
Found 646 results in 201.42 ms. Showing up to 150 of the total results.

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Ruskin, John James (178) (person)

Father of John Ruskin. Epithet: father of John Ruskin English art critic and social critic.

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Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 (279) (person)

Naturalist, ornithologist, and artist, known for his Birds of America. Audubon was an American artist and ornithologost. John James Audubon was a painter and ornithologist. Born in Les Coyes (Haiti) on April 26, 1786, he was raised in revolutionary France. He settled in Kentucky in 1806. After a store he owned went bankrupt, he left his wife and two young sons in Kentucky and went to New Orlean where he attempted to earn his living as a portrait pai...

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Hamilton, John James (23) (person)

Epithet: merchant Title: 1st Marquess of Abercorn

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James, John (Vocalist) (22) (person)

Thomas Varker Keam was born in Kenwyn, England on August 6, 1842. He went to sea as a young man and served in several branches of the British and then American military. Honorably discharged at Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1868, Keam stayed on becoming a liscenced trader with the Indian Bureau. By 1879 he had left the tading post he and and William Leonard had established together, to what is now called Keam's Canyon. There he traded with both the Hopi and Navajos, learning both their languages fl...

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Abert, John James, 1788-1863 (46) (person)

John James Abert (1788-1863) was a topographical engineer for the United States Army. He supervised many early national engineering projects, including the planning for a wagon road from Genoa, Utah to Carson Valley, Nevada.

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James, John Thomas (19) (person)

Epithet: Bishop of Calcutta 1827

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Ingalls, John James, 1833-1900 (42) (person)

John James Ingalls was born December 29, 1833, in Middletown, Massachusetts. He was the son of Elias T. and Eliza (Chase) Ingalls. Ingalls lived in Atchison and served as Senator from Kansas, 1873-1891 He was an attorney, lecturer, and author. For a biography of Ingalls see Burton J. Williams, Senator John James Ingalls, Kansas' Iridescent Republican (Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 1972). U.S. Senator from Kansas. These...

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Blaine, John J. (John James), 1873-1934 (36) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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James, John, 1959-... (15) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Peck, John J. (John James), 1821-1878 (26) (person)

Major General of Volunteers for the Union Army, 1862-1864. John James Peck was born in New York State from whence he received an appointment to West Point Military Academy and subsequently graduated eighth in a class of thirty-nine on 1 July 1839. His military career was as follows: Breveted 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Artillery on 1 July 1843; 2nd Lieutenant, 16 April 1846; 1st Lieutenant, 3 March 1847; Breveted Captain, 20 August 1847 for gallant and meritorious conduct in the...

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