Anna Chennault

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Author, lecturer, business consultant, and citizen-diplomat, Anna Chen Chennault (née Chen Hsiengmei) was born in Beijing, China, on June 23, 1923, the second of six daughters of Chen Ying-yung (Sam) and Isabelle Liao. Her father was a law professor at Beijing National University and editor of the New China Morning Post . In 1935, with the danger of war with Japan increasing, her father was posted to the Chinese consular office in Mexico while the rest of the family moved to the relative safety of Hong Kong. Following the death of her mother from cancer in 1939, Anna became head of the family; as the war advanced, she moved with her sisters to unoccupied China, where she attended Linguan University, receiving a B.A. in journalism in 1945. She edited the school paper and published her first short story while in college and also began work at the China Central News Agency, becoming their first woman correspondent. She covered the U.S. 14th Air Force, where she developed a relationship with General Claire Lee Chennault (1893-1958), former commander of the famed Flying Tigers and an ardent supporter of the China Lobby, which sought to sway American public opinion to the side of the Guomindang and Chiang Kai-shek. They married December 21, 1947, and the marriage brought her to the attention of the National Government of the Republic of China (later the government of Taiwan) as well as American businessmen, government officials, military leaders, and lobbyists concerned with U.S.-Asian relations. In 1946, Claire Chennault co-founded Chinese Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Air Transport, later known as Civil Air Transport, or CAT, to fly relief supplies into interior China; Anna Chennault served as co-editor of CAT's Bulletin in the airline's early years. (The airline later flew passenger flights and worked with the CIA, before going out of business in 1968.)

The Chennaults had two daughters, Claire Anna, born in 1949, and Cynthia Louise, born in 1950. Although originally Democrats, both Claire and Anna Chennault left that party in 1952, due to changes in U.S. policy towards China, and instead supported Dwight David Eisenhower; Anna Chennault has remained a Republican since then. During the 1950s the couple divided their time between China and the United States, maintaining homes in Louisiana and in Taipei. They continued to speak out against the dangers of communism in China, with Anna frequently addressing American groups on the subject of Taiwan and Chinese-American relations. In 1958 Claire Chennault died of lung cancer, and Anna and her daughters moved to Washington, D.C. She found work at the Georgetown University Chinese Section of Machine Translatable Research, where she worked on Chinese-English dictionaries, eventually becoming head of the section. Her active involvement with the Republican Party began in 1960, when she campaigned for Richard Nixon and helped to organize minority groups. In 1962, Chennault, as president of Chinese Refugee Relief, testified before a Senate Subcommittee, urging the United States to help refugees fleeing the Cultural Revolution; she also warned against the dangers of communism and, bearing this message, lectured widely across the United States. Her visibility further increased when, in 1963, she began a series of Voice of America radio broadcasts, interpreting United States policies for listeners in the People's Republic of China. Her heightened visibility, her fundraising ability, and her connections to leaders in Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, and South Vietnam, made her increasingly important to the Republican Party, and a valuable contact for establishing contacts in the Far East. In 1968, she played a part, though accounts differ as to the extent of it, in the October Surprise (the collapse of peace talks between North and South Vietnam, which was a major factor in the election of Richard Nixon to the U.S. presidency). In October of that year, Chennault was placed under FBI surveillance, due to Lyndon Johnson's suspicions of her activities; she was recorded speaking with the South Vietnamese embassy and encouraging the delay of the peace talks, and stating that a Nixon presidency would benefit South Vietnam.

Following the election, Chennault continued to be active in the Republican Party, serving as Special Advisor to the Chair of the 1969 Inaugural Committee and holding frequent parties at her Watergate penthouse. (Chennault did research on prospective guests to ensure a successful mix for each party.) The Nixon administration appointed her to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1970. In 1968, she became Vice President for International Affairs of the Flying Tiger Line, a freight airline established by former members of the Flying Tigers; the first female vice president of an airline, she established Asian landing rights for the airline and traveled extensively through Southeast Asia on the airline's behalf. In 1981, after writing to members of the Reagan administration requesting an appointment, Chennault was named to the President's Export Council; she led the Council's first trade mission, to the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, in 1983, and the following year led a mission which included visits to the People's Republic of China, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore. She has written for the Central News Agency in Taipei, run several organizations, and served as a consultant to several companies. She has written a number of books, including several works of fiction and poetry in Chinese, as well as Chennault and the Flying Tigers (1963), a biography of her husband, and two autobiographies: A Thousand Springs: The Portrait of a Marriage (1962) and The Education of Anna (1980).

From the guide to the Papers, (inclusive), (bulk), 1939-2004, 1955-1989, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Papers, (inclusive), (bulk), 1939-2004, 1955-1989 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 14th Air Force Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Agnew, Spiro person
associatedWith Air Force Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Air Force Association corporateBody
associatedWith Air Force Officers' Wives' Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Alsop, Joseph person
associatedWith American Chambers of Commerce corporateBody
associatedWith American Volunteer Group corporateBody
correspondedWith Ardeshir Zahedi person
correspondedWith Bush, George Herbert Walker person
correspondedWith Caspar Weinberger person
correspondedWith Chennault Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Chinese Refugee Relief corporateBody
correspondedWith Chung II Kwon person
correspondedWith Civil Air Transport corporateBody
associatedWith Cooper, Merian C. person
associatedWith Corcoran, Thomas person
associatedWith Corcoran, Thomas G. person
correspondedWith Council for International Cooperation corporateBody
correspondedWith Dan Quayle person
associatedWith Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services corporateBody
associatedWith Deng Xiaoping person
associatedWith Department of Health, Education, and Welfare corporateBody
associatedWith District of Columbia National Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith Dole, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Dole, Robert person
associatedWith Doolittle, James person
correspondedWith Eisenhower, Mamie person
associatedWith Federal Express corporateBody
associatedWith Ferdinand Marcos person
associatedWith Flying Tiger Line corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford, Gerald person
associatedWith Four Seas Airlines corporateBody
associatedWith Friends of Free Asia corporateBody
associatedWith Friends of Free China corporateBody
associatedWith Gaslight Club corporateBody
associatedWith General Claire Lee Chennault Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith General Electric corporateBody
correspondedWith George H. W. Bush person
associatedWith Georgetown Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Gerald Ford person
associatedWith Goldwater, Barry person
associatedWith Gravel, Mike person
associatedWith Grumman Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith GTE Government Systems corporateBody
associatedWith Harper Group corporateBody
associatedWith Hartke Theater corporateBody
associatedWith Hatch, Orrin person
associatedWith Helping Hand Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Henry Kissinger person
associatedWith Hill, Robert person
correspondedWith Hoover, Herbert person
correspondedWith Ibrahim Al-Sowayel person
associatedWith Interim Coordinating Committee for Chinese Americans corporateBody
correspondedWith J. Edgar Hoover person
associatedWith Jeichi, Yang person
associatedWith John F. Kennedy person
associatedWith John F. Kennedy Center corporateBody
associatedWith Kaufman, Irving person
associatedWith Kissinger, Henry person
associatedWith Knowles, Warren person
associatedWith Kuo Chan Development and Construction Company corporateBody
associatedWith Lavino Shipping Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Louisiana State Museum corporateBody
correspondedWith Madam Chiang Kai-shek person
associatedWith Madame Chiang Kai Shek person
correspondedWith Marcos, Ferdinand person
correspondedWith Marcos, Imelda person
correspondedWith Martha Mitchell person
associatedWith Murray, Don person
correspondedWith Nancy Thurmond person
associatedWith National Aeronautic Association corporateBody
associatedWith National Chamber Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith National Commission Against Drunk Driving corporateBody
associatedWith National Cooperative Business Association corporateBody
associatedWith National Military Family Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Nguyen Van Thieu person
associatedWith Norden Systems corporateBody
associatedWith Northrop Corporation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Park Chung Hee person
associatedWith Peng, Li person
associatedWith People to People International corporateBody
associatedWith Pilatus Aircraft corporateBody
correspondedWith Reagan, Nancy person
correspondedWith Reagan, Ronald person
associatedWith Reisinger, Bill person
associatedWith Republican Party: National Republican Asian Assembly corporateBody
associatedWith Republican Party: National Republican Heritage Group corporateBody
associatedWith Republican Party: Republican National Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Republican Party: Republicans abroad corporateBody
associatedWith Republican Party: Women for Nixon corporateBody
correspondedWith Richard Nixon person
correspondedWith Ronald Reagan person
associatedWith San Diego Aerospace Museum corporateBody
correspondedWith Sandra Day O'Connor person
associatedWith Scandinavian Airline Systems corporateBody
associatedWith Scholz, Erich H. person
associatedWith Sikivie, Pierre person
associatedWith Skanska Airlines corporateBody
associatedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Stevens, Ted person
correspondedWith Strom Thurmond person
correspondedWith Thurmond, Strom person
associatedWith Tigerair corporateBody
associatedWith Tower, John person
correspondedWith Tran Thien Khiem person
correspondedWith Tricia Nixon person
associatedWith Troy State University corporateBody
associatedWith Trumble, Tom person
associatedWith Unchuan, Ging-ging person
associatedWith United Nations corporateBody
associatedWith United Service Organizations corporateBody
associatedWith United States Petroleum Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith United States Presidential Trade Mission corporateBody
associatedWith United States-Republic of China Economic Council corporateBody
associatedWith United States Trade and Investment Mission corporateBody
associatedWith United States Trading Company corporateBody
associatedWith Voice of America corporateBody
associatedWith Walt, Lewis L. person
associatedWith Wei, Liao person
associatedWith Wen Tzao Ursuline College corporateBody
associatedWith World Anti-communist League corporateBody
associatedWith Zimex Aviation corporateBody
associatedWith Ziyang, Zhou person
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Ark ID: w6gg4vrq

SNAC ID: 66921890