Found 31 results in 176.61 ms.
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 (379) (person)
English novelist. English poet and novelist. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English author. Epithet: OM, novelist English novelist and poet. Thomas Hardy was a British writer of novels, short stories, plays (including historical dramas), poetry, and essays. Thomas Hardy, English novelist....
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Hardy, Thomas (22) (person)
Epithet: of the I of Wight Epithet: Minister of Fowlis-Wester, county Perthshire Epithet: radical politician Epithet: Captain RN, afterwards Kt. and Rear Admiral Epithet: witness of Wolley Ch iv.56 Epithet: Sec of the London Corresponding Society Epithet: servant to John Lely Epithet: Lieutenant; RN
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Thomas, Hardy (12) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Hardy, Thomas Duffus (14) (person)
Epithet: Deputy-Keeper of the Public Records
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Hardy, Thomas, 1921- (9) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Hardy, Thomas Masterman, Sir, Vice-Admiral (16) (person)
Epithet: Vice-Admiral
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Hardy, Thomas Masterman, Sir, 1769-1839 (13) (person)
British naval officer who commanded the HMS Victory during the Battle of Trafalgar. Captain, HMS Victory.
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Hardy, Thomas Duffus, Sir, 1804-1878 (10) (person)
Epithet: Deputy Keeper of the Public Records
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Taliaferro, Thomas Hardy, 1871- (4) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Hardy, Thomas John, 1868- (2) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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