
Found 3 results in 152.68 ms.

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Perkins, Charles C. (Charles Callahan), 1823-1886 (43) (person)

Epithet: author and art critic Painter, etcher, author, art and music critic, of Boston, Mass. Perkins graduated from Harvard in 1843; studied art in Rome and Paris; promoted art education for the masses; organized the Boston Art Club and served as president, 1869-1879; was a founder and honorary director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and was instrumental in instituting an art curriculum for Massachusetts and the city of Boston. Perkins was...

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Perkins, C. E. (Charles Elliott), 1840-1907 (11) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Perkins, C. O. (Charles Orton), 1819-1887 (3) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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