
Found 14 results in 208.26 ms.

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Cooper, Douglas, 1911-1984 (14) (person)

Douglas Cooper pursued a long career as art critic, curator and collector, producing numerous books, catalogs, articles and reviews. He also amassed a distinguished collection of early Cubist paintings. Biographical/Historical Note Douglas Cooper was born in London in 1911 to a family that had made a fortune in Australia and acquired a baronetcy. After briefly attending Oxford, Freiburg and the Sorbonne, he came into...

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Cooper, Douglas Hancock, 1815-1879. (11) (person)

Douglas Hancock Cooper (1815-1879) of Mississippi was a soldier in the Mexican War and the Confederate Army, and an Indian claims agent. Douglas Hancock Cooper (1815-1879) of Mississippi, soldier in the Mexican War and the Confederate Army, and Indian claims agent. University of Virginia student from Natchez, Miss.; afterwards Indian agent and Brigadier General, C.S.A.

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Cooper, Douglas (2) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Cooper, Michael Douglas. (2) (person)

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Cooper, Douglas, 1960- (2) (person)

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Douglas Cooper (1) (person)

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Douglas Cooper (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Cooper, Douglas J. (1) (person)

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Cooper, Douglas Milburn (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Cooper, Douglas H. (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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