Found 385 results in 160.15 ms. Showing up to 150 of the total results.
White House Conference on Families (5) (corporateBody)
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National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia (14) (corporateBody)
Biographical/Historical Note Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Prisoners and prisons, North Vietnamese.
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National Council for One Parent Families (4) (corporateBody)
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Utah Commission for Women and Families (3) (corporateBody)
An agency history is available. An agency history is available. An agency history is available.
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British Families Education Service (2) (corporateBody)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Littell Families of America (2) (corporateBody)
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Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (4) (corporateBody)
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) held its first informal meeting in 1973 under the name of Parents & Friends of Gays. It was officially formed in 1981, and was incorporated in 1982. It originally headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and moved to Washington, D.C. in 1989. By 1994, its name had changed to Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays. By 1997, there were fifteen regions in the U.S., each headed by a regional director, and over four hundred affiliate cha...
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Families (1) (person)
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Conference on Families who Follow the Crops (3) (corporateBody)
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Minnesota. Department of Children, Families and Learning. (3) (corporateBody)
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