
Found 6 results in 171.44 ms.

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Gallatin, A. E. (Albert Eugene), 1881-1952 (28) (person)

American art museum founder, critic, and painter. Archeologist, collector of ancient and eastern art, and contemporary sculptor Carl Paul Jennewein; New York, N.Y. Art collector; New York, N.Y. Gallatin formed one of America's earliest modern art collections, and displayed it as Gallery of Living Art (later Museum of Living Art) at NYU from 1907-1943, when he moved it to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Gallatin was also a pa...

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Gallatin, A. E. 1881-1952. (2) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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A. E. Gallatin, (1) (person)

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A. E. Gallatin, Esq. (1) (person)

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A. E. Gallatin, Esq. (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Gallatin, A. E. (Albert Eugene) (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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