
Found 55 results in 136.42 ms.

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Locke, John, 1632-1704 (90) (person)

Bills for general naturalization of groups of immigrants were proposed several times during the later Stuart period. Locke's paper most likely relates to a bill introduced in December 1693. Philosopher. English philosopher. Locke and Collins were English philosophers. Locke was an English philosopher.

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Locke, John, philosopher (25) (person)

Epithet: philosopher

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Locke, John, 1792-1856 (31) (person)

Epithet: merchant, of London Epithet: of Stowe MS 748 Epithet: MA Epithet: author of 'Ireland's Recovery'

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Locke, William John, 1863-1930 (24) (person)

English novelist. Author William John Locke was born in British Guiana to English parents, and graduated from Cambridge in mathematics. He held various teaching positions, but disliked teaching, and sought to make a living as an author. His many novels and stories, witty and widely appealing, were consistently popular, although his later work, written in haste, is sketchy by comparison. He also wrote plays, and had a lifelong interest in arc...

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Locke, William John (9) (person)

Epithet: novelist

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Locke, John G. (John Goodwin), 1803-1869 (11) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Locke, John Galen. (4) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Locke, John (3) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Scripps, J. L. (John Locke), 1818-1866 (10) (person)

Scripps was co-founder of the Chicago Tribune, postmaster of Chicago during the Civil War, and first biographer of Abraham Lincoln. Scripps was co-founder of the Chicago Tribune, postmaster of Chicago, and first biographer of Abraham Lincoln. Co-founded the Chicago Tribune, appointed post-master of Chicago by Abraham Lincoln in 1861, and wrote the first biography of Abraham Lincoln.

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John Locke, 1632-1704 (4) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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