
Found 10 results in 173.9 ms. Showing up to 10 of the total results.

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Mongan, Agnes (61) (person)

Agnes Mongan, art historian, curator and director at Fogg Art Museum. b. 1905, Somerville, Mass.; d. Sept. 15, 1996, Cambridge, Mass. Art historian, teacher, and museum administrator, Agnes Mongan was born in Somerville, Mass., in 1905, and earned a B.A. from Bryn Mawr in 1927. In 1928 she came to the Fogg Museum at Harvard as a special student; she remained there for over forty years, serving in various positions, finally as director. She...

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Miss Agnes Mongan (1) (person)

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Mongan, Miss Agnes (1) (person)

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Mongan, Agnes, recipient. (1) (person)

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