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Heller, Joseph, 1940- (49) (person)

Author Joseph Heller was born and raised in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, N.Y. He served in the Air Force in World War II, and was educated at NYU, Columbia, and as a Fullbright Scholar at Oxford. He worked as an English instructor at Penn State University and became a copy writer for several New York ad agencies. His first novel, the highly-regarded World War II black comedy Catch-22, became a phenomenon by anticipating key themes in the social unrest that characterized the 1960s; th...

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Heller, Joseph (12) (person)

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Joseph Heller. (1) (person)

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Joseph Heller Rare Books (1) (corporateBody)

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Heller, Elmer W. and Joseph (1) (person)

Biography As related by Joseph Heller, he and his brother were childhood friends of Richard Feynman in Far Rockaway, New York. Mr. Heller's older brother, Elmer, was born in the same year as Feynman but apparently was a year ahead in school. The two were good friends because of their mutual interest in mathematics and science. Both attended Far Rockaway High School, from which they graduated in 1934 and 1935 respectively. Joseph Heller was...

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Heller, Joseph, active 1967, US author (1) (person)

Epithet: US author

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Matthew J. Bruccoli Collection of Joseph Heller. (1) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Heller, Aryeh Leib ben Joseph, ha-Kohen, 1745?-1813 (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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