
Found 60 results in 154.74 ms. Showing up to 60 of the total results.

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Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 (319) (person)

A general outline of the life and works of the poet Alexander Pope, 1688-1744, can be found in the Dictionary of National Biography, but there are numerous biographical and critical evaluations if more detailed information is required A general outline of the life and works of the poet Alexander Pope can be found in the Dictionary of National Biography ; there are also numerous biographical and critical evaluations. The Rev. William Broome, who assisted Pope with the tra...

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Pope, Alexander, poet (50) (person)

Epithet: poet

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Alexander VII, Pope (43) (person)

Accession date: 1655 Places: Rome Title: Pope

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Alexander VI, Pope (34) (person)

Accession date: 1492 Places: Rome Title: Pope

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Alexander VII, Pope, 1599-1667 (39) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Alexander VI, Pope, 1431-1503 (36) (person)

Clergyman. 1456-1492 Cardinal; 1492-1503 Pope. Title: Pope

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Alexander III, Pope (15) (person)

Accession date: 1159 Places: Rome Title: Pope

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Pope, Alexander, of Add MS 30162 (40) (person)

Epithet: of Add MS 38488 Epithet: of Add MS 39864 Epithet: of Add MS 33964 Epithet: of Add MS 12113 Epithet: of Egerton Ch 128 Epithet: of Add MS 4223 Epithet: of Add MS 30162

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Pope, Alexander, 1849-1924 (16) (person)

Epithet: of Stowe MS 180 Epithet: of Add MS 40804 Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744), poet, was the son of a Roman Catholic linen-draper from London. As a boy, Pope suffered from ill health, which affected his growth and normal physical development. He was largely self-educated and showed his precocious poetical aptitude at a young age, writing his Pastorals, when in his mid teens. He was introduced to London life by Wycherley, an...

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Alexander IV, Pope (11) (person)

Accession date: 1254 Places: Rome Title: Pope

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