
Found 3 results in 135 ms.

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Cassirer, Ernst, 1874-1945 (12) (person)

Ernst Alfred Cassirer: philosopher, educator, writer, and prominent member of the neo-Kantian movement. For a more complete description, see the Ernst Cassirer Papers (GEN MSS 98) . Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), philosopher, educator, and writer. Ernst Alfred Cassirer, philosopher, educator, writer, and prominent member of the neo-Kantian movement, was born on July 28, 1874, in Breslau, Silesia, the fourth child of the...

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Cassirer, Ernst (2) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Ernst Cassirer Collection (University of Illinois at Chicago) (1) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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