of the Institute for the Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences: G. I. Petrov (1965?-1973); R. Z. Sagdeev (1974-1988); and A. A. Galeev (1988-present).
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Otdelenie iadernoì† fiziki. (1) (corporateBody)
Secretary acdemicians of the Department for the Nuclear Physis of the Russian Academy of Sciences: V. I. Veksler (1963-1966); M. A. Markov (1968-1988); A. N. Skrinskii (1988- ).
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Institut obshtchei fiziki. (1) (corporateBody)
The Institute for the General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOFAN) was formed from the part of the Lebedev Institute for Physics (FIAN) on 30 September 1982 and started its independent activity on 1 July 1983. Its director is academian A. M Prokhorov.
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Otdelenie fiziko-tekhnicheskikh problem energetiki. (1) (corporateBody)
The Department for Physical and Technical Problems of Energetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences was separated from the Department of Technical Sciences on July 1st, 1963. Its secretary academicians were: M. D. Millionstchikov (1963-1964); M. A. Styrikovich (1965-1979); V. I. Popkov (1980-1984); V. A. Kirillin (1985-1988); Iu. A. Rudenko (1988- ).
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Otdelenie Geologii, Geofiziki i Gornykh. (1) (corporateBody)
The Department for Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Mining Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in March 1969 by dividing the Department for the Sciences on the Earth into the Department for the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry and the Department for Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics, and Geography. Secretary Academicians: V. I. Smirnov (1969-1975); B. S. Sokolov (1976- ).
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk; Institut mirovoi literatury imeni A.M.Gor'kogo. (1) (corporateBody)
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Gruppa Tekhnicheskoi Fisiki Otdeleniya Tekhnicheskikh. (1) (corporateBody)
The Group was founded in 1936 as a part of the Department of Technical Sciences, in 1939 it was reorganized in the Section of the Electroconnection (or Electro communication?) (Sekciya Elektroscyazi) in the same Department and partically united with the PHysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Institut kristallografii im. A. V. Shubnikova. (1) (corporateBody)
The Shubnikov Institute for Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1943 upon the base of the Laboratory for the Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR which had been leading independent research since 1937. Institute headmasters: A. V. Shubnikov (1943-1962); B. K. Vainshtein (since 1962).
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