
Found 255 results in 352.95 ms. Showing up to 150 of the total results.

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Ancient Order of Hibernians (26) (corporateBody)

The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish-American fraternal organization founded in New York City in 1836. Inspired by the Irish organization of the same name created in the 16th Century to sustain the Catholic faith in the face of English opposition, the American Hibernians sought to protect clergy and church property from Anti-Catholic 'Nativist' Americans and their followers. Similarly, the vast influx of Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing the famine in the 1840s prompted the gr...

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Ancient Order of United Workmen (19) (corporateBody)

The Ancient Order of United Workmen, or AOUW, was a fraternal organization, established in 1868 in Meadville, Pennsylvania. At its height it numbered approximately 320,000 members. Fraternal organization; the Tucson chapter was established in 1894 and built their lodge in 1898.

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Academy of Ancient Music (1973-) (9) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (15) (corporateBody)

The Harvard Semitic Museum was renamed the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East on April 15, 2020 to be more inclusive and accurately reflect the diversity of the museum’s collection. By housing ancient Near Eastern exhibitions, the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East explores the rich history of cultures connected by the family of Semitic languages. Exhibitions include a full-scale replica of an ancient Israelite home, life sized casts of famous Mesopotamian monuments, authentic mumm...

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Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts (9) (corporateBody)

Developed to provide systematic instuction in military duties, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Comapany of Massachusetts is an independent military group chartered by the General Court on March 13, 1638/39 as the Military Company of Massachusetts. By 1708 it was consistently called the Honorable Artillery Company, and in 1738 the word "Ancient" was added to its name. Under the charter, the group is free to choose its own officers, with the choice for those holding the rank of Captain and...

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Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America (29) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Ancient Burying Ground (Hartford, Conn.) (5) (corporateBody)

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Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (7) (corporateBody)

The Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts (ISPART) was established in 2001. Daniel Oswald served as the executive director from 2001-2003 and Noel B. Reynolds served from 2003 to 2006. In 2006, the BYU Board of Trustees renamed ISPART the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. The Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts helped recover, preserve, study, and publish ancient documents. The institute...

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Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (5) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Brooklyn Museum. Department of Egyptian, Classical & Ancient Middle Eastern Art. (11) (corporateBody)

Beginning in 1898, a year after the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences opened the central museum building, the Museum began actively collecting Egyptian and classical objects through private donations and sponsored excavations. Prior to 1932, when the Department of Antiquities was created, the Museum acquired Egyptian and classical objects through the efforts and guidance of William H. Goodyear, the first curator of the Department of Fine Arts. By the mid-1930s, the newly es...

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