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John Jay College of Criminal Justice (19) (corporateBody)
Program to encourage police officers to begin college by offering 6 credits in conjunction with the New York City Police Department. Courses are in basic communications, group interaction analysis, and social perception.
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Texas. Criminal Justice Division (7) (corporateBody)
The Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor is responsible for preparing an annual state criminal justice plan that details goals, priorities, and standards for improving the criminal justice system. The division administers state and federal grant funds and awards funds to criminal justice, juvenile justice, and victim service projects. Eligible applicants for these funds include state agencies, regional councils of governments, cities, counties, colleges and universities, pr...
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Texas. Dept. of Criminal Justice (9) (corporateBody)
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) manages offenders in state prisons, state jails and contracted private correctional facilities. The agency also provides funding and certain oversight of community supervision and is responsible for the supervision of offenders released from prison on parole or mandatory supervision. The Department of Criminal Justice came into being in 1848 when An Act to Establish a State Penitentiary was passed by the Second Texas Legislature. Th...
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Massachusetts. Committee on Criminal Justice (5) (corporateBody)
St 1967, c 798 established the Committee on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice (initially also known as the Governor's Committee on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice). St 1973, c 1021 reconstituted the body as the Committee on Criminal Justice, at which time it acquired all records of the Governor's Public Safety Committee (established 1966). It advises the governor on all phases of the adult and juvenile systems of law enforcement and criminal jus...
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Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice (4) (corporateBody)
The Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice (WCCJ) was originally created by executive order in 1969 as the state planning agency required by federal crime control and juvenile justice laws. The council replaced the Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Crime and operated within the Department of Justice (WIHV85-A890). In 1971, the council was recreated by executive order and was transferred to the Executive Office. Act 27, Laws of 1983, attached the Council to the Departmen...
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Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (4) (corporateBody)
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Illinois Association for Criminal Justice (4) (corporateBody)
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New York (State). Division of Criminal Justice Services (7) (corporateBody)
The Division of Criminal Justice Services was established within the Executive Department in 1972 (Chapter 399). The division was the result of the consolidation of three separate governmental units: the New York State Identification and Intelligence System (NYSIIS), the Office of Local Government's Division for Local Police, and the Office of Planning Service's Division of Criminal Justice. NYSIIS had been established in 1965 (Chapter 353) as a service agency within the Executive Department...
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Baltimore Criminal Justice Commission (2) (corporateBody)
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Ohio. Office of Criminal Justice Services (1993- ) (3) (corporateBody)
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