
Found 18 results in 127.6 ms.

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Long, Marion Johnson, (7) (person)

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Marion Johnson Dimmock, 1824-1908 (5) (person)

Marion Johnson Dimmock was born in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1824 and moved to Richmond in 1833. He served in the Confederate Army, attaining the rank of captain. He became one of the most prolific Virginia architects in the period 1870-1900. Among his more prominant commissions during this period were the Confederate Memorial Chapel (1887), a hotel in Elkton, Virginia (1890), Richmond Chamber of Commerce Building (1891-1892), Mortuary Chapel in Hollywood Cemetery (1897-1898), and...

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Johnson, Marion (2) (person)

Marion Johnson was a temporary lecturer at the Centre for West African Studies, University of Birmingham, 1969-1970, then Honorary Fellow to 1988. Reference: Deposit information. For further reading about the University of Birmingham see: Eric Ives, Diane Drummond, Leonard Schwarz The First Civic University: Birmingham 1880-1980 An Introductory History (The University of University of Birmingham Press. 2000). For further reading about the Unive...

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Marion Johnson (1) (person)

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Johnson, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1891-1964 (2) (person)

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Johnson, Marion Swanson. (1) (person)

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Coleman, Marion Johnson (1) (person)

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Johnson, Rose Marion (1) (person)

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Johnson, Marion, 1936- (1) (person)

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Johnson, Francis Marion. (1) (person)

Law student at the University of Michigan.

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