Brown, Solomon G., 1829?-1906

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Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams Express Company corporateBody
associatedWith American Negro Historical Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Baird, Mary H. C. person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Bannister, H. M. person
associatedWith Bradley & Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Brewer, William H. person
associatedWith Buchanan, Joseph R. person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Philip Pearsall person
correspondedWith Coues, Elliot person
correspondedWith Diebitsch, H. person
correspondedWith Force, William Q. (Peter Force's Son) person
correspondedWith Gibbs, George person
correspondedWith Gill, Theodore Nicholas person
associatedWith Girard, Charles Frederick person
associatedWith Gray, Asa person
correspondedWith Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
associatedWith Henry, William (Not Son) person
associatedWith Horan, Henry person
correspondedWith Kennedy, C. B. R. person
correspondedWith Knox, G. W. person
correspondedWith Leech, Daniel person
correspondedWith Marse, J. S. person
correspondedWith Meek, Fielding B. person
correspondedWith Milner, J. W. person
associatedWith Napoleon Bonaparte corporateBody
correspondedWith Patterson, James W. person
correspondedWith Reason, Charles L. person
associatedWith Rhees, William J. person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Stimpson, William person
associatedWith Stone, Livingston person
associatedWith Turner, Jane A. person
associatedWith United States Fish Commission person
correspondedWith Van Naine, Addison person
correspondedWith Washington, D. C., Citizens Of person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Applications for positions
Civil war
Ethnology Archaeology Anthropology
Exchanges Of Publications
Fine Arts
National Museum
Natural history
Scientific publications
Smithsonian Building
Smithsonian Exchange
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Publications
Surveys And Explorations, General


Birth 1829

Death 1906



Ark ID: w6mw2m5t

SNAC ID: 25274223