
Found 86 results in 160.74 ms.

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American society for microbiology (15) (corporateBody)

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American Academy of Microbiology (9) (corporateBody)

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Oregon State University. Dept. of Microbiology. (6) (corporateBody)

The Microbiology Department was housed in Agriculture Hall until 1970, when it moved to new laboratories and offices designed specifically for microbiological research and teaching in the Bioscience Building (later named Nash Hall). In June 1970, cranes hoisted moving vans up to the upper floors of Agriculture Hall in order to move large equipment and supplies out of the building, which had no elevator. The Bioscience Building was constructed in 1969-1970 using the lift-slab method, in which...

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Foundation for Microbiology (3) (corporateBody)

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Rutgers University. Institute of Microbiology (4) (corporateBody)

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International Congress for Microbiology (3) (corporateBody)

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Yale University. Department of Microbiology (3) (corporateBody)

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Microbiology (6) (corporateBody)

In 1878 the School of Natural History of the College of Natural Science began to offer courses in Microscopy and Fungology 1 and in 1891 established an undergraduate course in bacteriology within its division of Botany. 2 In 1896 the division of Botany first offered agraduate course in bacteriology. 3 The Trustees in 1921 approved the recommendation thatthe Division of Bacteriology in the Department of Botany be established as a separateDepartment of Bacteriology. 4 In 1934, the...

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University of Guelph. Department of Microbiology (3) (corporateBody)

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University of Michigan. Department of Microbiology (3) (corporateBody)

Formerly the department of bacteriology. The Department of Microbiology of the University of Michigan evolved from the Department of Hygiene and Physiological Chemistry, the Hygienic Laboratory, and the Department Of Bacteriology. It can trace its beginnings to 1981 when Dr. Victor C. Vaughan began teaching Sanitary Science as an elective course in the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts. In 1887 he was appointed Professor of Hygiene and Physiolo...

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