Marney, Carlyle, 1916-1978

Variant names

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Baptist minister and writer. He attended Carson-Newman College and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. After seminary Marney served churches in Kentucky, Texas and North Carolina. In 1967 Marney founded in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina Interpreter's House, a retreat center for ministers and laypersons. Marney wrote over a dozen books all of which challenged the reader to live out the demands of the gospel in spite of traditional expectations. He died in 1978.

From the description of Collection, 1950-1952. (Hudson Valley Community College). WorldCat record id: 50011978

Clergyman and author.

From the description of Papers, 1899-1979 & 1958-1978. (bulk). (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 17979568

  • 1916, July 8: Born, Harriman, Tennessee.
  • 1938: A.B., Carson Newman College.
  • 1940, June 20: Married Rita Elizabeth Christopher.
  • 1941: Ordained to ministry of Baptist Church.
  • 1943: Th.M., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • 1946: Th.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • 1948 - 1958 : Pastor of First Baptist Church, Austin, Texas.
  • 1951: Visiting Professor in Homiletics, Austin Presbyterian Seminary
  • 1952 - 1957 : Professor of Christian Ethics, Austin Presbyterian Seminary.
  • 1958 - 1967 : Pastor of Myers Park Baptist Church, Charlotte, N. C.
  • 1963: Litt.D., Wake Forest College.
  • 1964: D.D., Johnson C. Smith University.
  • 1967: D.D., Kalamazoo College Member, President's National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty.
  • 1967 - 1968 : Vice President, National Council of Churches.
  • 1967 - 1978 : Founder and Director of Interpreters' House, Lake Junaluska, N. C.
  • 1972 - 1978 : Adjunct Professor at Duke Divinity School.
  • 1976: Conquest Chair in Humanities, Virginia Military Institute D.D., University of Glasgow, Scotland. Trustee, The Christian Century Foundation.
  • 1978, July 3: Died, Lake Junaluska, N. C.

From the guide to the Carlyle Marney Papers, 1899-1979, (Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Kratt, Mary Norton. Papers, 1952-1991 (bulk 1979-1991). University of North Carolina, Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
referencedIn Tillett, Gladys Avery, 1891-1984. Collection, 1960-1978 (bulk 1978). University of North Carolina, Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
creatorOf Marney, Carlyle, 1916-1978. Collection, 1950-1952. Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives
creatorOf Marney, Carlyle, 1916-1978. Papers, 1899-1979 & 1958-1978. (bulk). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Carlyle Marney Papers, 1899-1979 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abingdon Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Academy of Parish Clergy (Honorary Board) corporateBody
correspondedWith Adaire, James person
correspondedWith Adams, Theodore person
correspondedWith Alazraqui, Nina person
correspondedWith Albright, H. D. person
correspondedWith Alexander, David person
associatedWith Alexander, John Stanley person
correspondedWith Alexander, Ralph person
correspondedWith Alexander, Stanley person
correspondedWith Almond, Lucy person
correspondedWith Alsdurf, Edna person
correspondedWith Amen, Paul and Henry person
associatedWith American and Southern Baptists corporateBody
correspondedWith American Baptist Communications corporateBody
associatedWith American Baptist Convention. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Bible Society corporateBody
associatedWith American National Red Cross: Mecklenburg County Chapter corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Jim person
correspondedWith Andrews, Ed person
correspondedWith Andrews, W. H. person
correspondedWith Argo, Monie person
correspondedWith Association of Southern Baptists for Scouting corporateBody
correspondedWith Austin, Bill person
correspondedWith Avent, George person
correspondedWith Bailey, Robert person
correspondedWith Baird, Dr. and Mrs. Haynes person
correspondedWith Baker, Bobbie person
correspondedWith Baker, John person
correspondedWith Baker, Robert person
associatedWith Baker, William J. person
correspondedWith Baptist Unity Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Barlett, Gene E. person
associatedWith Barnette, H. H. person
correspondedWith Barnhardt, William person
correspondedWith Barnhart, Joe person
correspondedWith Barrett, George person
correspondedWith Bash, Lawerence person
correspondedWith Bates, Carl E. person
associatedWith Baum, Fr. Gregory person
correspondedWith Bausmum, Henry S. and Doloris person
correspondedWith Beebe, Judy person
correspondedWith Belk, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Bell, Paul C. Jr. person
correspondedWith Berman, Alice and Michael person
associatedWith Berry, James person
correspondedWith Berry, James A. person
correspondedWith Berstein, Mark person
correspondedWith Bingham, Darris person
correspondedWith Bininger, Clem E. person
correspondedWith Bishop. Elmer person
correspondedWith Blackburn, Glen person
correspondedWith Blackwell, Albert person
correspondedWith Blackwell, Gordon person
correspondedWith Blair, Thom person
correspondedWith Blakemore, Barnett person
correspondedWith Blankenship, Mercer person
correspondedWith Bobbitt, David person
correspondedWith Bolton, William person
correspondedWith Bolt, Rinehart, and Winston Publishers person
correspondedWith Boone, Walter person
correspondedWith Bosley, Harold person
correspondedWith Bowen, W. A. person
correspondedWith Bowman, Burt J. person
correspondedWith Boyles, Jack E. person
associatedWith Boy Scouts of America: Mecklenburg County Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Bramlette, Howard person
correspondedWith Branch, Douglas M. person
correspondedWith Bratcher, E. B. person
correspondedWith Bratcher, Lewis person
correspondedWith Bridges, J. H. person
correspondedWith Bridgman, Ralph person
correspondedWith Broach, Claude person
associatedWith Broach, Claude U. person
associatedWith Brokhoff, Dr. J. R. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Martin C. person
correspondedWith Broughton, Tom person
correspondedWith Brown, Arthur person
associatedWith Brown, Glen J., Jr. person
correspondedWith Brown, Glen W. person
correspondedWith Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles person
correspondedWith Bryan, Clyde C. person
correspondedWith Bryan, Harry H. person
correspondedWith Bryan, Mcleod G. person
correspondedWith Bryant, Don person
correspondedWith Bryant, James R. Sr. person
correspondedWith Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jr. person
correspondedWith Bryson, Howard person
correspondedWith Buchanan, John person
correspondedWith Buchlender, Sam and Antonia person
correspondedWith Bucke, Dr. Emory Stevens person
correspondedWith Burkhead, Mike person
correspondedWith Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sr. person
correspondedWith Burts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. person
correspondedWith Buttrick, George person
correspondedWith Cabaniss, Don person
correspondedWith Cain, Lee and Pat person
correspondedWith Calamas, Bill person
correspondedWith Campbell, Ernest person
associatedWith Camping, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Carrington, Joe person
correspondedWith Carroll, Archie person
correspondedWith Carr, Warren person
correspondedWith Carson, Helen Gates person
correspondedWith Carson, Jack person
correspondedWith Carson-Newman College corporateBody
correspondedWith Carswell, Guy T. person
correspondedWith Carter, Carrol person
correspondedWith Carter, Theodore person
correspondedWith Casebier, Relly and Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Cash, Mike person
correspondedWith Cason, John W. person
correspondedWith CBS News corporateBody
associatedWith CBS TV corporateBody
correspondedWith CDC (Communicable Disease Center) corporateBody
correspondedWith Chalfant, Ruth person
correspondedWith Chandler, Ralph person
correspondedWith Chappell, Wallace person
correspondedWith Charlotte Art Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith Charlotte Chamber of Commerce corporateBody
correspondedWith Charlotte-Mecklenburg Council on Human Relations corporateBody
correspondedWith Cheek, Neal person
correspondedWith Cheshire, John person
correspondedWith Childs, Bob person
correspondedWith Childs, P. person
correspondedWith Christian Action Council corporateBody
associatedWith Christian Century Convention. corporateBody
correspondedWith Christian Faith-and-Life Community corporateBody
correspondedWith Christopher, William E. Jr. person
associatedWith Church and Race Conference (Charlotte, N.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Churn, Prentis Jr. person
correspondedWith Clark, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Clark, Ted R. person
associatedWith Clark, Theodore R. person
associatedWith Cleland, James T., 1903-1978. person
correspondedWith Clemons, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy person
correspondedWith Cleveland, C. M. person
correspondedWith Cody, Bill B. person
associatedWith Coffin, William Sloan. person
correspondedWith Coffin, William Sloan Jr. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Henry person
correspondedWith Cole, Newton person
associatedWith Committee on Religion in Appalachia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cone, Bonnie person
correspondedWith Conner, Dick person
correspondedWith Conner, Ruth and Jerry person
correspondedWith Cooksey, Frank person
correspondedWith Cooper, Bill person
correspondedWith Copeland, Herbert person
correspondedWith Corpening, Julius person
correspondedWith Council of Churches (N.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Cowan, Ann person
correspondedWith Craig, Floyd person
correspondedWith Craig, Hellen Eby person
correspondedWith Crandall, Paul Edward person
correspondedWith Crawford, Clarence person
correspondedWith Crawley, Richard person
correspondedWith Creasman, Paul person
correspondedWith Crewse, Gene D. person
correspondedWith Croych, Perry W. person
correspondedWith Cummings, Bryant person
correspondedWith Cunningham, John R. person
correspondedWith Daly, George person
correspondedWith Dasher, Bob person
correspondedWith Davidson, John B. person
correspondedWith Davis, Carroll person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Davis, Gibson person
correspondedWith Davis, Robert E. person
associatedWith Davis, W. H. (William Hershel) person
correspondedWith Davis, William P. person
correspondedWith Dean, Kenneth person
correspondedWith DeFore, John person
correspondedWith Dehoney, Wayne person
correspondedWith Denham, William person
correspondedWith Denman, Harry person
correspondedWith Dickerson, Jack person
correspondedWith Dickson, Rush person
correspondedWith Diggins, Elemer person
associatedWith Docherty, George person
correspondedWith Docherty, George M. person
correspondedWith Dove, Mary person
correspondedWith Dowd, Carey III person
correspondedWith Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jr. person
correspondedWith Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sr. person
correspondedWith Dowd, Rodney person
correspondedWith Downing, Tom Jr. person
associatedWith Dr. Blake Smith person
correspondedWith Duce, Leonard person
correspondedWith Duke Divinity School corporateBody
correspondedWith Duncan, Pope A. person
associatedWith Duncan, Pope A., 1920- person
correspondedWith Dunning, Norman person
correspondedWith Dyal, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Dykes, Ray person
correspondedWith Early, Tracy person
associatedWith East Harlem Protestant Parish corporateBody
correspondedWith Edens, David person
correspondedWith Edge, Findley person
associatedWith Edge, Findley, 1916- person
associatedWith Edna Alsdurf). person
correspondedWith Edwards, Ted person
associatedWith Elizabeth Marney. person
correspondedWith Ellis, Art Marian person
correspondedWith Ellis, Henrietta person
correspondedWith Ellis, Pierce person
correspondedWith Ellis, Pierce Sr. and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Emerck, Sam person
correspondedWith England, Martin person
correspondedWith Esser, George person
correspondedWith Eubank, Riley Jr. person
correspondedWith Evans, Bruce person
correspondedWith Evans, Joe M. person
correspondedWith Farmer, James A. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, Irma person
correspondedWith Fillpot, Dave person
correspondedWith Finger, Bill person
correspondedWith Finlator, Bill person
associatedWith First Baptist Church corporateBody
associatedWith First Baptist Church (Austin, Tex.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Fite, Harley person
correspondedWith Flaming, James person
correspondedWith Flanders, Lois and Harvey person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Jesse and Dorthey person
associatedWith Fletcher, John person
correspondedWith Flint, Cort person
correspondedWith Fogartie, James person
correspondedWith Fortenberry, Harriett person
correspondedWith Fost, Frederic person
associatedWith Founding Church of Scientology corporateBody
correspondedWith Fowler, Franklin person
correspondedWith Fowler, James Jr. and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Fox, Charles and family person
correspondedWith Francis, Arthur person
correspondedWith Frazier, Claude A. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Donald and Ina person
correspondedWith Fridy, Wallace person
associatedWith Fuller, Dr. person
correspondedWith Gaddy, Jerrel person
correspondedWith Gaskell, Pete person
associatedWith Gatu, John and Bruce Marsh person
associatedWith Georgetown corporateBody
associatedWith Georgia United Methodist Pastor's School corporateBody
correspondedWith Gerber, Isreal J. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Mary Ella (Bowers) person
correspondedWith Gill, Theodore person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Herbert Jr. person
associatedWith Gilmour, MacLean person
correspondedWith Gilmour, Monroe T. person
correspondedWith Ginascol, Frederick (and family) person
associatedWith Ginascol, Frederick H. person
correspondedWith Goans, Rufus and Sophie person
correspondedWith Goddard, Joe and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Godfrey, Fred and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Golden, Harry person
associatedWith Golden, Harry. person
correspondedWith Gonzalez, Charlie person
correspondedWith Grant, James person
correspondedWith Grant, Marse person
correspondedWith Grant, Stella person
correspondedWith Grayum, Mrs. Fred A. person
correspondedWith Green Lake (American Baptist Assembly) corporateBody
correspondedWith Greer, Arther E. person
correspondedWith Gress, Mark W. person
correspondedWith Grigg, W. R. person
correspondedWith Grizzard, Stuart and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Gross, Paul A. M. person
correspondedWith Gumm, Robert K. person
correspondedWith Hall, Beach and Susan person
correspondedWith Hall, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Hamerick Family, family
correspondedWith Hamner, Rev. Bob person
correspondedWith Hand, Othell person
correspondedWith Hansen, Clifford person
correspondedWith Hard, Robert person
correspondedWith Harmon, Nolan person
correspondedWith Harrelson, Walter person
correspondedWith Harrington, Tony person
correspondedWith Harris, Douglas J. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Lea and King person
correspondedWith Harris, Rufus C. person
associatedWith Harris, Rufus Carrollton person
correspondedWith Hart, Arno person
correspondedWith Hartt, Julian and Neva person
correspondedWith Hathcock, Phil person
correspondedWith Hawkins, Aubrey person
correspondedWith Hawser, Phil person
correspondedWith Hayes, Barry person
correspondedWith Haynes, Donald person
correspondedWith Haynie, Bill and Joyce person
correspondedWith Haynsworth, J. E. person
correspondedWith Heard, Wyatt H. person
correspondedWith Heaton, George person
associatedWith Heaton, George D. person
correspondedWith Heinsohn, Edmond person
correspondedWith Helms, Fred person
correspondedWith Helms, Fred and Teddy person
correspondedWith Helper, Cedric person
correspondedWith Helvey, James Jr. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Martha person
correspondedWith Henderson, Wendell person
correspondedWith Hendricks, Louise person
correspondedWith Henley, Carl person
correspondedWith Henry, Al person
correspondedWith Herrman, Ratheryn person
associatedWith Herzog, Frederick person
associatedWith Herzog, Fredrick person
correspondedWith Hicks, Bryant and Peggy person
correspondedWith Higdon, Joe and Margo person
correspondedWith Higgins, Al S. person
correspondedWith Higgins, Pecos person
correspondedWith High, Kermit person
associatedWith Hilddreth, Lory person
correspondedWith Hildreth, Betty person
associatedWith Hill, Samuel S., Jr. person
correspondedWith Hill, William person
correspondedWith Hobbs, H. H. person
correspondedWith Hobbs, Ramelle (and family) person
correspondedWith Holcomb, Luther person
correspondedWith Holcomb, Walter L. person
correspondedWith Holland, Lang Floyd person
correspondedWith Holland, Paul L. person
correspondedWith Hollifield, Howard and Nina person
correspondedWith Hollingshead, Frederick person
correspondedWith Hollis, Harry (and family) person
correspondedWith Holt, Frosty person
correspondedWith Home, Chevis person
correspondedWith Hopkin, Wade person
correspondedWith Horton, Daisy person
correspondedWith Hospital, Wilmith person
correspondedWith Hovde, Howard person
correspondedWith Howard, Rev. Robert person
correspondedWith Howe, Reuel L. person
associatedWith Howe, Revel L. person
correspondedWith Howie, Ann Rivers person
correspondedWith Huddleston, Ed person
associatedWith Hudson, W. Jack person
correspondedWith Hughes, John person
correspondedWith Hunsicker, David S. person
correspondedWith Hunter, James person
correspondedWith Huntley, Hugh person
correspondedWith Hurt, John J. person
associatedWith Interpreters' House corporateBody
associatedWith Interracial Cooperation Committee: Mecklenburg Baptist Association corporateBody
associatedWith Inzer, John W. person
correspondedWith Ivey, George and Mrs. person
correspondedWith Ivy, Quenton person
correspondedWith Jackson, Gordon person
correspondedWith Jackson, Herbert person
correspondedWith Jackson, Rhett person
associatedWith James, Ralph person
correspondedWith J. E. Bridges person
correspondedWith Jefferies, Patty person
correspondedWith Jefferies, William person
correspondedWith Job, Rueben person
correspondedWith John Knox Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Johnson, Ben person
correspondedWith Johnson, Claudia person
correspondedWith Johnson C. Smith person
correspondedWith Johnson, L. D. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Lyndon Baines person
correspondedWith Johnson, Mordecai person
correspondedWith Johnson, Rev. Robert person
associatedWith Johnson, Robert Clyde person
correspondedWith Jones, Brooks person
correspondedWith Jones, Curtis person
correspondedWith Jones, Hunter person
correspondedWith Jones, Ithel person
correspondedWith Jones, Robert L person
correspondedWith Jones, Toni person
correspondedWith Jones, Wilbur person
correspondedWith Jordan, Clarence person
correspondedWith Judson Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Junker, Bill person
correspondedWith Justice, Willa person
correspondedWith Kanoy, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Kates, Frederick Ward person
correspondedWith Kaufman, R. F. person
correspondedWith Kellam, J. C. person
correspondedWith Kenderick, Deborah person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Dewitt person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Linwood person
associatedWith Kerley, William C. person
associatedWith Kilgore, William J. (William Jackson), 1917- person
correspondedWith Killinger, John person
correspondedWith King, James person
correspondedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr. person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. person
correspondedWith Kliever, Lonnie person
associatedWith Kliever, Lonnie D. person
correspondedWith Knebel, H. A. person
correspondedWith Knight, Monty person
correspondedWith Knott, John person
associatedWith Kratt, Mary Norton. person
associatedWith Kuhn, Maggie person
correspondedWith Kuykendall, Bill and Alice and family person
correspondedWith Kuykendall, F. L. person
correspondedWith Lake, Katie and Claudine person
correspondedWith Lander, Betty and Bill person
correspondedWith Landes, James H. person
correspondedWith Lane, Sue person
correspondedWith Laney, John William person
correspondedWith Laughon, Fred T. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Don and Jerrie person
correspondedWith Laymon, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Lee, Maryat person
correspondedWith Leonard, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Lewallen, Betsy Jo person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Rev. Samual M. person
associatedWith Littell, Franklin Hamlin person
correspondedWith Litten, Frank person
correspondedWith Little, Brooks B. person
correspondedWith Lord, Fred Townley person
correspondedWith Loring, Ed person
correspondedWith Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lovell, Robert person
correspondedWith Lowry, James person
correspondedWith L.Q.C. Lamar Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Lucke, Joel person
correspondedWith Lynch, Lorenzo A. person
associatedWith Macdonald, Murdo Ewen person
correspondedWith MacLeod, Dr. Donald person
correspondedWith MacMillan, G. I. person
associatedWith Macquarrie, John person
correspondedWith Madden, Myron C. person
correspondedWith Maddox, Sid person
correspondedWith Madison, J. C. person
associatedWith Maguire, John David person
correspondedWith Malmborg, Hal person
correspondedWith Manley, Jack person
correspondedWith Maples, Rev. Dick person
correspondedWith Marbridge Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Marney, Carlyle person
associatedWith Marney [family] family
correspondedWith Marney, Frank and Mary person
correspondedWith Marney, John L. (death condolences) person
correspondedWith Marney, John Leonard and Evelyn person
correspondedWith Marney, Milton person
correspondedWith Marney, Milton and Family person
correspondedWith Marney, Pay and Grace person
correspondedWith Marney, Rev. Sam person
correspondedWith Marney, Rita C. and Susan E. person
correspondedWith Marney, Sam R. person
correspondedWith Marney, S. Rowe and Frances person
correspondedWith Marney, Wylie person
associatedWith Marsh, Bruce and John Gatu person
correspondedWith Mars-Hill College corporateBody
correspondedWith Marsh, Lex person
correspondedWith Marsh, William person
correspondedWith Martin, Chris person
correspondedWith Martin, Ed T. person
correspondedWith Martin, Grier person
correspondedWith Martin, Tom and Ole Mae person
correspondedWith Mason, David E. person
correspondedWith Mathews, E. J. and Ravenna person
correspondedWith Mathews, Ravenna person
correspondedWith Mathias, Fredrirck person
correspondedWith Matthews, Lawerence person
correspondedWith Mays, Benjamin person
correspondedWith McClain, Howard G. person
correspondedWith McClernon, Robert E. person
correspondedWith McCord, James person
correspondedWith McCracken, Jarrell person
correspondedWith McDonald, Dr. and Dr. Bob person
correspondedWith McDowell, Arthur G. person
correspondedWith Mcdowell, Edward A. person
correspondedWith McDowell, Reese person
correspondedWith McFadden, L. A. person
associatedWith McFarland, Ken person
correspondedWith McFatridge, F. V. person
correspondedWith McHenry, Warren, Mrs. person
correspondedWith McIver, Bruce person
correspondedWith McKee, Gil, Mrs. person
correspondedWith McLeod, Powers person
correspondedWith McMillian, C. L. person
correspondedWith McNairy, Mr. and Mrs. Luther person
correspondedWith McRinney, Margaret person
associatedWith Mead, Lauren B. person
associatedWith Menninger, Karl person
associatedWith Menninger, Karl A. (Karl Augustus), 1893- person
correspondedWith Menninger, Karl, M. D. person
correspondedWith Mikolaski, Samuel person
associatedWith Mikolaski, Samuel J. person
correspondedWith Milford, Charles person
correspondedWith Miller, A. C. person
correspondedWith Miller, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Miller, Landon W. person
associatedWith Mills, Edgar W. person
correspondedWith Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board corporateBody
associatedWith Misheff, James person
correspondedWith Mobley, Et person
correspondedWith Moncreif, Adiel person
associatedWith Mondy, Robert William person
correspondedWith Moody, E. B. person
correspondedWith Moody, Howard person
correspondedWith Moore, Author person
correspondedWith Moore, Bernice and Harry person
correspondedWith Moore, Filbert person
correspondedWith Moore, Harry E. Jr. person
correspondedWith Moore, Harry L. person
correspondedWith Moore, H. Guy person
correspondedWith Moore, Joe S. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Martha person
correspondedWith Morikawa, Jitsuo person
correspondedWith Moses, Mary C. person
associatedWith Mowrer, Orval Hobart. person
associatedWith Moyers, Bill D. person
correspondedWith Moyers, Bill D. person
associatedWith Muehl, William person
correspondedWith Mueller, William A. person
correspondedWith Munger, Bernard V. person
correspondedWith Murdock, Al person
correspondedWith Murdock, John A. person
associatedWith Murdo McDonald person
associatedWith Murphy, Arthur E. person
correspondedWith Myers, Lewis person
correspondedWith Myers Park Baptist Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Nail, John G. person
correspondedWith National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference of Christians and Jews corporateBody
correspondedWith National Council of Churches corporateBody
correspondedWith Neal, Charles person
correspondedWith Nelson, J. Robert person
correspondedWith Neville, Elsie person
associatedWith Newelt, Hans person
correspondedWith Newelt, Nans Charles person
correspondedWith Newman, Samuel person
correspondedWith Newman, Stewart A. person
correspondedWith Newport, John P. person
associatedWith Niebuhr, H. Richard person
correspondedWith Nixon, Richard person
correspondedWith Noble, Fred person
correspondedWith Norfleet, Frank F. person
correspondedWith Norman, T. J. person
correspondedWith Norris, Hills Jr. person
associatedWith North American Conference on Faith and Order corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Council on Human Relations corporateBody
associatedWith Northrop person
associatedWith Ogden, Schubert Miles person
correspondedWith Old Catawba Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Olmedo, Alfonso person
correspondedWith Osborn, Bill person
correspondedWith Osborn, Charles A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Osborn, Wallace S. person
correspondedWith Otto, Robert person
correspondedWith Owens, R. Eugene person
correspondedWith Page, Bruce person
correspondedWith Pappas, Evelyn Moss person
associatedWith Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. corporateBody
correspondedWith Patterson, J. Will person
correspondedWith Payne, Betty person
correspondedWith Payne, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Peacock, Heber F. person
correspondedWith Peal, M. E. person
correspondedWith Pearce, William E. person
correspondedWith Pemberton, Prentiss L. person
associatedWith Peyton person
correspondedWith Phillips, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Phillips, Fran person
correspondedWith Phillips, Rachel person
correspondedWith Pickens, H. D. person
correspondedWith Pickens, Marshall I. person
correspondedWith Pitzer, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Poerschke, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Pollard, J. C. person
correspondedWith Potts, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Potts, Hal person
associatedWith President's National Advisory Committee on Rural Poverty. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pressly, Henry E. person
correspondedWith Preston, Jay W. person
correspondedWith Price, Richard E., Jr. person
correspondedWith Price, Sterling L. person
correspondedWith Price, Theron D. person
correspondedWith Prince, Suzanne person
correspondedWith Prophater, Dot person
correspondedWith Pruden, Edward Huges person
correspondedWith Public Affairs Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Puckett, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Pusey, Nathan M. person
correspondedWith Queens-Charlotte Leadership Program corporateBody
correspondedWith Quenelle, Fred W. person
correspondedWith Quinius, Henry W., Jr. person
correspondedWith Raines, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Ramsay, John G. person
correspondedWith Ramsey, Brooks person
associatedWith Randall, Claire person
correspondedWith Rankin, W. S. person
correspondedWith Ranson, Guy person
associatedWith Ranson, Guy, 1916- person
associatedWith Ranson, Guy Harvey person
correspondedWith Rasmussen, Waldrop person
correspondedWith Rawlinson, J. E. person
correspondedWith Ray, Willie E. person
associatedWith Reck, Leander E. person
correspondedWith Reddy, T. J. person
correspondedWith Reece, Thomas L. person
correspondedWith Reed, Donald C. person
correspondedWith Reese, Fred M., Jr. person
associatedWith Reichenback person
correspondedWith Reid, A. C. person
correspondedWith Reigner Recording Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Religious Book Club corporateBody
associatedWith Rendrick, Bruce person
correspondedWith Reville, Frances person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Ralph W. person
correspondedWith Rhodes, Lewis E. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Ted person
correspondedWith Richardson, Vernon person
correspondedWith Richey, McMurry S. person
correspondedWith Riffe, David person
correspondedWith Rivers, Ann person
correspondedWith Roach, Ruth person
correspondedWith Roden, William H. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Barry person
correspondedWith Rogers, H. Levy person
correspondedWith Rose, W. H. person
correspondedWith Rossman, Parker person
correspondedWith Ross, Otho B. person
correspondedWith Rottgerring, Blanche person
associatedWith Rouch, Mark A. person
correspondedWith Rousseau, G. J. person
correspondedWith Routh, E. C. person
correspondedWith Rowe, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Royder, Thomas person
correspondedWith Rugheimer, John P. person
correspondedWith Sales, Lyman, Jr. person
correspondedWith Sales, Rev. Lyman person
associatedWith Salvation Army corporateBody
associatedWith Sanders, James A. person
correspondedWith Sanders, Phillip Eugene person
correspondedWith Sanders, R. N. person
correspondedWith Sanks, Rev. C. R., Jr. person
correspondedWith Sanley, Blanton person
correspondedWith Sapp, James M. person
correspondedWith Sargent, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Rod person
correspondedWith Savory, Jerold J. person
correspondedWith Scarborough, Jerry P. person
correspondedWith Scarritt College corporateBody
correspondedWith Schloss, S. A. Jr. person
correspondedWith Scholl, Tom person
correspondedWith Schroeder, Andrew person
correspondedWith Schwantes, William L. person
correspondedWith Seymour, Robert person
correspondedWith Shaw University corporateBody
associatedWith Shea, Fr. John person
correspondedWith Shearman, Winslow Ted person
correspondedWith Shelton, R. Page person
correspondedWith Shipman, L. J. person
correspondedWith Short, Harold, Sr. person
correspondedWith Short, Mrs. H. Milton, Jr. person
correspondedWith Siefferman, Norman person
associatedWith Siegel person
associatedWith Simon person
correspondedWith Simpson, Robert person
correspondedWith Singleton, Martha person
associatedWith Skoglund, John Egnar person
correspondedWith Smith, Ann person
correspondedWith Smith, Blake person
correspondedWith Smith, Dottie Ann person
correspondedWith Smith, Edward James, Jr. person
correspondedWith Smith, Helen person
correspondedWith Smith, Jack Glen person
correspondedWith Smith, John Lee person
correspondedWith Smith, Mike person
correspondedWith Smith, T. C. person
correspondedWith Smucker, Donovan E. person
correspondedWith Snider, David J. person
associatedWith Southard, Samuel person
associatedWith South Carolina Conference Pastors' School corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. corporateBody
correspondedWith Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary corporateBody
correspondedWith Sparkman, G. Temp person
correspondedWith Sparks, Ron B. person
correspondedWith Spaugh, Herbert person
correspondedWith Speakman, Fred person
correspondedWith Spencer, John B. person
correspondedWith Springfield, Thaxton person
correspondedWith Stagg, Paul E. person
associatedWith St. Amant, Clyde Penrose person
correspondedWith Staples, George person
correspondedWith Steakley, Zollie person
correspondedWith Stealey, Snydnor L. person
correspondedWith Stembridge, Hensel H. person
associatedWith Stembridge, Jane person
correspondedWith Stembridge, Jane Shelton person
correspondedWith Stephens, F. Dwight, Jr. person
correspondedWith Stephens, Nita person
correspondedWith Stickley, John L. person
correspondedWith Stitt, David L. person
correspondedWith Stowe, Charles person
associatedWith Stuart, J. Kenneth person
correspondedWith Stuart, R. Marvin person
correspondedWith Suggs, David and Jean Ann person
correspondedWith Sumner, Lee person
correspondedWith Susan Marney person
correspondedWith Sutherland, W. S. person
correspondedWith Swain, Leslie E. person
correspondedWith Swanzey, Henry person
correspondedWith Swindelle, Faye Wiess person
correspondedWith Swink, David person
correspondedWith Swope, George W. person
correspondedWith Sykes, John M. person
correspondedWith Tabscott, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Taylor, James E. person
correspondedWith Terrill, Tom E. person
correspondedWith Terry, John V. person
correspondedWith The Christian Century Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Theological Discussion Group corporateBody
correspondedWith The Sunday School Board corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas, Everett person
correspondedWith Thompson, J. Earl person
correspondedWith Thompson, J. Earl, Jr. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Luther Joe person
correspondedWith Thompson, Stella Green person
correspondedWith Thompson, Sydnor person
associatedWith Tillett, Gladys Avery, 1891-1984. person
associatedWith Tillich person
associatedWith Titus person
correspondedWith Todaro, Samuel P. person
correspondedWith Tompkins, Jerry R. person
correspondedWith Tompkins, Leslie C. person
correspondedWith Tom, Roach person
associatedWith Toynbee person
correspondedWith Tracey, Nat person
associatedWith Tracy, Nat person
correspondedWith Trent, B. C. person
correspondedWith Trentham, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Tribble, Harold W. person
associatedWith Troeltsch person
correspondedWith Trotter, Syd person
correspondedWith Troutman, Colt R. Jr. person
associatedWith Trueblood, Elton, 1900- person
correspondedWith Tucker, E. J. person
correspondedWith Tullis, Roland person
correspondedWith Tyson, Joseph B. person
correspondedWith University of Glasgow corporateBody
correspondedWith Upchurch, Priscilla person
correspondedWith U. S. Office of Education, Special Programs Branch corporateBody
correspondedWith Valentine, Foy person
correspondedWith Vanderbeck, H. John person
correspondedWith Vayhinger, John M. person
correspondedWith Virginia Military Institute corporateBody
associatedWith VMI corporateBody
correspondedWith Wade, Linda person
correspondedWith Wake Forest College corporateBody
correspondedWith Walker, Aubrey person
correspondedWith Walker, Jerald C. person
correspondedWith Walker, Joy person
correspondedWith Wallace, Doris J. person
correspondedWith Wall, Margaret person
correspondedWith Walters, Dean E. person
correspondedWith Walters, George person
correspondedWith Wamble, Hugh person
correspondedWith Ward, Clara M. person
associatedWith Ward, Jim person
correspondedWith Ware, Browning person
correspondedWith Ware, Weston W. person
correspondedWith Warren, Virgil person
correspondedWith Watkins, Basil M., Jr. person
correspondedWith Watson, Jerry W. person
correspondedWith Weatherley, Owen person
associatedWith Weatherspoon, J. B. person
correspondedWith Weatherspoon, J. P. person
correspondedWith Weathers, R. L. person
associatedWith Webber, George W. person
correspondedWith Webb, W. Guy person
correspondedWith Webster, C. A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Weddington, Diane person
correspondedWith Weiant, Ted person
associatedWith Weigel person
correspondedWith Welchel, Michael person
correspondedWith Weldon, Wilson O. person
correspondedWith Wellford, Sue person
correspondedWith Welsh, Robert B. person
correspondedWith Wertz, James person
correspondedWith Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry at SUNY Buffalo corporateBody
correspondedWith Whaley, Harvey person
associatedWith Whitehead person
correspondedWith White, W. D. person
correspondedWith Wilkie, Le Roy person
correspondedWith Wilkshire, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Williams, Daniel Day person
correspondedWith Williams, Jerome O. person
correspondedWith Williams, John person
correspondedWith Williamson, George person
correspondedWith Williamson, George Jr. person
correspondedWith Williams, Samuel S. person
correspondedWith Wilmot, Ruth E. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Jeff D. person
correspondedWith Wilson, W. Jake person
correspondedWith Wingate College corporateBody
correspondedWith Winthrop College corporateBody
correspondedWith Wisely, Allie D. person
correspondedWith Wiseman, William J. person
correspondedWith Wofford, Adams person
correspondedWith Women's Missionary Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Woodruff, C. Roy person
correspondedWith Worcester, Ben D. person
correspondedWith World Council of Churches corporateBody
correspondedWith Worthy, Charles I. person
correspondedWith Wuertenberger, Anna person
correspondedWith Yates, Kyle M. person
correspondedWith Young, Franklin W. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
North Carolina
United States
Death of God theology
Rural poor
Sermons, American
Sermons, American


Birth 1916-07-08

Death 1978-07-03



Ark ID: w6xq0brf

SNAC ID: 46700070